Chapter 5059 The Plan Begins


The corners of John Rockefeller's mouth twitched slightly.

Although John Rockefeller wanted to refute it, he had to admit that what Mitchell said was indeed true.

The signboard of the Rothschild family is a talisman!

This is the charm of the world's No. [-] giant.

That's why John D. Rockefeller, Hank Drew, and Morgan Pierre all wanted to be there.

He is not only a reputation, but more importantly, this signboard will bring many substantial benefits to the entire family.

"I'll contact Morgan Pierre now."

While speaking, John had already pulled out his mobile phone and dialed Morgan Pierre.


Soon the short message was successfully connected.


"Pierre tells you good news. The distribution of the Rothschild family's financial funds has been confirmed."

"So fast? Tell me quickly, what is the specific situation..."

Morgan Pierre was obviously taken aback for a moment, but soon after, Pierre recovered and spoke.

"Three major fields, the proportion of funds in the investment field exceeds 60.00%..."

"What? 60.00%? Arman is crazy!"

Before John Rockefeller finished speaking, Morgan Pierre on the other end of the phone let out an exclamation.

Investing is a very risky business.

60.00% investment ratio, which is already an extremely high figure.

If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

So after hearing the numbers from John Rockefeller, even Morgan Pierre couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Only those who have worked in the financial field will understand the horror of this number better.

Nor, of course, did he question the veracity of John Rockefeller's sources.

Since John Rockefeller told him himself, it means that John Rockefeller has identified the source.

To put it bluntly, he and John Rockefeller are now grasshoppers on the same boat.

Although not confiding.

But there is still some trust.

This is the charm of the No. [-] giant.

They are able to reduce risk to a very low level and earn higher profits.

Of course, come to think of it, John Rockefeller didn't intend to say it.

It is enough for him to know this kind of news alone.

Everyone knows that there is no need to do it.

Even though he is now an ally with John Rockefeller.

But the alliance of interests always disintegrates.

Once Arman is removed from power, their alliance will also disintegrate.

Then he and Morgan Pierre would be rivals again.

"Morgan, that's the truth."

"Tell me, what are your plans?"

John Rockefeller made an excuse to digress.

"Well, let me think about it, and I will call you back later."

Morgan Pierre said.


John Rockefeller did not deliberately urge, and after a brief chat, John Rockefeller hung up the phone.

The Rothschild family is a behemoth after all.

To deal with him, one must have a perfect plan.

And this plan cannot be perfected in a short time.

Not only after careful scrutiny, but also after numerous demonstrations, can the soundness of the plan be ensured.

If Morgan Pierre came right away, then John Rockefeller would have to be more cautious.

Today, Morgan Pierre's cautious appearance, to tell the truth, John Rockefeller is very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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