Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 777 Resurgence?

Chapter 777 Resurgence?

Ye Feng wants to make local comics, or more precisely, not comics, but animations!

How did comics such as "One Piece", "Naruto", "Conan" become so popular in Asia?

By comics?
Actually not!

It's actually animation!
It is these animations changed according to the plot of the comics that made these works quickly ascend to the altar!
In Japan, the entire manga industry also includes the animation industry.It can be said that animation is actually a downstream industry of comics, and many well-known animations are actually adaptations of comics.

And what Ye Feng has to do is to directly make animations in China!
This is not a whim, but the result of his thinking and thinking!

Originally, at the very beginning, he drew comics just to take revenge on Japan!But gradually, Ye Feng felt that these things were not just for entertainment, they represented more of a country's culture!

Things like pirates and Naruto, these are very distinctive Japanese cultural characteristics!

And what about Huaxia?

There is no unique cultural carrier at all!

Therefore, Ye Feng decided to create one!Make one in the animation industry!
This can be regarded as an explanation to the fans of Huaxia Manga fans, and it can also be regarded as making my own efforts for the national cultural construction.

Anyway, generally speaking, Ye Feng feels that his decision is still very good, and it can be said that he has achieved multiple goals.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can really do it. If it were someone else, even if he had the heart, he would not have the strength.

That afternoon, Ye Feng called Wu Dehai and asked him to contact the animation production company.

It has almost become Ye Feng's habit to find Wu Dehai for business.

Of course, this is not a big deal. Wu Dehai contacted some people from animation production companies when he was producing "Go Boy" last time. It is not difficult to find a partner this time.

Soon, Wu Dehai called back.

"Professor Ye."

"Principal Wu, did you find it?"

"Well, I found it. Xingchen Animation is willing to cooperate with us."

"Star animation? Never heard of it."

"You must have never heard of it. This is a domestic animation production company. You should know the level of animation in our country. There is nothing outstanding. Many companies have heard that we are going to do local animation, and they retreated one by one. , This star animation, it has been in contact with us before, when we were making "Go Boy", someone from them came to the school to help, and they have great confidence in you, so they agreed to cooperate."

"Oh, okay, where's the address?"

"Their headquarters is in the imperial capital."

"Okay, send it here, and I'll check it out tomorrow."

"Well, let me tell you over there, you can just go there when the time comes."

"it is good."

Wu Dehai's work efficiency is still very high, and he almost found a partner for Ye Feng in the fastest time.

You must know that this time Ye Feng is going to make a local animation, and it is going to be commercialized, which is fundamentally different from the "Go Boy" last time.In China, ordinary animation companies dare not accept this kind of cooperation.After all, the appeal of China's local animation is really worrying!I don't know how Wu Dehai persuaded this "Star Animation".


this day.

There are still complaints on the Internet, and countless fans are sighing.


"It's really hopeless."

"Professor Ye is really too ruthless this time, and wiped out the entire comic world in one fell swoop!"

"Yeah, now there's not even a manga to read."

"I really miss the past."

"If I could choose again, I would rather that Professor Ye never drew manga, and I would rather that classics such as Pirate Hokage never appeared."

"Me too, all the fuck's blaming those stupid Japanese people, who is not good to offend, have to offend Professor Ye? Isn't this a rat licking a cat? Is it too long? Now it's all right, they're fucked up , and brought us to suffer together! You bastard!"

Fans of China, attribute all these faults to the Japanese.From their point of view, if you are free to mess with Professor Ye, how could things have developed to this point?

And the Japanese netizens are so angry that they are about to vomit blood!
"Aren't we the victims!"

"What the hell kind of logic is this? Did Eunuch Ye Feng blame us?"

"That man surnamed Ye brought down the entire comic book industry. Instead of scolding him, blame us victims instead?"

"Depend on!"

"Huaxia people are indeed so shameless!"

"What the hell! I'm so mad!"

Huaxia netizen: "If you weren't stupid, Professor Ye would be free to talk to you? He is so busy. Is it because he has finished studying mathematics, or is there no problem in physics? Will he be bored enough to draw cartoons? Damn, retarded!"

Japanese netizen: "..."

What they said was speechless!
All of them were about to suffer from internal injuries, but unfortunately, there was no way to refute these words.

Just when Japanese netizens were extremely aggrieved, the Japanese manga industry suddenly announced a big event!
"Official capital injection from Japan to revive the comics industry!"

The Japanese government spent hundreds of millions of dollars to help the Liuli Society repay the losses caused by the eunuchs of the seven cartoons, and also helped the Liuli Society to invite back the cartoonists who had been terminated before!

On the same day, Liulishe made a strong statement, stating that "Many popular comics such as "Sakuragi Flower" and "Famous Mountain Map" will resume serialization, and officially authorize Huaxia to allow Huaxia to play genuine comics and animations"!
As soon as this news came out, there was a lot of shock!

This is the first time that Japanese comics have been authorized to copyright to other regions. In the past, Japanese comics and animations were all in the form of pirated versions no matter what country they played in. But this time it is different. Japan has released their copyrights. This immediately shocked the entire comic world, and the meaning it represents will be self-evident!
And this move is also the first big move since Eunuch Ye Feng and the destruction of the Japanese animation industry!

Although there is only one Liuli Club, it is enough to see the determination of the Japanese side!
This is really to revive Japan's status as the "capital of animation" at all costs!
Of course, this is not just a simple "revitalization", it is accompanied by revenge on the Huaxia comics industry!It is conceivable that Japan's authorization of China's genuine copyright will have a great impact on China's local animation industry!

To put it bluntly, this is Japan's revenge!

They want to use their rich animation accumulation to overwhelm China's animation industry!To avenge the eunuch Ye Feng!


Liuli Society.


"The official finally came to help us!"

"This damned Ye Feng! Now that we have official support, what can he do?"

"Let them Huaxia also taste the destruction of the comic industry as a whole!"

"Our manga field was devastated by that bastard, otherwise China's local manga would definitely die even worse!"

"The few comics that have been serialized so far are enough for them to drink a pot!"

"If only Pirate Hokage was still there."

"Stop talking about it! Crap!"

"It is also very good to be able to open up the Chinese market."

"I can make a fortune in Huaxia!"

"Absolutely! Just make up for the losses we have suffered!"

The manga industry in Japan has actually collapsed. Even the former giant monk hall and Saka Shrine have disappeared. In the entire Japanese manga industry, there is only one Liulisha.If it weren't for the government's help at this critical juncture, it is estimated that Liuli Society will go bankrupt soon.

Simply, now they have kept the last bit of fire, and they are going to counterattack aggressively.

This move by the Japanese animation industry caught many people off guard!

Countless people were surprised!
Everyone did not expect that the Japanese animation industry, which was already dying and ruined, would be revived and revitalized?

(End of this chapter)

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