Chapter 92

Zhang Miao was a little dissatisfied because he didn't catch a few moray eels and crabs. The hard work of this day seemed to be very rewarding.

Zhang Miao's gains were not high, and Li Haoyuan's and the others didn't gain much either. The gains were very little, so naturally, their morale was not too big or small.

On the way back, Zhang Miao continued to remain calm.It's not the first time something like this has happened, so I naturally feel that it's very normal, and there's nothing to make a fuss about.

Zhang Miao, who originally planned to take a shower after returning home, suddenly changed her mind. I have already encountered a bottleneck period. How can I give up so easily? Of course, we need to work hard to break through the bottleneck period, and we must not stay in the comfort zone.

Just after returning home, Zhang Miao went straight to the warehouse, "No, today's harvest is too little, I'm going to rake clams!"

"Aren't you tired?" Zhang Liye was a little distressed and stopped him. "If you go raking clams now, you can rake them for an hour at most. How much money can you make?"

Holding a rake, Zhang Miao spoke uprightly, "This is not a matter of money or not, it is a matter of ideals and fighting spirit!"

After saying this, Zhang Miao asked, "Is there enough oil?"

Zhang Liye nodded. There was still some oil in the engine of the fishing boat. As long as Zhang Miao didn't want to go to the far sea, there was no need to worry about running out of oil.

Since this is enough, Zhang Miao jumped on the pickup truck, reversed it out of the yard, and then went straight to the pier again.

The small fishing boat sailed slowly towards the tidal flat near the next village, and Zhang Miao also saw a fairly familiar figure.

Chen Yiyi straightened up, looked at the small fishing boat that was slowly approaching, showed a refreshing and clean smile, and said in a crisp voice, "Are you still here to catch the sea at this time? Didn't you just go back?"

"I didn't catch anything, come here to find some clams." Zhang Miao responded, "And you, I saw you raking clams when I went out in the morning. How is your harvest today?"

Chen Yiyi brushed his hair with his fingertips, "After raking for two hours in the morning, there are probably seven or eight catties of clams. I plan to rake clams for two hours in the afternoon, hoping to harvest more."

As the fishing boat approached, Zhang Miao pointed out, "Come here, there should be a lot of clams here."

Chen Yiyi turned around and looked at Zhang Miao, feeling somewhat puzzled and confused.

"There should be a little more clams here. I've raked a lot here before." Zhang Miao said calmly, not panicking at all, "If you have a lot of clams over there, rake them there."

Chen Yiyi thought for a while, then nodded.Carrying a rake in the waist-deep seawater, he struggled forward, trying to gain more.

Zhang Miao stopped the boat about ten meters away from Chen Yiyi, and then got off the boat with a rake, "You are a senior after school starts?"

"Well, you will be a senior at the beginning of school." Chen Yiyi raked the clams, and also raised some curiosity, "I heard that you also went to college, how did you design and defend your graduation thesis?"

Zhang Miao was happy, and said jokingly, "You probably know what's going on in our class. Graduation is relatively easy. I'm not in school for the first half of the year, so I went directly to get my diploma."

Chen Yiyi also understood that Zhang Miao and his fresh graduates were basically not allowed to return to school.Including these old students, they returned to school relatively late.

"I'm designing my graduation thesis now, and there are many things I don't understand very well." Chen Yiyi picked up a few clams and talked about his experience, "There are so many things going on, and now the graduation thesis is not as easy as it used to be."

Feeling the same way, Zhang Miao scolded directly, "It's all the stars' fault, just earn money if you don't have a doctor's degree, so we all follow the review."

Chen Yiyi naturally understood Zhang Miao's complaints, and said, "I heard that the previous two sessions were even worse, and there were blind and external reviews. We are a little bit better."

"Why are you fishing at home?" Chen Yiyi raised some doubts of his own, which are probably also the doubts of many people, "You are Puben, right?"

