Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 768 Excuse me, are you still chasing?

Chapter 768 Excuse me, are you still chasing?
The eunuch of "One Piece" has been replaced with "Doraemon"!

The fans gritted their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing they could do, and they chased Doraemon happily in a blink of an eye.

"Naruto" is an eunuch, and Japanese netizens swore to the sky that they would never chase "Reaper", but when the booklet of "Reaper" was released, the sales volume directly exceeded 300 million that day!

"Detective Conan" has become an eunuch, and another "Dragon Ball" has appeared. Countless fans are very unimpressed with this comic full of Chinese elements, and even released bold words that this comic will definitely hit the street.However, the facts have slapped countless people in the face. On the day of "Dragon Ball"'s release, its daily sales reached 330 million, firmly sitting in the third place in the history of manga!

One eunuch after another, and one new manga after another appeared, making Japanese netizens and even fans in Asia exhausted physically and mentally!

There is no such thing!

Don't play like this!
What do you say this is for?

Can't you just update it?

Why do you have to deal with these moths?

Isn't this really poisonous?

And the most deceitful thing is that the cartoons drawn by this bastard are really fucking good-looking!After reading his, you are looking at someone else's, you really can't stand it anymore!Moreover, the fans of Japanese comics suddenly discovered that in the Japanese animation market, there are basically no other people's comics, and all of them are the works of Liulishe!Moreover, as long as it belongs to the Liuli Society, it must be related to Miyazaki Yi's comic works!

Now it's what you want to see other people, and you can't even see it!
You can only watch Miyazaki Yi!


Today, the Internet exploded again.

"Doraemon"... the eunuch!

It was replaced by a work called "Slam Dunk".

Japanese manga fans are going crazy!

The spirit is about to collapse!
"Sense tells me that I can't swear, but I'm so irrational now! Miyazaki, I'm going to fuck you!"

"It's too fucking excessive!"

"No such thing!"

"What do you think he is doing this for? Ah? What is this for?"

"If you don't draw a good caricature, do you have to fix this gaudy thing?"

"One manga can't satisfy you anymore? How dare you keep one?"

"This is so new and old!"

"Could it be that drawing and drawing makes yourself boring? Otherwise, such an eunuch can't explain it at all!"

"Too immoral!"

"Oh, I can't say that. After all, it's not that Miyazaki is lazy and doesn't draw anymore. It's just that he is too genius. This epic national comic is like Chinese cabbage. If he says it, he will take it out. You What can I do?"

"I just got addicted to watching "Doraemon". It's just his eunuch, it's too much!"

Japanese netizens mourned everywhere, but it wasn't just the Japanese family who wailed.You know, how popular are Miyazaki's comics now?



Various developments, his works have already swept across Asia!

Now that he is such a frequent eunuch, and frequently releases new works, it is not only the fans in Japan who are causing trouble. It can be said that the mentality of fans in the whole of Asia has been broken by him!
In the Asian circle, it's full of crazy complaints!

A netizen from the country: "Can Japanese comics be done? Is it just this quality? You can't move his eunuch? Your uncle!"

"That's right! This lacks virtue!"

"This Miyazaki is simply too much!"

"Now I know why he never shows up. If he dares to show up, I will definitely kill him!"

"My Hokage and Pirates!"

"Conan, I looked at Zhengshuang, but he's gone!"

"That's right, the Conan case is about to be solved, but it won't be updated if it doesn't change! You have to finish this plot anyway, right?"

"It's abominable!"


Netizens from various countries complained wildly!
Even, there are many Japanese netizens here, even they themselves can't bear it!

It's too goofy!

The entire Asian circle is full of resentment, but there are exceptions.

That is Huaxia's netizens.

Netizens from other countries wished their lungs would explode, but Chinese netizens seemed quite calm!

It can even be said to be calm!
"Pirate eunuch?"

"Well, eunuch."

"But "Doraemon" came out, which is pretty good."

"Hokage is also a eunuch?"

"Well, it's too cheap."

"The newly updated "Reaper" is also pretty good."

"Conan is a eunuch again?"

"Well, eunuch."

"The eunuch is the eunuch, I'm going to watch "Dragon Ball"."

""Dragon Ball" is really good, the first comic with Chinese elements!"

"This has to be chased."

"Doraemon is the eunuch this week, isn't it?"

"Yes, the new update seems to be "Slam Dunk."

"Basketball? Interesting."

Really, all Huaxia netizens have this attitude!

Your eunuch is your eunuch, we don't take it seriously at all!
You are a eunuch, so I will stop reading and continue to read the next book quietly.

Don't make noise, don't spray or hate!
It completely showed the temperament of my big country fans!
This can be regarded as ignoring netizens from other countries!

"What's the situation with the Huaxia people?"

"Are they not angry at all?"

"Don't they read Miyazaki's manga?"

"Yes! It must be!"

"Impossible! Didn't you see that they were discussing just now? They said they were going to chase "Dragon Ball"."

"That's unscientific! Why aren't they angry?"

"Why are they all acting like nothing happened?"

It's so abnormal!

The reactions of Huaxia netizens are simply beyond the comprehension of these people!
Miyazaki is such an eunuch, you guys didn't react at all?

Finally, a buddy couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Hey, friends, aren't you angry? Why do you look so calm?"

A Huaxia netizen replied: "Angry? Hehe, is it useful to be angry? Besides, isn't it just the eunuch who has so many books? As for the fuss?"


This answer makes these foreigners look dumbfounded!

What do you mean there are so many eunuchs?
How little is that?
At this time, another Huaxia netizen said lightly: "I think back then, when Professor Ye updated ten super web novels at the same time and stopped updating at the same time, the scene was much more exciting than it is now! Besides, Professor Ye a few days ago Then you don’t know about the eunuch’s online articles?”

Japanese netizen: "..."

Bangguo netizen: "..."

Netizens all over Asia: "..."

All of them looked dumbfounded!

How can it be so?
Are you cheated out of antibodies?

However, what they thought was really good, Huaxia's netizens were really trained by Ye Feng!
You can be an eunuch!
If we are angry, then he will count me as a loser!

Moreover, Huaxia netizens are not only not angry, but even happy in their hearts.

"I remember someone said before that we were shameless chasing the eunuch Wen?"

"I remember that some people said that our Professor Ye has talent but no virtue?"

"What is the quality of a super cartoonist in a millennium in the big nuclear nation?"

"I now admit that in terms of literature, Miyazaki is qualified to compare with our Professor Ye."

"I just asked, Miyazaki is such an eunuch, why don't you keep chasing her?"

"I guess, "Dragon Ball" will have eunuchs next week, so may I ask, are you still chasing them?"

"Ha ha."

Asking this question made those netizens in the entire Asian circle, especially the Japanese netizens who were arrogant enough to take off before, so blushed and speechless!

Excuse me, are you still chasing?
You clearly know that he wants a eunuch, but are you still chasing him?

Stop chasing?
Do you believe it in your own heart?

At this moment, there is not a single Japanese in the Asian circle!
They were so suffocated that they were about to vomit blood!
This question is not heart-piercing, this question is simply heart-piercing!
The words they sprayed on Huaxia netizens before, are now all returned by Huaxia netizens!
That light tone, indifferent tone, is like a handful of steel knives, ravaging the nerves of every Japanese netizen!

What is revenge?

What is to punish the heart?

Obviously, this is.

(End of this chapter)

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