Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 752 "One Piece", debut!

Chapter 752 "One Piece", debut!

Ye Feng painted all night last night, didn't go to bed until four or five in the morning, and slept until noon the next day.

When she got up at noon, she found that Ningning and her younger sisters were all at home.

Just as Ye Feng came down the stairs, all the beauties in the living room cast their gazes over.

Su Qing: "Brother-in-law, are you up?"

Su Yu: "Brother-in-law, I heard that you are going to draw manga?"

Su Rong: "Brother-in-law, can we see how you draw?"

Su Leng didn't speak, just looked at Ye Feng.

Su Ling's sister-in-law is still in school in Haicheng and hasn't come back.

The big baby Ning Ning frowned and looked at Ye Feng, "What time did you sleep last night?"

Ye Feng looked confused, "What's the situation? Why are you all here?"

Except for Lingling's absence, these sisters-in-law are here today?
"Isn't this here to take care of my sister? By the way, I heard that brother-in-law, you must not draw comics. Anyway, we are idle, so we just join in the fun." Su Qing said with a smile, she and Lingling have a similar temperament, Lingling She is eccentric, while Qingqing is a bit straightforward, but both of them are lively and cheerful.

These sisters and brothers of the Su family all have their own houses, and they don't live with their parents at all, and these sisters rarely get together. This time, they are quite complete.

Ye Feng walked down unsteadily, "Isn't it just to draw a picture, what's the big deal, what about parents?"

Ningning replied: "What's behind."

Ye Feng nodded. Although Ye Feng and Ning Ning live in their parents' house now, they don't live in the same house, at most they live in the same courtyard. Usually, father-in-law and mother-in-law don't live in the same room all the time. I've been here watching Ningning all the time, that's why I called these sisters back.This is convenient to take care of Ningning, but also prevents Ningning from having any psychological pressure to face her parents all day long.It can also be seen that for Ningning, Su Ran and the others have worked hard and tried everything.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, how is the idea of ​​your manga going? Do you really want to draw an adventure manga?" The little girl Su Qing is most concerned about this matter, and the other sisters are actually just having nothing to do to join in the fun of.

"Of course, I said..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, there was a sudden barking of dogs outside the door.

"Wang Wang~"

Xiaoha stuck out his tongue and ran all the way, rushed in from the door, followed by a small figure.

"Xiaoha! You stop."

The little baby ran in from the outside with a smile on his face. It seemed that he didn't know how to "torture" Xiaoha, so he frightened Xiaoha and ran to Ye Feng.


The little guy bounced into Ye Feng's arms, and said in his mouth: "Xiaoha is not good, he doesn't play with Yiyi."

"Xiaoha doesn't want to play with Yiyi? Dad will train him later! How can he not play with Yiyi?"

Ye Fenghu said with a straight face, looking at the little girl in his arms, he suddenly realized that the girl is not young anymore, and she is about to go to school.And the most important thing is that my daughter is usually too lonely, she doesn't even have a friend, she can only play with her parents, now that Ning Ning is still pregnant, Ye Feng is always busy, little The guy can only play with Xiaoha.

Are you sending your daughter to kindergarten?
This idea flashed through Ye Feng's mind, and he didn't think about it, and then he smiled and said to his daughter: "Xiaoha doesn't play with Yiyi, how about dad playing with Yiyi?"

"Okay, okay." The little guy's big eyes were full of light.

"Let's go, dad will take my daughter to read comics." Ye Feng happily hugged his daughter and said with a smile on his face.

"Ah? Brother-in-law, have you drawn the manga?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Qingqing was surprised, "Didn't you just come up with the idea last night? You started writing so soon?"

Hearing Qingqing's words, Ye Feng realized that he was just talking about comics with these sisters-in-law.

"Yeah, I was painting all night last night." Ye Feng said: "Drawing all night, I probably drew two words."

Su Qing was shocked: "What?"

Even Su Rong, who is usually quiet and quiet, looked at Ye Feng in surprise, "Two words?"

"So fast?" Even the gentle Su Yu showed an expression of disbelief.

These three sisters-in-law are all dumbfounded!
Isn't the gap between people too big?

Although everyone doesn’t understand comics, they have read comics, especially Qingqing, who is a fan of comics. Qingqing is the most clear about the painful waiting for updates. Other authors have to draw a chapter a week. The incense is burning, and the brother-in-law drew two words this night?Don't you need to think about it?And even if you don't need to think, the speed of this drawing is quite terrifying!
That is to say, Ning Ning and Leng Mei are relatively calm, after all, they have seen too many miracles of Ye Feng, and they are almost immune to Ye Feng's speed.

"Didn't you say that you won't be allowed to stay up all night?" The big baby raised an eyebrow and blamed Ye Feng.

Ye Feng hugged her daughter and said with a smile, "The last time, the last time." Ever since Ye Feng locked herself in the room and studied crazily, Ning Ning has firmly opposed Ye Feng's unrestrained work.

