Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 773 It's getting too big!

Chapter 773 It's getting too big!

When the fans heard the news, they immediately collapsed!

"Ye Feng? Nima Miyazaki is Nima's Ye Feng? Is that the deadly eunuch Professor Ye Fengye we sprayed before? Huh?"

"How could it be him? Impossible!"

"Who the hell said Miyazaki devoted himself to scientific research for the country and the people? I'm doing scientific research and you're paralyzed!"

"Liars! They are all liars! We are a bunch of bad guys!"

"I'll go to your uncle!"

"Where is the national hero that was promised? Yes! It is a national hero, but then he is from China! Grass!"

"My mentality has collapsed! Our epic Chinese manga was drawn by a Chinese man?"

"Did he draw the pirates? He also drew the Hokage? Did he draw the whole thing?"

"This great eunuch! Why are you here to harm us? Your uncle!"

"The surname Ye! I love your sister!"

"This bastard! This stinky Shabby!"

"He did it on purpose! Definitely did it on purpose!"

"This guy is taking revenge on us! It's definitely revenge!"

"I'm so mad! I'm going crazy!"

"This wife is so shameless!"

"I've never seen such a person, I'm stupid!"

"This motherfucker is going to put us to death, he!"

"He can still draw manga? Huh? Is he human? Is there anyone else who can't?"

"When did he know how to draw manga? Still draw so well?"

"He is a world-class mathematician, what the hell is he doing studying liberal arts all day long?"

"God, tell me it's not true!"

The true identity of Miyazaki Yi turned out to be Huaxia's Ye Feng!As soon as this incident was exposed, the Japanese people immediately exploded!For the Japanese, Miyazaki can be anyone, even if they are not Japanese, everyone can barely accept it, but you are not Ye Feng!

Throughout Japan, I don't know how many netizens have complained about Ye Feng in the Asian circle!

It's so good now, the Miyazaki Yi they praised as a "national hero, comparable to Ye Feng", turned out to be Ye Feng himself!
I wipe!
After making a fuss for a long time, they were bragging about a good person, but they were talking about one person?

The mentality of the Japanese people collapsed directly!
The worst thing is, you're done painting, but you're finished!You are the last eunuch!

Depend on!
This is the blatant revenge of this surname Ye!

I don't know how many people are so popular that they almost vomit blood!

stick country.

The reaction was also quite intense.

"Ye Feng? Damn it! How could it be him?"

"I'm a bastard! I'm simply a plague god!"

"Wherever he goes, he suffers! Grass!"

"This guy can't tolerate him in Huaxia now? Did he go to the Japanese country?"

"If he goes to harm the Japanese country, I agree with both hands and feet! But, this bastard is a map cannon! He will harm everyone!"

"We are too unlucky to be affected by disaster!"

"If I had known that Miyazaki Yi was the great eunuch Ye Feng, I wouldn't have chased these comics if I was killed!"

"Me too, no matter how good-looking she is, I won't chase after her! After all, this bastard has a criminal record!"

"Not only does he have a criminal record, he's a repeat offender through and through!"

"My pirate!"

"My Hokage!"

"You're an update!"



Everyone's eyes were shocked!

"I got a big weed!"

"So it's Professor Ye!"

"I knew it! I knew it! Miyazaki is so perverted, with invincible hand speed, ideas without money, and not updating like a human. Isn't this, this is Professor Ye? Who else?"

"I should have thought of that! Really!"

"Sure enough, it is impossible for two perverts to appear in this world! It is enough for us in China to have Professor Ye, and Japan should stop wishful thinking! Hahaha!"

"It's very obvious that what happened this time was Professor Ye's revenge! Didn't Japan advertise itself as a manga critic? Professor Ye is the kind of character that the more you criticize him, the more you will do it! Now it's all right, the Japanese manga industry They were all frankly scrapped by Professor Ye!"

"See if they still dare to spray Professor Ye?"

