Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 750: Ye Feng is Exploding!

Chapter 750: Ye Feng is Exploding!
By noon, the news had already spread to the Internet.

The thing about Ye Feng being scolded by the Asian circle is at the right time. At this time, the incident of "Ye Feng angrily smashing the Panasonic glass store in Japan" suddenly broke out. Just thinking about it, the scene is super explosive!
"Isn't it too skinny?"

"Professor Ye really didn't cover it!"

"I was wondering before. According to Professor Ye's temper, he would never be able to bear someone scolding him. I wondered why Professor Ye didn't move this time. It's not that there's no movement when co-authoring, it's a big move! "

"Professor Ye is still fierce!"

"Things that can be done by hand, absolutely don't beep!"

"That's right, what's the point of scolding on the Internet? Look at Professor Ye, if you scold me, I'll hit you right away!"


"That's tempered glass, Professor Ye is too fierce!"

"It must be that the quality of the glass factory is not good, otherwise how could Professor Ye smash it?"

"It makes sense. It just looks like the quality is not good."

"Why didn't the previous one smash it? If you ask me, Professor Ye definitely knows how to do it!"

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way. Didn't it report the hijacking last time? It is said that Professor Ye fought with the gangster and subdued the gangster. This is definitely a real skill!"

"Unexpectedly, Professor Ye is still a master of martial arts!"

"Able to write and use martial arts, you are worthy of being a Huaxia person!"

"Actually, that's not the point. The point is that Professor Ye's mind is really amazing! According to reports in the news, Professor Ye is simply playing with the Japanese manager!"

"Hahahaha, I just want to laugh when I think of that manager, it's unlucky for him to mess with Professor Ye!"

"This is just a small lesson. If Japan and South Korea don't apologize, let them know what despair is!"

"I believe that Professor Ye will definitely not just let it go!"

"Yes! Where is this going?"

"By the way, who is that young man who went up with Professor Ye? It looks really cool!"

"He also kicked a lot of glass, so he is probably a master?"

"Could it be Professor Ye's bodyguard?"


"That's right, for a national treasure like Professor Ye, it's normal for the country to assign a few bodyguards, right?"


This time it was really a relief, the whole network felt a bad breath!

Didn't you scold us?
Are you not arrogant?

Our Professor Ye's violent temper is just a joke with you?

I won't mess with you directly, I'll mess with you first and then talk!
Netizens are happy to hear and see.


But at this time, Ye Feng was watching the news reports at home with a dazed face.

"what's the situation?"

"What is it saying on the Internet?"

"Revenge for what? I didn't retaliate against them! Although Japan is a bit annoying, I have nothing to do to retaliate against them!"

"Why are netizens so happy?"

There was an inexplicable smile on Ye Feng's face, and the smile was full of bewilderment.He really can't figure it out, I just find a place to vent my anger, why are these netizens so happy?

Even if there is resistance to Japan, it is not so exaggerated, right?
There is also something on the Internet that smashed the Japanese national baseball store. Although I sometimes think so, I just think about it, and it’s not good to say it?And there are many people who scold them on the Internet. Is the hostility on the Internet so heavy now?This is not a good phenomenon!
My sister-in-law Su Qing was beside her, and she said, "Brother-in-law, you can see that these are considered civilized, but if you look at these, it's fun to scold."

The sister-in-law handed over the phone, Ye Feng glanced at it, and raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter? Netizens are only of this quality now? No matter what, you can't scold the street! This is ruining our online image of Huaxia!"

Su Qing smiled and gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, "Brother-in-law, your realm is really high! You have been scolded like that, and you can still speak for others! Your awareness is amazing!" Su Qing barked With his mouth open, the look in Ye Feng's eyes was a bit weird.


Ye Feng was taken aback, "I was scolded? Who scolded me? Why don't I know?"

"You do not know?"

Su Qing was also taken aback.

"What do I know about me?"

"Then why are you smashing glass?"

"I've said it all. I just found a place to vent my anger. It just happened that they were holding an event there. They said that they would smash it casually. If they smash it, there will be a bonus. I wondered if there is such a good thing? Then I must not be soft! "


Su Qing twitched her lips and looked at her brother-in-law speechlessly, "Co-authoring is what happened..."

