Chapter 52

Pumping water is hard work, but also a job that requires luck.

After looking at three pits in a row, Zhang Miao didn't find anything worthwhile, and he was a little disheartened.

But Zhang Liye had lost his patience. If he had the time to continue his arduous trek, he might as well catch some conch and oysters first.It's not that I expect to make some money, it's simply that since I'm here, add some ingredients to the refrigerator.

"It's bad luck." Zhang Miao said to herself, only his bleak back was on the tidal flat, "There should be fish in these pits, but unfortunately there are only small fish and shrimps, not even a big one!"

Zhang Miao, who continued to trek hard, set off towards the next puddle, a little closer to the sea, and would be submerged if the tide rose.

The main reason is that it is too close to the coastline. In Zhang Miao's view, this pit is relatively difficult.But maybe the hope is also the biggest. Although the area is a little bigger, this pit is close to the sea.

Zhang Miao, who walked in slowly, glanced down and immediately realized, "Qing Zhan, it's not bad."

It was finally a slightly bigger fish, but Zhang Miao didn't think it was worth much.Unless it is a large school of fish, or relying on fish such as Qingzhan and Yinpomfret, there is no possibility of getting back the capital at all.

"You go downstream" Zhang Miao, who continued to look at the puddle, suddenly stopped and began to analyze.

"See the conch, about two meters?" Zhang Miao continued to analyze and said with a smile, "No, it's a bit like an inverted funnel or a pyramid, with a larger opening at the top and a narrower one at the bottom."

As if to confirm Zhang Miao's judgment, he saw some conch snails and other creatures.The distribution of those guys is really as Zhang Miao judged, basically slowly descending along the slope.

Zhang Miao was a little smug, and said to herself, "I'm still the best. After seeing these things, I know the terrain."

"It's four meters long, and the depth seems to be 3 meters at the deepest." Zhang Miao shook her head with a smile, and analyzed, "It's not worth it. Base × height ÷ [-], it's a bit big."

Zhang Miao, who continued to analyze, said to herself, "No wonder I can only take the second exam, and mathematics has been holding me back. Suddenly, I can't calculate the volume. It is less than five cubic meters, and one cubic meter is almost one Tons. This is close to five tons of water! The power of the water pump, which is 3W, is actually very fast, and about half an hour is enough."

It's still not worth it, Zhang Miao thinks it's not worth smoking here, so he can continue to search and go to the last pit to see, this is his last hope.But now it seems that the possibility of success is really not great, Zhang Miao is a little depressed.

The main reason is that the puddle looks too big. Zhang Miao feels that even if there are fish in it, there may not be enough time for him to complete the pumping this time.

"Huh?" Zhang Miao was delighted when he arrived at the pit, "After working for a long time, it looks like a fake, this is just a show!"

The irregular shape is estimated to be nearly ten meters long, but the widest point is less than two meters.The main thing is the depth. Although it is close to the sea, I thought it might be deep enough, but it seems that it is less than one meter in some places.

"It's okay, let's try to smoke it first." Zhang Miao quickly analyzed and said with a smile, "It's not too difficult, even small fish and shrimp are worth trying. The main thing is to prove my strength and prove that there are fish here."

Seeing a few medium-sized fish and two shrimps, Zhang Miao continued talking to himself.

It may be a loss this time, but it's worth a try.To prove that there are fish in the pit you are looking for, and to improve everyone's fighting spirit and confidence, this is also to work hard for continuing to find pits in the future.

When it comes to pumping water, Zhang Miao thinks that he is a professional, and he doesn't take any chances.

Continue to walk along the edge of the puddle to see if there is any greater harvest. To thoroughly understand the situation in this puddle, this is what Zhang Miao should do.

Suddenly Zhang Miao stood up and couldn't help laughing, "Ma Yu, this is a fortune!"

"That's right, it seems that it is really the mackerel fishing season, which means fishing is banned. If you catch these fish, you can still make a small fortune!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao no longer hesitated, "Dad, I saw horse mackerel, there are many of them!"

Zhang Liye, who was picking up the conch, heard the movement and immediately stood up, "Are there many?"