"Yeah, keep beeping?"

"Professor Ye's revenge is really strong, but the problem is, we are also implicated!"

"Professor Ye, can you not accidentally hurt your own people? My comics!"

"Professor Ye, go back to China and update it, we promise not to spread it!"

"Yes, it is absolutely confidential and will not be passed on to Japan!"

"Keep updating, please wow!"


The media is even more crazy!

News is everywhere!

Huaxia Media:

"Hang Dao immediately, only I, Professor Ye Da!" "

"Strike hard, hit the vital point! "

"Professor Ye's anger, who can bear it?" "

"The long-lasting smear in the Asian circle has come to an end! "

"The fate of messing with Professor Ye!" "

"Exhaust!Professor Ye single-handedly destroyed the Japanese manga industry! "

Japanese media:

"The Truth Comes Out: Miyazaki belongs to Huaxia Yefeng! "

"There is a kind of wickedness: the name is Ye Feng! "

"The Most Unscrupulous Celebrity in History: Ye Feng! "

"Ye Feng, he is not worthy of being a human being!" "

"Dark Day!" "

"The Crashing Comics Industry! "

"The Rage of the People! "

The media in the baseball country are also reporting frantically:

Synonyms of Notorious! "

"Another industry has been brutally murdered! "

The Greatest Hooligan in Literary World! "


There are just too many reports!

However, the attitudes of the reports from various countries are also clear at a glance! Huaxia is full of praise, while the media in other countries are not so friendly!Of course, this is all expected. Whether it is Ye Feng himself or Huaxia netizens, no one has anything to say about these reports. After all, you smashed an industry and the industry you are most proud of. Why don't you let the media say a few words?

At the same time, Ye Feng's cell phone was also blown up!

Principal Wu!
Dean Zhao!
Director Kim!
Lin Yi!


Flowing clouds!
Too many people called Ye Feng!
"Professor Ye, what's your situation?"

"It's okay, I just drew a few comics."

"Professor Ye, you did a great job this time! But what about your drawing behind? My granddaughter has to clamor to see it, can you take a look?"

"Hahaha, it's okay."

"Professor Ye, this time it's a bit of a bad breath! But isn't this a big deal? I heard that Japan has gone crazy!"

"Crazy? I don't care about them."

"Professor Ye, you've made me suffer, I don't care, I want the next drawing."

"Huh? You are the queen of the famous song, do you still have time to read comics?"

"Of course I watched it, and Zhao Meng also watched it. I guess I'll have to call you soon."

"Hey, I'm here right now."

"Hello? Lin Yi?"

"Hurry up and give me the next drawing! You say you can draw manga if you draw manga well, isn't your eunuch too wicked?"

"Aren't you going to continue writing? Continue!"

"I'll continue to write your uncle! Can I draw manga?"

"Hey, I thought you were as good at everything as I am."


"Do you want face?"

Wu Dehai's call came again, "Professor Ye! Professor Ye! No good! Your fans have surrounded the school!"

"What?" Ye Feng was confused.

"Listen to yourself..."

There were bursts of shouts on the phone:

"Hand over Professor Ye!"

"Hurry up and update!"

"Everyone, don't be impulsive! Professor Ye is really not at school! He went to the imperial capital to accompany his wife, you all know it!"

"We don't care, anyway, you will be able to contact Professor Ye! Hurry up! Let Professor Ye update!"

"Everyone calm down! Professor Ye's eunuch is for the country! It is for the nation! It is for all of us to fight! Everyone must understand Professor Ye!"

"We understand! But, we want an update!"

"Send the domestic version! Don't show it to little devils!"

Wu Dehai's voice came again from the phone, "Professor Ye, did you hear that? What should I do?"


Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, he didn't expect the domestic netizens to react so strongly, "Uh, let me think about it." After saying something casually, Ye Feng hung up the phone.

How to do?
Ye raised his eyebrows, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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