Zhang Miao was not embarrassed, and explained, "To make money, looking for a job outside may not make more money than now, so I just stay at home fishing and catching up with the sea. There are too many college students now, and my major is not good enough. Delicious."

When Chen Yiyi nodded, Zhang Miao also asked, "What about you? It's so hot, and you still come to rake clams, aren't you afraid of getting sunburned?"

"When I didn't go back to school, I worked in the factory all the time." Chen Yiyi didn't hide anything, and said bluntly, "The family's financial conditions are not good, so I can help the family to reduce a little burden."

Zhang Miao was a little flustered, and then hurriedly asked, "You will graduate soon, do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination or come out to work?"

"I'm going to take the exam." Chen Yiyi explained, and there was nothing to hide, "The job is relatively stable, the salary is good, and I can take care of the family. You don't know how worry-free my sister is, and she can take care of her at home. she."

An only child is not absolute, and Chen Yiyi has a younger sister, which is actually quite understandable.The family has a rural household registration and the first child is a girl. In the past, it was also possible to have a second child.

As for the case of Zhang Miao's family, it is not allowed. The first child is a boy, and the second child is not allowed, or a fine will be imposed.

Zhang Miao was overjoyed, and said calmly, "Tomorrow it will be difficult to rake clams here. The clams are not growing so fast, and the tide is also changing."

"Then I'll go to the shore and pick up conch and razor clams." Chen Yiyi didn't pay much attention, and she also knew how to catch the sea.

Zhang Miao, who blamed herself for talking too much, panicked all of a sudden, and said quickly, "I'm going to go fishing tomorrow, will you go?"

Depend on!
As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Miao felt that his performance was really terrible.He regrets it a little now, this performance is so poor, if he knew that he had the cheek to go after girls in college, he would have more experience.

"Go to a place to fish in the sea, and you can make some money by catching some fish." Zhang Miao made a clumsy excuse, but it was not completely clumsy. The price is high."

Chen Yiyi didn't speak. She was still wary of Zhang Miao's over-enthusiasm.Before chatting with Zhang Miao, it was only because the two of them were here to catch up with the sea, so it could be regarded as 'acquaintance'.

It's fine to go fishing together, if you're not that familiar, you won't accept Zhang Miao's 'good intentions'.

Chen Yiyi is also quite familiar with such 'good intentions'.In junior high school, high school and even university, all kinds of "good intentions" appeared from time to time, and she naturally knew the motives of these good intentions.

It's a bad start, Zhang Miao feels that her image must have been affected, and she doesn't know how to remedy it for a while.

Forget it, Zhang Miao thinks it is more realistic to give up struggling at this time.Now this has exposed the wolf's ambition. No matter what you do at this time, you are covering it up, which will be very embarrassing.

It's better to rake clams honestly, this seems to be the most important thing Zhang Miao should do now.That's probably the case, and it may be able to slightly improve your image.

The previous topic made Chen Yiyi a little wary, and he didn't intend to continue chatting with Zhang Miao.

At this time, it is more important to steadily improve your harvest, mainly because time is running out, and you must strive for more harvest before the tide rises.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Miao climbed onto the fishing boat and prepared to head back home with what seemed to be a good harvest in the past.It's definitely not because of embarrassment that makes you want to run away, it's simply because of the high tide.

Zhang Miao didn't feel embarrassed, and said directly, "I'll take you along the way."

Chen Yiyi showed a smile, with some alienation in his politeness, "Thank you."

This is probably something that can't be helped. After all, Zhang Miao's too straightforward invitation before will still make people wary. It is normal to keep a little distance at this time.

Without presumptuously thinking that she is a heartthrob, Zhang Miao still has a little self-knowledge about some of her attractiveness.

"Trying it out, you must have a thicker skin."

"But it shouldn't be too thick, as stalking and stalking will make people annoying. You still have to be measured."

Zhang Miao, who was talking to himself, felt that patience, perseverance, and perhaps some cleverness were needed.

As for the so-called "going with the flow" is impossible, some things still need to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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