"They're all swimming outside. I only saw a dozen or so of them, and they weighed one or two catties!" Zhang Miao continued to shout loudly, "Hurry up and get the water pump, and bring the net with you!"

This time there was no need for Zhang Miao to say any more. Li Haoyuan and Xu Pengfei no longer needed conch shells in the tidal flats, and hurriedly walked towards the flood embankment to pump water.

Zhang Miao smiled happily, and analyzed, "The smaller ones are twenty or thirty, and the larger ones are forty or fifty. It's easy to catch these horse sharks for a few hundred dollars."

"Plus prawns and so on, then forget it, go back and make a tooth sacrifice by yourself."

It's a good start. Although I can't make a lot of money, making a small fortune and proving my own strength is enough. This is what Zhang Miao is looking forward to now.

Naturally, he also hoped that it would be an instant hit, and he hoped that he would have a super big product for the first time.It's just that now it seems that it's better to be more pragmatic, and don't have some unrealistic fantasies.

Zhang Liye took two small followers to lift the water pump, water was brought, and it was time to start working.

"Hey, this pit is so big, it will take one or two hours to finish it!" Li Haoyuan couldn't help but became worried, and he had some experience, "In one or two hours, the tide will be high."

Xu Pengfei also said, "I don't know how deep it is. If the water is deep, I won't be able to finish it in an hour or two."

Zhang Miao laughed, quite confidently, "It's okay, please pay attention, the depth doesn't seem to be deep, it's probably about one meter."

Zhang Liye nodded, and then laughed, "It's your luck that you have found so many pitfalls, so this is the best!"

The main reason is that the water is shallow. He also saw a few sharks swimming just now.Just these few horse mackerels are worth pumping first. As for whether there will be more other discoveries, that is another matter.

Zhang Miao nodded with a smile, and suggested, "You guys start pumping water here first, and I'll go into the water to have a look."

Zhang Liye quickly interrupted, and stopped, "No, you can see clearly from the side of the pit, but it's not deep, but who knows if there is a deep place in this pit, don't go down!"

Well, it's normal for Zhang Liye to have such an attitude, and it's a relatively normal and prudent approach.

Of course he knows that Zhang Miao's water quality is quite good, but such a puddle, who can guarantee that the terrain is really flat, who can guarantee that there will be some faults suddenly.

So don't go swimming in unfamiliar waters, and don't try your best.

Those who drown are those who know how to water.

Such sayings are not unreasonable. Sometimes being too confident is not necessarily a good thing.

Zhang Miao didn't say much, he could see and judge the shape and topography of the puddle, but even if the water in the puddle was relatively shallow and clear, not everyone could clearly see what was going on inside.

Wait a little longer, and when the situation becomes clearer, there will be no problem for him to go down to the pit again, and he will naturally be able to improve the progress of the work a little at that time.

I started to get busy and busy, and now I have to start working. It must be an exaggeration to race against time, but I can't relax in any way.

The water pump started to work, and the turbid sea water gushed out from the water belt, and flowed to the tidal flats where the terrain was low and it was impossible to return to the puddle.

"Xiao Fei, go dig a hole to let the water flow faster."

"Xiao Yuan, go and help Xiao Fei. You two make the drain bigger, the water seems to be slowing down."

Zhang Liye started commanding work, and he still needs a veteran with work experience like him to sit in charge, so that work efficiency can be better improved, and time can be saved better.

Standing by the pit, Zhang Miao muttered softly while watching the water flow, "It's still not enough, the power is too small, and it's a waste of time."

Zhang Liye, who had heard it and pretended not to hear it, felt that he still needed to wait and settle for it first, and then consider buying a good water pump after confirming that it really had potential and that the pumping pit could make money.

Now, it's really not worth having too much investment.

Now the water pump can still work, and it is barely enough, so there is no need to waste that money!

As for Zhang Miao, he felt that buying a water pump must be on the agenda.It's just that now, he still needs to prove himself further. He also feels that the job of pumping a water hole really has a certain potential, and this job may indeed bring good income.

Investment is also for better returns!
(End of this chapter)

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