Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 771 Identity Exposure!

Chapter 771 Identity Exposure!

Could it be that Miyazaki is also an anonymous super scientist?

Could it be that he just draws casually in his free time after scientific research?
Could it be that Miyazaki Yoshitakami is the Japanese version of Professor Ye Feng?
Japanese netizens are simply enlightened at this time!
They listened to the stories of Chinese netizens and learned about Professor Ye's deeds, and now they feel more and more that Miyazaki is Ye Feng from Japan!
He must not have been a eunuch on purpose!

He must have been delayed by something super important!
We have to wait for him!
We can no longer insult a person who is fighting for the country, the nation, and even all mankind in this way!
Otherwise, it is very likely that China will learn from the past!
All of a sudden, the wind direction on the Japanese Internet has changed.

"Everyone stop spraying!"


"Miyazaki is just delayed by something, he may be doing a great thing that benefits the country and the people!"

"Compared to comics, that incident may affect all mankind!"

"It is said that Miyazaki is a member of our Royal Academy of Sciences!"

"That's right, I've heard that too. I heard that Miyazaki is the youngest genius in our Japanese history!"

"It is said that he is now in charge of a major event concerning all mankind! Moreover, it has reached a critical moment!"

"We must not disturb him!"

"Do you know? It is said that Miyazaki is the world's top scientist before he is 30 years old!"

"I also heard that Miyazaki is proficient in arts and sciences, and has made great achievements in literature, history, mathematics, physics and many other subjects!"

"Is it?"

"Yes! It's absolutely true!"

"I heard that too."

"Where did you all hear that?"

"It's just that, that...what do you care, anyway, I just heard about it."

Now, the Japanese Internet has passed on Miyazaki Yi as a miraculous person!
He is well versed in both ancient and modern times, and he is well versed in literature, history, mathematics, physics, etc. Comics are just something he uses for entertainment when he has nothing to do, and he is no different from a god-man!

However, when you asked him where he heard about it, he couldn't say a word.

To put it bluntly, this thing is the imagination of these netizens themselves!
Where did the news come from?
It doesn't come from anywhere!
All made up by myself!

Moreover, it is more and more exaggerated to spread rumors!

Of course, this thing can't be made up with a slap in the head, at least, there must be a prototype, right?


There is one in Huaxia next door!
Ye Feng!

Professor Ye!
It perfectly fits the image of Miyazaki Yoshida in the minds of these Japanese netizens!
Therefore, it is logical that many of Ye Feng's deeds have been moved to Japan and become Miyazaki's!

Although many people think it is a bit ridiculous, the problem is that it is said so on the Internet now!
Nowadays, there are no more people criticizing Miyazaki on the Japanese Internet, everyone is praising her!

Some people are looking forward to the day when Miyazaki's identity is revealed, will it cause shocks in the world!

Even in the evening, it was said that the day when Miyazaki Yi Dashen appeared was the beginning of Japan's new take-off!
This kind of speech is too much!
However, when Huaxia netizens saw those words on the Japanese website, especially when they saw the words they described Miyazaki Yi, all Huaxia netizens were a little puzzled.

Knowing the past and the present?

Arts and sciences?

Proficient in various subjects?
This Nima looks so familiar!
Isn't this our Professor Ye?
How dare you blow up a Miyazaki Yi who has never appeared before into such a cool look?
Are you kidding me?

Huaxia netizens are all drunk, they can't laugh or cry!
This image of Miyazaki Yi is completely imagined by Japanese netizens according to Professor Ye's template!
What about Professor Ye Feng from Miyazaki Yiri Country, this is exactly the image of Professor Ye himself, okay?
A while ago, he sprayed Professor Ye Feng as useless, but now he starts to watch Professor Ye fantasize about the gods and humans in his own country?
This is a pirated version!
Have you asked me, Professor Ye?

Seeing Japanese netizens immersed in their pornography, many Chinese netizens went to Ye Feng's circle.

"Professor Ye, those clubs from Japan are yelling at you!"

"Hahaha, they copied your imagination to Japan!"

"Appear soon!"

"Professor Ye, the Japanese have apologized to us!"

"This time, Japan is really convinced!"

"What's wrong with it? They just said that, and they may not know what they are thinking in their hearts."

"Whatever she thinks? As long as you stop beeping, you can say anything."

"Just don't get acquainted with them."

"Now they use Professor Ye's pictogram yy to create a Japanese version of Professor Ye, hahahaha, I laughed so hard!"

"Hahaha, yes, these devils are too funny!"

"Want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Professor Ye? Who gave them the courage?"

"Professor Ye?"

"Can you say a few words?"

"That's right, make a statement."

Many Huaxia netizens felt that the Japanese country was not chaotic enough, so they ran to Ye Feng's circle to look for him.

Not to mention, Ye Feng really sent a dynamic response.

Ye Feng: "Recently, I have been taking care of my wife at home. I don't know what happened outside. Thank you for your concern."

What he said was very official, but it revealed a message, that is, Ye Feng's thoughts were all on Su Ning, and he didn't know or care about what happened outside.

People and netizens also understand.

"It's okay, it's okay, Professor Ye can spend time with Goddess Ning."

"Now that Her Majesty the Queen is pregnant, Professor Ye doesn't care about these things, it's normal."

"Stay with Her Majesty Queen well. You have been so busy this year, women are the most important period at this time, so don't think about other things."

"I'm still curious about who Miyazaki is in Japan?"

"Yeah, he's a dead eunuch, even worse than Professor Ye!"

"It's still blowing up in Japan now!"

"I'm really looking forward to the day when this product is exposed, to see what kind of bird it is!"

After a while, Ye Feng added another update.

Ye Feng: "By the way, recently I was at home with my daughter-in-law. She said she was bored while resting at home, so I wrote a few books for her. But then I became a eunuch, so I apologize to everyone. Later, the daughter-in-law said she wanted to read it." I finished the manga, so I drew a few more manga, but unfortunately, my wife said she didn’t want to read it, so the manga is also a eunuch, here, I’m sorry again.”

Netizens reply.

"Know it!"

"I already knew about your book eunuch, hee hee, we all understand, take good care of Her Majesty the Queen."


"Huh? And comics?"

"What comics? Are you still drawing comics?"

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"The cartoons you draw are also eunuchs? Hahaha, what a coincidence, there is also a eunuch who draws cartoons in Japan these days, but that person...huh?"

Suddenly, the Internet is quiet!

Silent silence!
Quiet as death!

Then, everyone screamed!

(End of this chapter)

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