Chapter 99
The power of gossip is terrifying, and it also made Zhang Miao feel a little pressure, feeling a little powerless to fight.

It's not just two bad friends who are gossiping. For such teasing, Zhang Miao just needs to be thick-skinned, and there is actually no big problem.The main reason was Zhang Miao's parents. Faced with the pressure from their parents, Zhang Miao felt a little overwhelmed.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether they admit it or not. The main reason is that they have confirmed this matter, and there is no way to change it.

Zhang Miao didn't think there was anything embarrassing about being a fair lady and a gentleman.At most, there are just some signs now, he doesn't like to be teased more.It's okay if it succeeds, but if it fails, it will definitely be very embarrassing.

As for the big grouper, it weighs 120 five catties and sold for [-] yuan.

The height is definitely not high, but such a big green spot can be sold at such a price is also very good.After all, it wasn't something like Dong Xingban, the value of blue spots had actually never been high.

"Give them a red envelope of 500 yuan each tomorrow." Zhang Liye took a sip of his wine and said comfortably, "It's about the same?"

Zhang Miao nodded, and it was almost the same. "Of course it's okay. The fish they caught were also exchanged for some money. If they caught big green spot, I'll just ask for a small red envelope. Anyone who sees it will have a share."

Zhao Ling is in a good mood, mainly because of the extra large income, "We can really earn [-] this month, fishing is really good."

That is, apart from the big green spot, Zhang Miao can basically guarantee a total income of around 1000 yuan by fishing twice a day.Compared with catching up with the sea, this kind of income is not small, and Zhang Miao also feels more satisfied and happy.

Zhang Miao, who was drinking the soup, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and that was exactly what happened.

Zhao Ling and Zhang Liye looked at each other, and then asked, "Is that little girl today your classmate?"

"Students, I know you." Zhang Miao immediately felt a headache, and started pouring the soup in a "dun dun dun dum" manner, "I'm done eating, go back and read."

Zhang Liye was upset, and pointed to the stool, "Sit down, let's chat!"

Pretending not to hear, Zhang Miao ran back to the room in a hurry.I really don't plan to talk more about this topic, at least not now.

Zhang Liye was a little funny, "If you don't tell me, just pretend I don't know?!"

It should be near the door of the house, so it is not difficult to inquire about it a little.It is impossible to keep secrets when engaging in confidential work.

Back in the bedroom, Zhang Miao took out her mobile phone, thought for a while and sent a WeChat message, "Do you have a fishing rod at home?"

Chen Yiyi quickly replied to WeChat, "I have a pole, can I?"

"Yes, I have a lot of fishing poles." Zhang Miao typed quickly, "Just come here tomorrow, or I will pick you up."

Chen Yiyi first returned a smiling face, and then replied, "I can drive a battery car."

Originally, I wanted to talk more, but I obviously didn't know what to talk about.Forget it, take a good rest.Zhang Miao also has a certain amount of pressure. He must catch fish tomorrow and must not lose face.

"I prepared a big watermelon, some apples, and pears for you." Seeing her son running home, Zhao Ling said immediately, "I froze a few bottles of water in the refrigerator last night, and you put these ice cubes in the box , can lower the temperature."

Zhang Miao gave a thumbs up, convinced, "My mother still loves me!"

"It's a good thing to know that I love you. You have to fight hard and bring me a daughter-in-law. That's the most filial piety." Zhao Ling looked at Zhang Miao and said with a smile, "I think that little girl is pretty, yes. Bar?"

I don't know how to answer these words, Zhang Miao just scratched her head and laughed, this is probably the best way to deal with it.

Zhang Xiangchen came, wearing a sun hat and carrying fishing gear, "Second Aunt."

Zhao Ling's eyes lit up, and she was suddenly happy, "Chenchen is here, are you going fishing too?"

"Second Aunt, if I don't go fishing, the boss will beat me to death." Zhang Xiangchen said pointingly, winking, "I can't help it, I can't sleep in even if I want to. For my boss's lifelong event, I have to get up early."

Zhang Liye joked, "When your boss gets married, let you carry the toilet?"