"Okay sister, isn't the brother-in-law doing it to treat you well?" Su Qing smiled and said, "Let's go, sisters, let's go and read the manga of brother-in-law."

As she said that, Qingqing helped Ningning stand up, the big baby nodded Qingqing's forehead in a funny way, and said with a smile: "It's for my own good, I think it's to your liking, thanks Lingling is not at home Otherwise, you two would have tied up your brother-in-law to draw cartoons for you."


Qingqing stuck out her tongue and smiled.

Everyone talked and laughed and went upstairs.

in the study.

Ye Feng has already turned on the computer.


"It's really a cartoon."

"Brother-in-law can, it's really the case."

"Yeah, Japanese?"

"Brother-in-law also understands Japanese?"

"Your brother-in-law knows the languages ​​of thirteen countries."

"Wow! Brother-in-law, you are too inhuman!"

"Go, go, what to say about your brother-in-law."

Ningning gave her sisters a beautiful look.

Ye Feng hugged his daughter, and stood behind everyone with a snigger, watching the group of sisters either surprised or proud.

Seeing the younger sisters amazed at Mr. Ye's masterpiece, as Mrs. Ye's condensed baby, I feel so happy in my heart.

To be honest, if you praise Ningning directly, Ningning will definitely be happy.But if you want to praise her husband or her daughter, it will definitely make her much more happy than complimenting herself before.

After a few minutes, everyone finished watching it, even Leng Mei read it seriously.

Ye Fengle said, "How is it? How do you feel?"

Qingqing blinked her big eyes, but said nothing.

Su Yu's eyes wandered, and he looked elsewhere.

Su Rong lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Seeing that the younger sisters were silent, Baby Ning Ning said, "It's good, it's very interesting."

"Alas~" Qingqing made a long voice, shook her head and sighed, "Sister, you are so blinded by love, can you say this well?"

Ning Ning glared at her sister, "Don't you think it looks good?"

Qingqing pursed her mouth, turned her head away, and said nothing.

At this time, it was Lengmei who said first: "It's not that it's not ugly."

Lengmei said coldly: "It's too weird. Whether it's the plot or the image, it's too maverick. Brother-in-law's comics don't conform to the public's aesthetics."

"Yes, yes, sister Leng is right." Qingqing said in surprise, "Pirate? Isn't this a pirate! And this style of painting is really too strange? The protagonist is too ugly! I do not like."

Su Yu also said: "Brother-in-law, Ah Leng is right, your comics are a bit too challenging for everyone's aesthetics, right?"

Su Rong looked at his brother-in-law's face and said, "Brother-in-law, didn't you draw it for your sister? Girls prefer to read some handsome romance comics, you. This one is a bit..."

"I feel great!"

Ningning interrupted, "Anyway, I quite like it. Look at that pirate's small eyes, how cute." The big baby is very arrogant.

Ye Feng smiled and rubbed his daughter-in-law's little face, he knew that the daughter-in-law was trying to save face for him.

"Brother-in-law, why don't you draw another one?"

"Yes, brother-in-law."

The sisters-in-law started complaining about the background, the characters, and the painting style, but after Ye Feng heard it, he laughed and said, "That's all, it's fine if my wife likes it anyway." Ye Feng looked down at the girl in his arms again. The little baby asked, "Does my daughter like it?"

"I like it." Little Baby actually didn't look at it carefully just now, but since it was drawn by Dad, Little Yiyi will definitely like it.

"Look, my daughter likes it too." Ye Feng said with a satisfied smile, "It's enough for my wife and children to like it. As for the sisters-in-law, lean back." He waved to Qingqing and the other sisters-in-law.

Sisters-in-law: "..."


"Brother-in-law, you are going too far!"


The sisters-in-law were all unhappy, either pouting or angrily, even Lengmei looked at Ye Feng in a strange way, as if there was a little more sadness.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, this manga is sure to explode!" Ye Feng explained with a smile: "Now you think this manga is full of problems, but believe it or not, if I put it online, it will Comics going crazy?"

"Do not believe!"

Everyone shook their heads unanimously, even the big baby was shaking his head.

Ye Feng suddenly had black lines all over his head.

"Okay, don't you believe me? Do you dare to gamble or something?"

All the girls said in unison: "Don't dare!"

Ye Feng: "..."

You are playing cards out of routine!
"Brother-in-law, don't try to trick us." Su Qing folded her arms and said, "Are we stupid to bet with you? Has anyone bet with you to win the country?"

Su Rong smiled gently and generously, and said, "We don't bet, but we don't believe either."

Su Yu smiled and emphasized: "It's just pure disbelief. As for betting, you can bet with your sister. We don't care what you want to bet."

Ye Feng: "..."

Ning Ning: "..."

What kind of sister are these!

We husband and wife bet, you must be indifferent!This has nothing to do with you!
These sisters-in-law, why are they all such thieves!
(End of this chapter)

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