Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 802 Condensation is born!

Chapter 802 Condensation is born!

No one expected that an auction dinner in the charity world would make Su Ning, a star who is purely a singer, jump to the middle of the list.There is no doubt that Su Ning became the biggest winner tonight.However, this is something no one can envy.Who told someone to have such a husband?Who can take out one billion RMB without blinking an eye?

After that night, there were more and more rumors about Su Ning, and many backgrounds that no one knew before slowly began to spread on the Internet.

For example, Su Ning is actually the daughter of a super rich man, Ye Feng is actually a hidden top boss in the world, etc. After all, Su Ning was worth a billion when he made a move, which really shocked too many people.Just buying a painting, this kind of courage, even the richest man in China can't bear it.

Of course, these are just rumors on the Internet, and they can't come up with any conclusive evidence, and Ye Feng and Su Ning are too lazy to respond.


Time passed little by little, since the charity party, Ye Feng and Ning Ning have been staying at home obediently.Seeing that Ningning's belly is getting bigger day by day, the day of labor is gradually approaching.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

During this period, the Spring Festival has already passed, and this Spring Festival is much more lively than on the Internet. People from the Su family and the Lan family all gather together, talking, laughing, and fighting, which also adds to the excitement of the Spring Festival. A little bit of joy.Although the juniors of the Su family and the juniors of the Lan family did not get along, but on such a big day, there will be no unpleasantness for everyone.

However, to Ye Feng's regret, Su Tianxia did not come back this Spring Festival.He wanted to see what this guy looked like, and he didn't know what he was busy with.However, Lin Yi added some fun to Ye Fengping for nothing. The relationship between this guy and Zhao Meng became more and more intriguing. Judging from the meaning of the two, it means that they are separated by one identity.

Speaking of Lin Yi, Ye Feng had a special talk with his father-in-law, and knew a lot about Lin Yi.

Don't think that Lin Yi is usually indifferent, but to be honest, Lin Yi's life is as exciting as Ye Feng's.However, little is known about his deeds.

This period of time can be regarded as Ye Feng's rare leisure time.

There is no disturbance in the academic world, no chaos in the outside world, every day I accompany Ningning for a stroll, listening to my father-in-law and mother-in-law talk about the past, or playing with my baby girl by myself, or writing calligraphy and painting Chinese paintings casually .Ye Feng has not had such a relaxing rest for a long time, but this kind of time will not last forever, and, after a long time, he will naturally get tired of it.

Until, from winter to spring, this day.


The big baby with a big belly lay on the bed and called Ye Feng.


Ye Feng walked over with a gentle face, touching his wife's pretty face.

"Stomach hurts~" Big Baby frowned, looking a bit in pain.


Ye Feng was taken aback for a moment, "Stomach hurts?" Ye Feng was startled suddenly, "Is it going to give birth! Hurry up!"

Although anxious, Ye Feng still gently hugged Ning Ning, and then quickly rushed downstairs.



outside the ward.

Gathered more than 20 people.

Everyone in the Su family is back, and everyone in the Lan family is also there.At this moment, no matter whether it is the Su family or the Lan family, their faces are full of dignity.

Especially Su Ran, the father-in-law, walked up and down impatiently, fidgeting.A person like him, who has seen countless storms, has already lost his mind at this time.

"Old Su, don't keep walking around, it makes me dizzy." Lan Ruo said angrily.

Aunt Ye also said: "Ningning will be fine, so don't worry about it."

Listening to what the wives said, Su Ran sat down and said, "Of course I know that Ningning will be fine, the main reason is that she has to give birth to a son!"

For so many years, Su Ran has been thinking that the Ye family has a son, and now he is in the delivery room, so it's no wonder Su Ran is not in a hurry.

In fact, Lan Ruo and the others all understood and knew the importance of this matter. After all, they came together from that era.

Ye Feng seemed much calmer, as long as Ning Ning was fine, he didn't have much thought about having a son or a daughter.For him, sons and daughters are equally good.

The sister-in-law next to her looked at her and asked, "Brother-in-law, don't you know if the baby in my sister's stomach is a boy or a girl?"

Ye Feng shook his head.

"Didn't you do a B-ultrasound?" My sister-in-law asked in surprise, "And aren't your medical skills very good? Can you always tell the pulse?"

Ye Feng still shook his head, and said strangely: "I don't know what happened. When Ning Ning was pregnant, I also showed her many times, but I just couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman."

"You can see it."

Su Ran interjected: "Ning Ning is pregnant, whether it is a boy or a girl, no one will know until the moment she is born."

"Why? This is unscientific!" Ye Feng shouted.

Su Ran sneered, "How can there be so much science?"

In the corridor, there are all kinds of people with different expressions on their faces.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the door of the operating room suddenly opened.


"Did you give birth?"

"Is my daughter-in-law okay? Where is she? I want to see my daughter-in-law!"

"What about Ningning?"

"Boys and girls?"

With a clatter, all members of the Su family surrounded him. Ye Feng's first words were that I want to see my wife, it doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman.

The female doctor smiled at everyone, "Professor Ye, don't worry, mother and daughter are safe."

"It's good to be safe! It's good to be safe!" Although Ye Feng was confident in his heart, he was still relieved at this moment, and asked again: "Where is my wife? Can I go in now?"

The doctor nodded, and then Ye Feng rushed in with a brisk step.

The other younger sisters also hurriedly followed and went to see her sister.

At this moment, Su Ran is like a lightning strike!

"Mother, mother and daughter?"

The old man was a little confused, his head was buzzing.

Mother and daughter?



The old man doesn't know whether to be happy or cry now!
Don't bring this one!

Not even a son?

"Old Su, it's okay, Ningning is still young." Lan Ruo comforted, "Let their young couple live in the future."

Aunt Yang also said softly: "Brother Ran, sister is right, you don't have to do this."

Aunt Ye said domineeringly: "How nice a girl is, I just like girls."

Su Ran waved his hands, squeezed out a smile, and said, "That's right, I'll be alive in the future, let's go, let's go see Ning Ning and her granddaughter."

At this time, the doctor next to him smiled and said, "Boss Lan, it's not only the granddaughter, but also the grandson."


"What do you mean?"

Lan Ruo and the others were taken aback, and asked with wide-eyed eyes.

The doctor smiled and said, "It's twins, one older sister and one younger brother."


Su Ran was overjoyed immediately, "Really? Twins?"

This happiness came too suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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