"That's good!" Zhang Xiangchen's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "But Second Uncle, it should be a man who lifts the toilet when picking up the bride."

Lifting the toilet is a good job, and this is also the focus when picking up a marriage, mainly on behalf of the man's side.If you lift the toilet, according to the custom, you must have a slightly larger red envelope.

"Chenchen, is that girl a classmate with you?" Zhao Ling laughed and continued to ask, "Where are you from?"

Zhang Xiangchen immediately said, "The one on the mountain, the Chen family. It seems that her father used to fish too, that's the family whose boat sank."

Zhang Liye suddenly understood, and said, "Oh, her family used to be in good condition, and it was a big boat."

"That's right, we all knew that her family was in good condition when we were young." Zhang Xiangchen said, feeling sorry, "Later, her family's boat sank, and it seems that she lost a lot of money."

Zhang Liye nodded, probably feeling the same way, "Fishing is dangerous, her family is not bad, she's back."

"Second Uncle, my boss is going to be under a lot of pressure. She and I were in the same class from elementary school to high school, and someone chased her all the time." Zhang Xiangchen seems to be the gene of the outbreak of gossip, "But Yiyi has a good personality and is not chaotic. Come on. And let me tell you the truth, it’s better for my boss to be good at both good and good, she has a book and a scholarship.”

Zhang Liye laughed, and said to Zhang Miao, "Did you hear that, make more money, and then I will give you one hundred thousand and three!"

In my hometown, the end of the betrothal gift must be three characters, mainly because the sound is the same as 'sheng', so it is a good luck.

Li Haoyuan and Xu Pengfei are here, these two guys are completely redundant light bulbs.However, Zhang Miao still has a basic moral bottom line, such as seeing sex and forgetting friends, he can't do it for the time being.

When Chen Yiyi appeared, he naturally started to get busy, that is, he went straight to the small pier.

"I guess there is no way to go to the fishing place yesterday. There must be a lot of people going fishing." Zhang Miao started the fishing boat and said with a smile, "Let's go to other places. I know this place quite well."

Zhang Xiangchen is a good fan, so she was naturally very supportive, "You are the boss of the boat, we will listen to you."

Chen Yiyi, who was sitting in the small maza, just smiled and didn't say much, not to mention that Zhang Miao just caught a big green spot yesterday, just from the news he heard during this period, he knew that Zhang Miao was a successful fisherman. Fisherman, his catch is high.

Zhang Miao was quite confident, and asked with a smile, "Do you have any fish you want to catch? I'll help you find it."

Zhang Xiangchen was dissatisfied with this, and made some troubles, "Boss, these words are a bit floating!"

"I know a lot about the fish in the vicinity. Normally, there is no problem." Zhang Miao was full of confidence, and he didn't think he was bragging. "Tell me what fish you want to catch."

Zhang Xiangchen said directly, "I want to catch sharks, can you help me find them? If it doesn't work, I'll catch dolphins!"

When Zhang Miao was embarrassed, Li Haoyuan said, "If you want to talk about dolphins, we Ah Shui rescued a stranded dolphin before."

"That's right!" Zhang Xiangchen's eyes lit up and he became excited, "Boss, you have a video account, right? You saved a dolphin and caught a lot of fish! I also follow, and I like every video! "

Look, even if there are various damages and dismantlings in normal times, but at such a critical moment, each of them is still very powerful.

Obviously these are talking points, and these are capitals that Zhang Miao can show off a little.Especially Chen Yiyi seems a little ignorant and curious now, so of course he can talk about these things properly.

It should still be able to bring some small help to improve Zhang Miao's image.

Chen Yiyi was really curious, but after some explanations, she felt that she needed to get to know Zhang Miao again.Of course she knew that Zhang Miao was considered a 'successful fisherman', but looking at it now, she still needed to get to know Zhang Miao again.

"Let's go fishing over there, and try to catch more fish today." Zhang Miao is confident and full of expectations, "Catch some miscellaneous fish and experience a different feel."

Zhang Xiangchen was dissatisfied, and muttered, "I still want to catch big grouper, and I plan to show it off when I go back to school!"

Then there is no game, how can grouper be so easy to catch!

(End of this chapter)

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