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"I thought... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

"No, don't stop talking, who are you talking about scolding me?"

"Just look at the Asian circle and you'll know."

"Asian Circle?"

Ye Feng opened the Asian circle with a puzzled face, what happened to the Asian circle?Is someone scolding me in the Asian circle?can't you?


After 3 minutes, Ye Feng dispelled all doubts!

can't you?I can go to your uncle!What do you mean you can't?This is simply too capable!

Looking at the speech in the circle, Ye Feng felt that everyone in East Asia except Huaxia seemed to be scolding him!
"Your uncle!"

"What the hell am I doing?"

"Did I provoke you to provoke you?"

This gives Ye Fengqi ah!
After watching it for a while, he finally understood it.

Just because of a few novels written by the eunuch Lao Tzu?

What about you?
What a fucking psycho!

What happened to my eunuch novel next to you?
You are so poisonous!
Ye Feng blew his hair straight away!
"I can't bear it! This is so intolerable! Your uncle!"

An angry Ye Feng yelled, "Qingqing, where's the phone? Give it to my brother-in-law."


The sister-in-law handed him her mobile phone and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ye Feng took the phone and started typing with a crackling noise, saying casually, "Send a few posts."

"Post a post?" My sister-in-law was a little puzzled, "Why don't you post it with your own account?"

Ye Feng didn't answer this question, but just bowed his head and typed. Su Qing was curious, so she leaned over to take a look.

"Your uncle! You idiots! Sand sculptures of Japanese netizens! The great Professor Ye has a few novels written by eunuchs, and it's your turn to point fingers? You are a stick!"

"Spicy chicken stick Chinese! You forgot how Professor Ye abused you? Would you like Professor Ye to help you remember?"

"A bunch of silly dogs!"

"Did you get water in your brain? Or did you install a toilet in your brain and flush out your brain with the water in your brain?"

"Calling Professor Ye? Are you the one who deserves it? Stupid idiots!"

Qingqing was dumbfounded!
Now she understood why her brother-in-law didn't use her account!

"Brother-in-law, don't you say you should pay attention to quality?"

Looking at Ye Feng's posts, Qingqing wondered if she was hallucinating just now?Is this what my brother-in-law said about netizens being too hostile?Is this what my brother-in-law said to pay attention to quality?

This old man is much less qualified than other netizens!
Moreover, this is not only a question of lack of quality, what Ye Feng said is also quite narcissistic!

Also the great Professor Ye?
Have you ever said that yourself?

The embarrassing Qingqing was too embarrassed to watch it!
But Ye Feng is like forgetting what he said just now, what quality is not quality, image is not image, he has long been thrown out of his mind.

How can I get used to someone scolding me?
Mr. Ye regrets it now, the smashing in the morning was not enough!

Really, it should be like the netizens said, they smashed their shops!

These bastards are simply deceiving people too much!
"When I'm easy to bully?"

Ye Feng hugged Qingqing's mobile phone angrily and began to chat with others. His level of swearing is definitely the top one, it is simply unstoppable!
The corners of Su Qing's eyes twitched wildly, Ye Feng scolded Shu Tan, but the problem is, this is her account!Such cursing will sooner or later be banned!This feeling is not yours!
"Your account has been reported many times and has been banned."

Ye Feng: "Ah."

Qingqing: "..."

The sister-in-law gave him an angry look, and hummed angrily: "Brother-in-law, you are too much!"

He folded his arms and sat aside, not wanting to deal with Ye Feng anymore.

Auntie is angry,

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth, touched his head in embarrassment, and felt a little embarrassed, "What, Qingqing, it's okay, I'll apply for unblocking for you right now, don't worry." Ye Feng laughed awkwardly a few times, holding Qingqing's hand The mobile phone went upstairs. As the emperor of the hacker world, unblocking an account is not a problem, even if it is a celebrity circle.

However, this matter made Ye Feng even more angry!
Originally, today was very annoying, but for no reason in the morning, Lin Yi had an appointment with him for no reason, and now you are going to do this to me?
Scold me, right?

Do you think I am a eunuch?

It's cheap to say that our netizens chase after my book, right?
All of you wait for me!

(End of this chapter)

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