Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 746 Dreaming again!

Chapter 746 Dreaming again!

Originally, there was a lot of wailing on the Internet.

Ye Feng is such an eunuch, everyone's mentality has been blown up by him, and then this guy is getting more and more excessive, just like an eunuch addicted, endless!
If it weren't for the fact that Ye's status is too special, netizens would have complained that he couldn't take care of himself.Although everyone doesn't say anything, who is not angry?

Fortunately, something happened at this time, which diverted everyone's attention.

Speaking of which, this incident did not happen in China, but it was related to Ye Feng.

The thing is like this, I don't know who is so boring, uploaded the matter of Ye Feng writing a book and being a crazy eunuch to the Asian circle, the post is as follows:

"Professor Ye Fengye, a famous writer in China and a world-renowned scholar, recently returned to online literature, and the first book he returned broke the record of many years in the Internet literature circle. However, under such circumstances, Professor Ye dared to The eunuch dared to risk the world! It caused Zhongduo book friends to break down and cry! However, what everyone didn’t know was that this was just the beginning of the nightmare. In the following time, Professor Ye Feng continued to open new books and continued The eunuch, repeated like this, tormented countless book friends and fans in Huaxia who liked and supported him. For this kind of behavior that repeatedly gave everyone hope and finally made everyone hopeless, what I want to say is that maybe Professor Ye is busy. "

This post was sent anonymously, and I don't even know which country the netizen wrote it from.However, this is not the point, the point is that this post is popular!
Ye Feng is not only famous in China, he is also quite famous in Japan and South Korea. Of course, he is not as well-known in China, but he is definitely not a passer-by. At least many intellectuals or people who often read the news know more or less. .After all, in the circle of Asia, you can't avoid Ye Feng, even countries like Japan and South Korea pick bad news from China.

Therefore, this post quickly gained a lot of attention as soon as it was published, and many international netizens also participated in the discussion and left messages.

A certain Japanese netizen commented: "Ye Feng is very famous in our Japanese colleges and universities. Many of our students and teachers like his works very much. But I didn't expect that he would be so irresponsible." People! I misunderstood you, Professor Ye!"

A netizen from Bangguo commented: "Although Professor Ye Feng is very annoying, many people in Bangguo don't like him, but he has to recognize his achievements and contributions. And, I think, a big man like him who is destined to be famous in history , I won’t do this, this is leaving a stain on myself. I believe that Professor Ye Feng will not fail to think of this. So, I think this is a misunderstanding, or people from other countries are deliberately discrediting Professor Ye .”

"It's probably jealousy."

"Ye Fengjun is definitely not such a person!"

"I believe him! This is a misunderstanding!"

These comments are not bad. After all, Ye Feng still has some supporters abroad, especially in Japan and South Korea, but there are only so many good things to say.Among the tens of thousands of replies to comments, this kind of comment is less than one-fiftieth!

The rest are all gloating or cynicism, what's more, direct insults!
"I can't believe that such a person can achieve such a high achievement? Sure enough, Huaxia people have no quality at all, even if they are world-renowned university students!" This is a great reply.

"It's unimaginable to be so irresponsible!"

"This is the so-called Huaxia No.1? It's rubbish!"


"Why is it so bad?"

"Isn't this kind of person banned? Are all Chinese people pig-headed?"

"A group of inferior people without thinking!"

"I just climbed over the wall and entered the Huaxia circle, and read some news, but this is interesting! It is no exaggeration, those Huaxia people are also trash! This eunuch like Ye Feng is playing with everyone like monkeys, these Huaxia people actually Are you still stupid to read his new book? Don’t you have a brain? Didn’t you know that he can be a eunuch? Don’t you even have this judgment? It’s simply an inferior nation that deserves no sympathy!”

"It's true, a classmate of mine studying in Huaxia also said that they all asked for it."

"Will the eunuch stop watching it? It's understandable once or twice, but after so many times, these people are still fooled? Are they idiots?"

"Garbage will die!"


This post is almost full of insults, especially Japan and South Korea. After all, the grievances between the three countries have not lasted for a day or two.And now Huaxia has a Professor Ye, and under the leadership of Professor Ye, Huaxia's mathematics and literature are developing vigorously.And the most frightening thing is that no one knows where Professor Ye's knowledge blind spots and skill limits are. He is like a black hole, making it hard for people to see clearly, let alone see through.

It is precisely in this way that Ye Feng makes these countries even more afraid, and what is reflected in the netizens is jealousy.Now that he finally caught Ye Feng's handle, the netizens in these countries can't wait to beat Ye Feng to death with a keyboard!All of them are full of energy, spraying to death!

From Ye Feng himself to the entire Chinese netizens, and finally even our Chinese nation was brought in!

This is a naked indiscriminate attack!

Ethnic discrimination!

Personal insult!

How can this be tolerated?
When the news was sent back to China, the [-] million netizens in China exploded!
"It's our turn to have a group of sand sculptures intervene in our family affairs?"

"Professor Ye's behavior this time is indeed a bit of a dog, but we Huaxia people are not willing to scold him. Are you a machine bully? It's your turn to scold him?"

"Still an inferior nation?"

"Who the hell gave you national confidence?"

"A group of ants dare to speak nonsense about the Chinese dragon?"

"Suier Xiaomin, you know what a fart!"

"Where is the place where there will be an earthquake when you fart, why do you still want to spray dung with your mouth?"

"This is jealousy of me, Professor Ye!"

Huaxia's netizens are notoriously tough, and they are not used to it at all. No one can beat my Huaxia netizens when it comes to this kind of talk!
Professor Ye is not something you can scold!

Yangyang Huaxia is not something you can mess with!

However, the opposite leaf is not afraid!
They just grasped two crazy points——Eunuch Ye Feng just has no quality!For an eunuch like Ye Feng, you are still licking your face and chasing after his book, you are idiots!
This made Huaxia's netizens cry out in anger!

But in the face of these rhetoric, no matter how you fight back, you will always look a little pale. After all, we Chinese people are not mad dogs, and we will not bite people like them. Everyone pays attention to a basis for what they say.

At such an embarrassing time, many people hope that someone will stand up and give them back!
This person, naturally, everyone thought of Ye Feng.

And at this time, Ye Feng was sleeping, no, to be precise, he was dreaming.

This time, he dreamed of painting...

(End of this chapter)

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