Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 808 This dream is a little special!

Chapter 808 This dream is a little special!

At this moment, on the opposite side of the road, there was a person standing at some point.

A woman, a very beautiful woman.

Ye Feng suddenly looked up, the figure was so familiar, yet so strange.

The two looked at each other, looking at Yang Yu'er, Ye Feng's thoughts drifted away.


After a long time, until the crisp voice of Yue'er in his arms sounded, Ye Feng came back to his senses, squeezed a smile on his face, and said hello, "Here you are? When did you come?" He didn't know who he was What kind of mood.

"It's early."

Yang Yu'er said softly, walking this way, she walked to Ye Feng's side naturally, she seemed to want to take Yue'er in his arms, but for some reason, when she bent down, she stopped again up.

Yang Yu'er sat down and sat beside Ye Feng.

For a while, both of them were silent.

On the bench by the side of the road, the two sat side by side, Yue'er snuggled into Ye Feng's arms, a family of three, each feeling each other's warmth.

But at this moment, who can explain the complexity in everyone's heart?

Originally, Ye Feng was full of doubts in his heart, but now, more than half of them have subsided.

Who is Yue'er?When he saw Yang Yu'er in front of him, he no longer needed to be confused.

Looking down at the baby in his arms, Ye Feng's mood was complicated, guilty, and somewhat unacceptable.

This is his daughter!

It's the same daughter as Yiyi!

After a long time, Ye Feng still couldn't help but asked, and asked in a low voice: "Why did you leave at that time?"

Yang Yu'er brushed her hair, and looked into the distance, "There are some things that you and I can't decide, right?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng frowned.

"It's nothing." Yang Yu'er murmured, "What's the point of talking now? In short, your Ye family already has a male, and I have Yue'er, so it's good, isn't it?"

Looking at Ye Feng, Yang Yu'er did not expect that the former poor boy in her eyes turned out to have such a background.She was born in the Liu family in the south of the Yangtze River, which can be said to be a real wealthy clan, but on that rainy night, she really understood what a wealthy family is!What is a family!

"Let's go, I saw Dad too." Yang Yu'er withdrew her thoughts, reached out to take Yue'er from Ye Feng's arms, and gently rubbed the baby's little head. Fortunately, Yue'er is a girl...

"Are you happy today?"


The little guy said in a childish voice, "Is Ma Ma happy?"

Yang Yu'er was getting up, when she heard the words of her daughter in her arms, she smiled, "Happy."'

The little guy muttered, "It's a pity that I didn't see my sister and younger siblings." Then, the little baby nestled in her mother's arms, and said to Ye Feng: "Papa, next time you can take Yue'er to see my sister and younger siblings Is it?"

Yang Yu'er patted Yue'er on the back softly, Yue'er made a grimace at Ye Feng, and shrank back.

"Now is not the time to think about these things, you should focus on scientific research."

After saying a word, before Ye Feng could react, Yang Yuer walked away with her daughter in her arms.

To be honest, Ye Feng's current mood is as complicated as it needs to be.

Some doubts, he already understood, but there are still some problems, but he can't figure it out.

Yue'er was his daughter, and when Yang Yu'er left, she was already pregnant.

But why didn't she tell herself that she was pregnant?

And to choose a person to leave?

This is what makes Ye Feng very puzzled.

Even when I went back to the hotel and lay down on the bed, this problem kept bothering me.

Time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

Ye Feng didn't eat anything, he just kept lying on the bed, he was so upset that he didn't know what to do.

With the appearance of Yang Yu'er and the arrival of her daughter Yue'er, how should the mother and daughter be arranged?Take it back to China?Live with yourself?What about Ningning?What about never betraying?What about Yiyi?
There is also the crisis of the curvature of the solar system exploding!This is about the life and death of the entire human race!How to solve this matter?

The intertwining of personal troubles and world-related difficulties really made Ye Feng a little tired!He has never been so powerless and hesitant like now!

He got up, dug out a bottle of wine, and leaned against the balcony of the hotel.The sky was full of stars outside the window, Ye Feng was drinking alone, staring blankly at the starry sky, letting the night wind blow on him.

Alcohol's paralysis made him temporarily forget about those troubles.He felt a little ridiculous, never thought that one day he would use alcohol to numb himself, and would use this method to escape reality.

But there is no way, he is really tired.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Feng fell asleep in a drunken haze, and fell asleep on the balcony, blowing the wind.

And that night, he had a dream.

In his dream, he dreamed of a magnificent palace; in his dream, he dreamed of a strange nine-stringed guqin; Opened a boundless divine gate!

In the dream, he seemed to have passed through the gate and dreamed of the extremely distant world, where the world seemed to be boundless, some people traveled thousands of miles with the wind, some moved Kyushu with a sword, some fought with beasts, and some fought with monsters!In the world there, everyone is like a dragon; the world there is extremely exciting!


This dream was very, very long, as if it had gone through hundreds of millions of years, and the content was so complex that Ye Feng himself couldn't accept it immediately. Ye Feng had never had such a dream.

When he woke up the next day, even he himself had a look of astonishment and shock. Even he himself was shocked by the weird and mysterious content for a long time and could not calm down.



Divine Comedy?


What the hell is this?

Ye Feng was really dumbfounded!

He actually had a hunch that he might be dreaming, because the curvature explosion this time was beyond his current ability to solve problems.He also knew that his dream must have something to do with this matter.But he never thought that he would have such a dream.

Such a dream that even he himself could not comprehend.

What is this all about?

Does this thing have anything to do with solving the curvature explosion and saving the world?

After Ye Feng washed up, he lay down on the bed again. He didn't rush to eat, but closed his eyes and thought quietly.This was the first time he was puzzled by his dream, and he still had to get his head straight.

"This palace looks familiar."

Recalling the appearance of the palace in the dream, Ye Feng talked to himself.

Familiar, especially familiar!
Isn't this the Tiandi Palace in my hometown?
Definitely this place!
Isn't that guqin the nine-stringed qin with black and white strings up and down in front of the throne?
Ye Feng will definitely not remember it wrong, because the experience in Tiandi Palace was so unforgettable for him.

Why dream of Tiandi Palace?

And that piano piece?

Ye Feng fell into deep thinking again, but after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and it was someone from the research institute who called him to a meeting again.

ps: The epidemic is very serious recently. I hope everyone will pay great attention to it. Don’t go out easily. Be sure to wear a mask when you go out. If you have symptoms such as unexplained fever, you must isolate yourself.

The epidemic is merciless. Although the pneumonia is coming fiercely, there is no need to panic. It will pass sooner or later!

Come on, Wuhan!Come on Huaxia!
(End of this chapter)

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