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Chapter 5113 Putting the Long Line, Catching Big Fish

Chapter 5113 Putting the Long Line, Catching Big Fish

"You're right, we did have to change our plans"

Mitchell said excitedly.

"It is my honor to be able to serve the elders of the Mitchell family."

"Okay, Rauls, you can continue to help me keep an eye on Arman, and report to me directly if you have anything."

'Don't worry, as long as I become the head of the Rothschild family, the benefits will be indispensable to you... '

"Thank you, Patriarch Mitchell."


After a brief chat, Lawers hung up the phone.

"Rauls, why don't you ask Mitchell what his next plan is?"

On the side, Jamilian said with some complaints.

Why did they "betray" the family?
It's not to gain Mitchell's trust, and then extract more valuable information from Mitchell.

But now, they threw out all the bait, but they didn't even get any return, which made Jamilian a little puzzled.


Obviously Lawrs can continue to dig deeper on the topic just now.

However, Lawrs chose to stop when enough was enough.

On this point, Jamilian disagreed.

"Ask? Ask what?"

"Hehe. Do you think Mitchell will say it if I ask it?"

"And, have you ever thought that Mitchell doesn't even know what to do next?"

Rauls raised his mouth slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Yamilian, the most taboo thing about fishing is impatience."

"Long line, big fish"

"After Mitchell completes the latest plan, we will ask."

"During this period, we only need to do one thing well, and that is to continue to provide information to Mitchell."

"Gaining Mitchell's trust and getting deep into them."

'Only in this way can we get more information' Lawles said with a smile.

Now that the situation has just changed, Mitchell will definitely need time to joke and change tactics.

After he digested it and made a new plan, it was time for them to act.

Put a long line and catch big fish?
Hearing Lawers' words, Jamilian narrowed her eyes.
She thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the truth.

Today, time is too short and matters are too urgent.

Even if Mitchell is awesome, he can't make a plan for the next step in a flash.

Then they give him a little time.

When Mitchell had almost made the plan, they were asking.

"Okay, Rauls, just do as you say!"

Jamilian said seriously.

"This time, be steady!"

A broad smile appeared on Lawrs' face.

Lawrs was laughing.
But what they didn't know was that Mitchell was laughing now too.

And smile brighter than anyone else.

According to Lawers' words, Mitchell can be sure that Arman has completely fallen into their trap.

Today, Alman transfers the Rothschild family's funds to the industry, which is exactly what he wants.

Before he could explain, Mitchell immediately rushed out of the room and went straight to John Rockefeller's study.

This kind of good thing, he must share with John Rockefeller.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

A moment later, Mitchell knocked on the door of the study
(End of this chapter)

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