Chapter 25 Normal

The video didn't become an instant hit, which somewhat disappointed Zhang Miao and the others.

It's just that the three musketeers cheered each other on, and they didn't become popular overnight, which they had expected before.It's better to be more patient. Anyway, I still have some materials in my hand. The high yield is like a sow. I will continue to release some videos with topics and content. That's the best.

Some things also require a little patience and continuous efforts. This is the correct approach.

Seriously speaking, it's not bad, anyway, the first content also attracted nearly [-] fans.In this way, if you post more content, you may be able to continue to increase your followers. This is a good thing to look forward to.

Idle is also idle, before school starts, before finding a real job.Li Haoyuan and Xu Pengfei, they did have some time and patience to do these things, and this was more or less something they were more interested in.

As for what will happen next, it is hard to say.

To put it more realistically, it is possible to "generate electricity for love" now, but there is no future in sight. Considering the pressure of real life, it is definitely not possible to generate electricity for love all the time. Everyone knows this.

Zhang Liye and Zhao Ling naturally knew that Zhang Miao was filming a video about chasing the sea, but they didn't care too much.From the very beginning, they were not optimistic about Zhang Miao's attempts, nor did they think that there could be another Internet celebrity in the family.

So don't say whether it is popular or not, even if this account has published content, they don't care or know.

That's fine, you don't have to lose face.

"Tomorrow I'll go to the pier to buy some bait, and we'll lay down a few more crab pots tomorrow." After dinner, Zhang Liye made work arrangements, "Tomorrow's main task is to get down crab pots and eel pots. If we still have time, we'll go there again." Cast two nets."

Naturally, Zhang Miao has no reason to object to such an arrangement. This is the normal life of fishermen.

Zhang Liye continued, "Xiao Miao, do you have any ideas on where to cast the net?"

Zhang Miao thought for a while and said, "It's better to cast the net along the coast, or else we'll look for rocks and puddles?"

"Forget about the puddles, it's thankless." Zhao Ling said directly, she knew some of Zhang Miao's thoughts, "How can there be fish in so many puddles, and if you spend hours pumping water, how can you know if there are fish in them. "

Don't, others don't know, but I can tell whether there are fish in the puddle and whether it is worth pumping!
Zhang Liye also said, "If you have the time, why don't you follow me to find fish schools. How about this, if you have time tomorrow, let's go to the duck farm and the kelp raft. Find more tidal flats , It’s better to find more fishing spots.”

Zhang Miao didn't say anything more, since the arrangement was clear, it was enough to be obedient.Even though she is confident in her eyesight, Zhang Miao feels that she still has room for improvement.

Now that these things have been arranged, Zhang Miao can wash up and return to the room to prepare for rest after knowing the work tasks for tomorrow.

After swiping a certain sound, among the accounts I followed, the account of the fisherman Shui Ye also posted a second video, which was a video of a family of three catching crabs nearly half a month ago.

Of course, I am following 'Fisherman Shui Ye'. This account is a video account and cannot be counted as Zhang Miao's personal account.

This can also show that Zhang Miao did have a lot of video material a few days ago, and it also shows that Xu Pengfei has just learned video production, and many skills and techniques are still being explored, and he is not yet proficient.

That's okay, some things just need to have such a gradual process.

After carefully watching the video several times, Zhang Miao was also communicating with Xu Pengfei and Li Haoyuan.The video was produced by Xu Pengfei, but the operation and so on are now taken over by Li Haoyuan.

The three "laymen" put forward some suggestions and ideas based on their long-term reading of a certain sound and some of their own "understanding". As for whether this is going astray, that is another matter.

After talking about work, Zhang Miao felt that he needed to relax a little.For example, when watching videos, some dancing ladies are still pretty good-looking, but I don’t know if these people have filters or their beauty is too big.

Regardless, if you don't delve into it, you may not need to suffer too much.As long as I don't admit it, nothing happens.

The unfavorable start of the blogger career did not hit Zhang Miao too much, and it did not affect Zhang Miao's excellent sleep quality.

It didn't affect Zhang Miao's work and rest time and life rhythm. Zhang Miao, who was still an early riser, went out for a morning run.It feels more and more that spring has arrived, and this winter vacation seems a little bit long.

That's right, I heard that some schools are starting to arrange back-to-school arrangements one after another.It's just that as a senior student, Zhang Miao felt that he still didn't want to go back to school, and it would be inconvenient for him to be locked up in school.

In fact, the schools are pretty much the same. The management and requirements for these students who are about to graduate are not high. As long as there is no problem with the thesis, it is better to wait to get the degree certificate.

Seeing his son coming home, Zhang Liye said, "Clean up your things, let's get the cage."

It has been five days since the crab pots were thrown into the sea, and it is time to see if there is any harvest.This time seems to be relatively long, but it can also be said to be a very normal time, and many fishermen do this.

In fact, there are not many things that need to be brought, mainly small things such as rubber bands for fear of missing.If you catch a lot of crabs, you need to tie them well, and you can't let them fight.

If there is a lack of arms and legs, the price will naturally drop a lot, which is not a good deal.

After launching the small fishing boat, Zhang Liye said, "At first, I really didn't want you to come back to fish. It's not that you have studied for several years, but the main reason is that you are afraid that this industry will have no future."

Zhang Miao naturally understands some things, and agrees with this statement, "Fishing has been difficult in recent years, I know."

"It's not these few years, it's been many years." Zhang Liye sighed, and said, "It's getting harder and harder to fight, especially for us who can only flop around in the offshore. Sometimes it is difficult to maintain ourselves. Look at us If you look at the village next to you, many people have changed their careers. Otherwise, they will go to the big fishing boat.”

Offshore fishing is in a downturn, and Zhang Miao is naturally aware of these things.After all, his father was a fisherman. Although Dongping Village is not a fishing village, there are indeed some people in the village who make a living by fishing.

Zhang Liye continued, "You have been fishing for so many days, the more I see you, the more you can hold this job."

"It's okay, I also think I have some talent." Zhang Miao is not boastful, but rather confident, "I think I can find fish. The offshore fishery is really not very good now, and it can't be said that there are no fish at all. Just find If not, it’s hard to find.”

Isn't that the case? Although the current offshore fishery is relatively scarce, it cannot be said that there is no fish at all.At most, it is difficult to find fish now, and it is not particularly easy to have more catches.

The father and son were chatting, which could be regarded as discussing career prospects and career development.It is not easy to make a living, and many things do need to be considered more fully, and a little bit of planning and planning are required.

When the small sampan arrived at the fishing raft, Zhang Liye picked up the float and began to collect the cage.

The crab cages were dragged onto the boat one by one, and so far, there were not many satisfactory results.

There are a few small crabs, but the portion is too small.There are unexpected gains, such as catching two small fish and shrimp, and a small octopus.

Air Force, which is basically an air force through and through.

Zhang Liye was used to such things, and things like the Air Force were a common state for fishermen like him.There is nothing to complain about, the most important thing is to calm down.

Although this was an air force, Zhang Liye and Zhang Miao were not too frustrated.It is estimated that such things will often occur in the future. This is the normal state of life and work of fishermen.

Go home with very little harvest, which is nothing more than a tooth-beating festival.It seems that if you want to return with a full load again, you still need to find a better spot for crab replenishment, and maybe you need some luck.

Regarding her husband and son returning empty-handed, Zhao Ling didn't say much, they were all used to it, so naturally there was nothing to make a fuss about.

Zhang Miao is also very calm and calm, looking for some new ways, looking for some schools of fish, this is what Zhang Miao needs to do, and this is what Zhang Miao thinks he is best at.

(End of this chapter)

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