Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 758 Japanese netizens are a bit bloated!

Chapter 758 Japanese netizens are a bit bloated!
The Japanese media has already fried the pot.

Another miracle in the history of comics! "

"After a lapse of ten years, another national comic was born! "

"One Piece - Another Glory in the Japanese Comic World! "

"On sale for only three days, breaking 38 records in the history of Japanese comics! "

"Yi Miyazaki - the continuation of the comic family! "

"The Myth Created by Professor Miyazaki! "

"Exclusive decryption: Why doesn't Professor Miyazaki use his real identity?" "

"One Piece" caused a phenomenon-level heated discussion, the author is probably Professor Miyazaki Yamayori, the national goddess! "

In a manga country like Japan, such a national-level manga has appeared, and the media reports have already been overwhelming. All the news about "One Piece" has been turned up, even the author "Miyazaki" Yi"'s identity has also been put on the table.

Miyazaki, that is Professor Miyazaki Shanyi!This is the national goddess who has countless fans in Japan!He is the youngest representative figure in Japanese academia!
This point has almost become the consensus of all the people in Japan!

On the Japanese Internet, the response was even more enthusiastic.

"so amazing!"

"300 million sales! Oh my God!"

"This is really a miracle!"

"In the entire history of comics, is it outstanding?"

"Outstanding? This is the number one! The number one comic in the history of comics! There have been such national comics before, but there has never been one that has achieved such a score in such a short period of time!"

"Professor Miyazaki is really amazing!"

"My goddess is invincible!"

"It is conceivable that in the next few years or even ten years, One Piece will be the tallest mountain in the field of comics! No one can surpass it!"

"With this kind of popularity, this kind of sales volume, I don't think One Piece will be a problem to be serialized for three to five years!"

"Yes, national comics of this level must be serialized for at least three years!"

"I'm so happy, I'm happy to think that One Piece can watch for three years in a row!"

"Yeah, it will be interesting in the future."

"The strongest national cartoon in history!"

——What are national comics?

People regardless of gender, age, or class will have someone they like. This is the national comic!

But now, "One Piece" has not only reached this height, it has even surpassed this height!Although it has just started, its audience is too wide!Its sales are even more terrifying!
The sales volume of the first single book of 300 million copies-this is an existence that is unmatched in the entire history of comics!


And in the Asian circles, those Japanese netizens want to raise their tails to the sky.

""One Piece" is amazing!"

"Our Professor Miyazaki is not much better than that Professor Ye Feng?"

"That's right! What's writing a novel? If you have the skills, you can also draw manga!"

"Return the old eunuch!"

"Our national goddess is amazing!"

"Compared to Professor Ye Feng, Professor Miyazaki is better than him in this aspect!"

Japanese netizens are really fluttering, every nose can't wait to talk to the sky! As soon as "One Piece" came out, they found a very good reason to criticize Ye Feng.Comparing the two of them, that is to criticize Ye Feng completely!

Of course, Huaxia's netizens can't bear it either.

"Professor Miyazaki Shanyi? Is that the girl who came to our China to discuss culture last time, but was almost told to cry by Professor Ye in Haida?"

"How dare you compare with Professor Ye at this level?"

"No bragging, you call Professor Miyazaki, and see if she dares to say that she is better than Professor Ye?"

"Didn't you just draw a cartoon? What's the matter? Have you seen it when Professor Ye wrote novels that swept the literary world?"

"Serialize ten books at the same time! That's scary! Comparing with Professor Ye? That Miyazaki is nothing!"

"That's right, making history? Breaking records? Isn't it just a comic book? I'm afraid you can't count the history and records broken by Professor Ye!"

Japanese netizen: "Can your novels be compared with our manga? They are not of the same order at all, right? Ours is an excellent culture exported to the outside world! What about your novels?"

Huaxia netizen: "Hehe, can your comic readers have as many readers as our novels? Our readers are ten blocks away from you, okay?"

Japanese netizen: "Damn! That means you have a large population! How about international? How many readers do you have as we do internationally?"

Huaxia netizen: "Sorry, there are more than you in the world. After all, Huaxia represents the world!"

A Japanese netizen was furious: "#%@¥%@¥%@¥@#!"

Bully people!

This is outright bullying!

Japanese comics are indeed very influential, and it can be said to be a cultural export with international influence!
But, to be honest, in terms of the number of readers, Japanese comics are really not the opponents of Huaxia Wangwen!After all, that population of 14 billion will indeed make people desperate!

Huaxia represents the world!

This is not just talk, this is the trend of the future!

If China is rich and the people are strong, any industry without China's participation cannot be called "international"!
Of course, the talk in the Asian circle is just a continuation of the mutual hatred between netizens from the two countries.

Now the minds of Japanese netizens are really focused on "One Piece".

Just when the whole people were discussing and countless people were paying attention, another exciting news came out!

"One Piece" publisher Liulisha plans to launch the "animated version" plan ahead of schedule!
In other words, "One Piece" is about to make an animated version!
As soon as this news came out, it immediately detonated the entire Japanese netizens!
"Fuck me!"

"It's so cool, isn't it?"

"How many episodes have been serialized? Are you preparing for an animated version?"

"Exciting! So fucking exciting!"

"It seems that the Liuli Society does not attach great importance to "One Piece"!"

"I'm so looking forward to it!"

Manga fans in Japan are about to go to heaven, but at this moment, Liuli Club released another news.

When Liuli Club contacted Miyazaki Shanyi to obtain the animation copyright, Miyazaki Shanyi made it clear that all the copyrights of "One Piece" were not hers, and she was only responsible for helping her friends to contribute!
"One Piece" was not drawn by Professor Miyazaki Yamayori!

Professor Miyazaki is not the author of "One Piece"!
When the news came out, all walks of life in Japan were stunned!
Professor Miyazaki is not the author?
Send it on behalf of a friend?

The author is actually someone else?
Japanese people!

Inside Japan!

Manga fans from all walks of life in Japan are stunned!
The news came so suddenly!

Those Japanese netizens who had just finished boasting in the Asian circle were dumbfounded!
Not Professor Miyazaki?

I am grass!
The Chinese netizens in the Asian circle are already overjoyed at this time.


"Blow! Keep blowing!"

"Isn't it fun to jump around one by one just now? Go ahead!"

"Didn't you say that Professor Miyazaki is better than Professor Ye?"

"I've been doing it for a long time, it's not someone else's painting at all, it turned out to be a big oolong!"

However, at this time, Japanese netizens will definitely not admit it.

"So what if it's not Professor Miyazaki? Anyway, "One Piece" is ours!"

"Yes! It's not Professor Miyazaki, and Mr. Miyazaki is also a friend of Professor Miyazaki!"

""One Piece" is just cowhide! Even if the author is not Professor Miyazaki, so what? At least our Master Miyazaki will not be as irresponsible as your Professor Ye Feng!"

"It's stronger than that Ye Feng!"

"A dead eunuch!"

"Not worthy to be compared with our Master Miyazaki!"

"Yes! Dead eunuch!"

Netizens in Japan are really staring at this point to die!
Ye Feng!Dead eunuch!

Your Professor Ye is a dead eunuch!

And, the most annoying thing is, is what they said true!
You can't refute it!
Are you uncomfortable?

This made Huaxia's netizens grit their teeth angrily!

Professor Ye is also really cheating!
However, even if it's Professor Ye's pit, it's not your turn to beep, right?

So, another fierce battle of netizens spraying each other has been staged vigorously in the Asian circle!

(End of this chapter)

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