Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 792 All Asia Live!

Chapter 792 All Asia Live!
Meeting place.

It was already full.

People from various countries sit together very consciously, some business leaders gather together, and some celebrities also gather in circles. In short, these divisions are very tacit.

Now everyone is waiting for the people from the Red Cross to announce the start, but before the time is up, many people have started chatting. This is also a period of time deliberately set aside by the organizer, in order to give these people on the scene a communication The opportunity to get to know each other, after all, these are rare contacts.

Ye Feng's table was no exception, but they didn't talk to outsiders, but these sisters-in-law were chattering around Ye Feng.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law." Qingqing asked excitedly, "Is this a charity auction? Have you prepared any good things? Why didn't you bring them?"

Su Yu also smiled slightly and said, "That's right, brother-in-law, I can't lose your name as Professor Ye Da."

Sister Rong next to her frowned and said, "I didn't see brother-in-law preparing it." After saying this, she said, "However, brother-in-law has so many good things at his place, so a few of them should be enough, right?"

The others also turned their heads to look at Ye Feng, as if they wanted to see if he had brought any good things on him, and everyone was also very curious.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "I came here just to join in the fun, and I didn't prepare anything, so I brought some tea from home."

As he spoke, Ye Feng took out a small bag of tea from Ning Ning's bag.

Seeing Ye Feng's less than ten grams of tea leaves, everyone was speechless for a while. You said that you are a dignified Professor Ye, and you are a famous existence in the world, so you just took out such a little thing?You are so kind!

Ling Luohan said dumbfoundedly: "Brother Ye, I invited you here just to make things worse, but you're fine, just use some tea to fool you?"

Ye Feng curled his lips and said: "What is fooling around! Don't underestimate this tea, it's brought from my hometown. I usually don't want to drink it. It's a good thing!"

The sister-in-law next to him booed: "You can pull it down! You drink every day!"

Ling Luohan shook his head and said: "It seems that Brother Ye, you can't count on it. Let's see if other people have good things. In our territory, no matter how lucky you are, you can't let others take it."

Although it is a charity auction, it involves so many countries after all, especially between China, Japan, and Bang. Due to historical reasons, when these three countries gather together, they must compete with each other.Whoever has a high auction price for their items will definitely have face, and this is also the case at the national level.Even, during the previous Red Cross Charity Auctions, the overall auction prices were compared among different countries.

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Our China has a vast land and rich resources, and there are many capable people. I am not missing. I will just suppress the situation for everyone. Someone must have brought something good."

The others ignored him, and whispered to themselves.When Ye Feng saw it, he became quiet, and went to play with his baby girl.


Because it is the biggest event of the Red Cross Society every year, this charity auction will be broadcast live on the whole network in Asia.


Many Asian netizens are already waiting.

Japanese netizens:

"It hasn't started yet?"

"This year's charity gala, we went to a lot of people, right?"

"That's right, last year's auction we beat all of Asia, and this year we will definitely win the first place in one fell swoop!"

"These businessmen and celebrities in our country are still very caring, donating so much to the Red Cross!"

"This time it's held in Huaxia, we must win the first place!"

"Huaxia just made a wave in our animation industry, this time we must give them some color in the charity world!"


Bang Nation Online.

"I'm coming!"

"When I was walking the red carpet at the door just now, I saw many familiar celebrities!"

"Yes, the military rank Oppa has also gone."

"Our country is really full of stars!"

"It was Japan that took the top spot last year, right?"

"Yes, but our stick country has the highest overall auction price, and it will definitely not be bad this year!"

"Yes, we went to so many people this year, we must win the double-headed chip!"

"But I just saw that surnamed Ye, why are there so many beauties around him?"

"Yes, one is his wife, and the others don't know who it is."

"The aura of this surname Ye is really strong. When he came out, other stars were a little bit eclipsed."

"Ignore him, he's a rogue!"


If you want to say that the most explosive thing on the Internet is definitely Huaxia!
"Have you seen the photo? Sister Shui participated!"

"Not only Sister Shui, Zhao Meng and many other first-line singers have also gone."

"Meng Tianwang is here!"

"That's nothing! No celebrity is allowed today! Because, Professor Ye is gone!"



"Professor Ye!"

"I also read the news just now. Professor Ye really went! He brought a bunch of beauties with him, and even Her Majesty the Queen, who hadn't seen her face for a long time, went with her!"

"Damn! This year will be stable!"

"Yes, with Professor Ye here, the others don't have to fight. This year's top spot must be ours!"

"Hurry up and start! Waiting to watch the live broadcast!"


The Asian Charity Auction Gala has always been very popular, and the number and scale of the participants are also increasing every year. After so many years of development, the attention of this gala has been extremely high. Everyone is watching the party.It is also in this atmosphere that many celebrities and wealthy businessmen are more and more willing to participate in this event, after all, this is a hot spot!That's exposure!Moreover, it is not exposed domestically, but will be greatly exposed throughout Asia!Coupled with the special status of the Red Cross, the impact of this evening is enormous!
All eyes in Asia are on the imperial capital!
Even the movement made by the animation industry before was suppressed by this party!

Soon, the charity gala officially started, and the live broadcast also appeared on the Internet, and it was translated simultaneously, so people from any country would not have any trouble watching it.

The hosts are well-known Chinese comedians Shen Ming and Zhou Le. When these two were very popular in the Chinese entertainment industry, Shen Ming started with a smile: "Welcome everyone to participate in the annual Chinese Red Cross sponsored by the Asian International Red Cross Society." The Asian Charity Festival that will be hosted!"

Zhou Ledao: "We have invited people from all walks of life in more than 60 countries and regions to this charity gala. They include big stars who are famous in Asia, big businessmen who are in the business world, and many celebrities and masters from the cultural circles and art festivals. Thank you for coming from afar, and thank you for your contribution to charity in Asia!"

Shen Mingdao: "Not much gossip, I am very honored to announce that this year's charity gala has officially started! Below, we invite the first auctioneer to provide the auction item!"

(End of this chapter)

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