Chapter 76 Hard work
Professional fisherman Zhang Miao got up early and started running.

After jogging for 10 minutes and returning home, Zhang Miao was already sweating profusely, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

Zhang Liye also went home. He was in a good mood with the bucket in his hand, "There are some goods in the jar today, and I caught a few crabs."

Leaning over to look at the bucket, Zhang Miao was very happy, "This is very good, these crabs cost 500 yuan."

"More than that, they are all female crabs." Zhang Liye smiled even more happily, and said to Zhang Miao, "The price has also increased a little, and it should be sold for [-]. It seems that someone stole the jars at our house. "

There is no way around this, although they all belong to the folks in the village, but Zhang Miao knows very well that there are some things that cannot be avoided.

These fishermen are also used to some things, such as their fish cages being stolen and picked up.If it is said that just stealing the catch is depressing, then it is just irritating to cut the net cable and do something that hurts others and does not benefit oneself.

Zhao Ling looked at the weather and said, "I don't dare to go to the sea today, you guys should also pay attention. The weather is so hot, drink more water."

"Well, I'm going to the mangrove forest today." Zhang Miao looked at his father and asked for advice, "You're going there, right?"

Zhang Liye nodded, pointed to the warehouse and said, "Let's prepare things first, I guess some are busy."

It is true that some people are busy. If they are going to catch the sea normally, it is basically enough to carry a bucket, a small shovel, and the like.

But Zhang Miao’s sea-going is different. They also bring water pumps, hoes, sickles, etc., and there are also nets, buckets, oxygen machines, etc., and there are many miscellaneous things.

Before going to sea and starting work, Zhang Miao felt that her clothes were all wet with sweat.After waking up in the morning, I was sweating twice. This is not considered a scorching heat, but it has already seen its power for the first time, which is a bit worrying.

Li Haoyuan, who was driving a battery car, brought Xu Pengfei there, "Uncle, are you going to catch crabs today?"

"Catch crabs and go to the mangrove forest." Zhang Liye said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "You two have to be mentally prepared. The weather is hot now, and the mangrove forest is even hotter. And the smell is also very choking. "

Mangrove forests are quite special, not to mention hot weather, even in normal times, the stagnant water, silt, and rotting smell of dead branches and leaves are quite choking.Coupled with the fact that it is summer now, thinking about the environment over there makes people dreadful.

What's more, since it's summer, mosquitoes are indispensable, and the mangrove forest is definitely the mosquito's favorite living environment.

There is no way, it is not easy to make money, even if you know the harsh environment there, you can only go there to work.Making money is not easy, and I don't have much qualifications to pick and choose, so I can only accept such a cruel fact.

Zhang Miao, who was carrying a bucket of mineral water, was in high spirits, "Have some barbecue tonight, and have a bottle of cold beer?"

"Okay!" Xu Pengfei smiled, and looked at Zhang Miao with disdain, "You are really good at it, you dare to drink beer!"

Zhang Miao was quite upset at what he said.He does not drink alcohol, but that doesn't mean he really doesn't drink at all.For beer, you can still drink half a bottle if you are in good condition.It should be more pleasant to have a glass of beer in such a summer.

Zhang Liye didn't say anything, just pointed to the boat, "Xiao Miao, come and sail the boat."

Zhang Miao, who was promoted to captain, has a great sense of responsibility. The passengers and cargo on board are now his responsibility.Fortunately, this is a calm and open water, so Zhang Miao naturally doesn't need to worry about hitting an iceberg or running aground. He is becoming more and more familiar with these places in front of his house.

"Third Aunt, there are no clams here." Zhang Miao, who started the fishing boat, suddenly shouted, "Change to another place, there is nothing here."

The third aunt straightened up and said to the small fishing boat, "I just picked some clams and went back. Your little Viagra will be back tomorrow."

"Oh, then he came back and asked him to find me."

Zhang Miao responded with a smile, and didn't say anything more. If she just picked some clams, there should be no problem.

As a reliable professional fisherman, Zhang Miao has never forgotten to give full play to his advantages.Even when he was sailing in a fishing boat, he was always paying attention to the water surface, wanting to see some movements under the water and get more information.

There are some small discoveries, and the more valuable discoveries have not been seen yet.For such things, Zhang Miao has maintained a normal mind, and does not feel that this is any kind of shock, nor does she feel disappointed.

This may also be because Zhang Miao did not have high expectations from the very beginning, and he did this only out of "professional instinct".

The small fishing boat landed smoothly, and Zhang Miao didn't need to say anything at all. Li Haoyuan jumped off the boat, and Xu Pengfei quickly threw the rope over.

Even if you haven't mastered too many advanced skills now, it seems that everyone has mastered some relatively basic abilities, which can be regarded as barely buying the threshold of fishermen.

Distributing the tools is a heavy task. Of course, these are just some portable tools, and the water pumps are left on the ship.Even whether these tools can come in handy today, it seems unknown now, we still have to see what happens next.

Stepping on the mud and marching towards the depths of the mangrove forest, Zhang Miao complained, "This toilet water is not effective, why do mosquitos like me so much!"

"Mainly you are male!" Li Haoyuan grinned, gloating at his misfortune, "Maybe it's because you exude a strong hormonal aura, so compared to other people, you are more attractive to mosquitoes."

Not to be outdone, Xu Pengfei teased, "It is said that female mosquitoes like to suck the blood of animals, while male mosquitoes deal with plants. Now in the woods, male mosquitoes are also coming to deal with you. You are really welcome!"

Zhang Miao really didn't know what to say, so she simply didn't say anything, so as not to encounter more ridicule.

Zhang Liye just smiled and said nothing. He was not very willing to participate in the topics of these young people.There's no need to get involved, lest these lads feel uncomfortable.

Looking at the muddy land in front of him, Zhang Liye opened his mouth to arrange tasks, "Let's take a look here, there should be crabs here. Xiao Miao, take a look around and see if there is anything interesting."

Such an arrangement can also be said to be a targeted arrangement, and everyone is no stranger to it.

Zhang Miao prefers to work in places with water, looking for crab holes in the mud. This kind of work seems to have no technical content to Zhang Miao. He has always been impatient with these things, and basically does not participate in them.

In fact, everyone is joking, mainly because of things like digging crab holes. Zhang Miao seems to have been unlucky. He basically can’t find too many old things on the shore, so let him wander around. .

Stepping on the mud, Zhang Miao set off. He wanted to walk around here to see if he could find some valuable catches and see if there were any good things nearby.

Let others do things like digging crab holes. That's not Zhang Miao's specialty, and it's not what he's good at.

Watching Zhang Miao, who was copying the net and carrying a bucket, walk towards the coastline, stepping down and sinking into the deep mud, every step seemed extremely difficult.

What makes Zhang Miao most uncomfortable is that there is only a shallow pool of stagnant water here, and the smell of mud, dead branches and rotting leaves makes people feel heavy.There is no refreshing sea breeze at all, and there is almost no wind here.

Tucao return to Tucao, it does not affect Zhang Miao's progress at all, and it does not affect his serious search for catches.

Occasionally there are still some small catches, such as conch and the like, which are naturally okay to pick up casually, and Zhang Miao is of course very clear about the principle that adding up a little makes a lot.

Continue to search patiently. Zhang Miao is currently picking up some small goods that seem to be of low value, but in his heart, he has always been looking forward to some high-value big goods, looking forward to having more good things Appear.

Be more patient, Zhang Miao is still full of confidence in her own strength.As long as those big goods appear in his field of vision, that's enough!

(End of this chapter)

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