Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 12 The Plastic Sisters

Chapter 12 The Plastic Sisters
After confirming that the Lamborghini Poison worth 8000 million is a vast ocean, Zhao Zhirou winked at Ye Fei, and walked forward with Ye Fei.

At the same time, Yang Yang also got out of the car.

With long legs, his head was slightly protruded, and he buttoned his suit belly with both hands. The gentle sunlight shone slightly on Yang Yang's body, which further accentuated his handsome body and perfectly proportioned figure.

"Wow! Rou Rou, look quickly! Is he just a vast ocean?"

"Look at his figure, he is dozens of times better than the teacher in the physique class!"

"This face value far surpasses the face of a first-line star."

"Look at his skin, why is it so white, even a girl like me is envious!"

"Long legs! The suit tightens the abdomen, and it looks like a man with abdominal muscles. It's perfect!"

"And he looks as old as us!"

"Rourou, you picked up a big treasure this time!"

Seeing Yang Yang get out of the car, Ye Fei looked nympho.

This is more handsome than any handsome guy she has ever seen before!But also perfect!
I thought those before were already too handsome.

But from the moment she saw Yang Yang, Ye Fei felt that those bullshits before were not.

"Yeah, I saw it, I saw it, I saw it."

Zhao Zhirou nodded quickly, speaking incoherently.

Obviously, she was also amazed by Yang Yang's appearance.

She never expected that this vast expanse of ocean would be so handsome!

Tall and thin, with perfect proportions of long legs and fair skin, isn't this the prince charming in every girl's dream?
Did not expect this to be true!

This Prince Charming appeared in front of her with an 8000 million Lamborghini poison!
To be honest, Zhao Zhirou really felt a little bit moved.


After getting off the car, Yang Yang came to Zhao Zhirou, and nodded at Ye Fei at the same time.

Just looking at it for a second, Yang Yang gave Ye Fei a good score.

80 points!
With a protruding front and a small waist, the figure is graceful and charming, the voice is pleasant, and the appearance is good.

But compared with Zhao Zhirou, she still lost so little, so she can only give 80 points.

"Are you an ocean?"

Before Zhao Zhirou could speak, Ye Fei couldn't hold back anymore, and checked Yang Yang's identity first.

"Yes, it's me."

Yang Yang smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and nodded in response.

After confirming, Ye Fei immediately approached Zhao Zhirou and whispered in Zhao Zhirou's ear.

"Rourou, it's really possible. She looks handsome, has a good figure, and has a rich family. [-]%!"

Although Ye Fei spoke in a low voice, Yang Yang still heard her.

"Cough cough."

Yang Yang coughed twice, and said, "Well, why don't we go eat hot pot first."

It's all because yesterday's hot-headedness increased the appearance and charm too much. Fortunately, I was still sober and didn't add it to 200.

If this is added to 200, I'm afraid there will be no underwear left when I go out
The scene was embarrassing for a while, so we can only use the fact that we agreed to eat hot pot yesterday to change the subject.


Just when Zhao Zhirou was about to nod her head in agreement, Ye Fei spoke first again.

"Okay, okay, I really like eating hot pot, especially the hairy belly and shrimp slippery in Dalongkan hot pot, it's delicious!"

When it comes to food, Ye Fei's eyes seem to have discovered some new land, and there is a feeling that his eyes are shining.

It's as if she can eat more than a dozen servings of hairy belly and shrimp slippery in one meal.

"You, you know how to eat, eat, and be careful of the fat in your stomach."

Zhao Zhirou stretched out her slender index finger and gently pushed Ye Fei's head, with a hint of doting in her eyes.

"Slightly slightly, eat without getting fat."

Ye Fei responded confidently.


Naturally beautiful beauties like her have a physique that won't make them fat, which is the envy of many girls.

Just like some girls with a big stomach, they look very petite, but this stomach is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much you eat, you won't get fat.

Not only Ye Fei has this kind of physique, but also Zhao Zhirou.

Yang Yang looked at the two beauties in front of him and suddenly started talking about their figures, which made it even more embarrassing.

"Well, my car can only take two people."

That's right, the Lamborghini Poison is a super sports car, so naturally it only has two seats.

And Yang Yang's words also have another meaning, that is, he only wants to date Zhao Zhirou alone today.

Although Zhao Zhirou's best friend Ye Fei is a beauty with a score of 80 or more, she still loses to Zhao Zhirou.

Definitely next time!
"It's okay~ I can fight"

When Yang Yang said that only two people could sit, Ye Fei naturally disagreed.

First!Apparently this little brother Shenhao from "A Piece of Ocean" just wanted to leave her alone and date Zhao Zhirou alone.

How can this work, although this man is handsome, has a nice voice, has a good figure, and is extremely rich.
but!Zhao Zhirou cannot be alone with him just because of these, in case this man does something nasty to Zhao Zhirou.
Um?Seems to be good too.
This second!
If there is something delicious, how can you not take me, Ye Fei?

Dalongkan's hairy belly!Shrimp slippery!beef!

It would be wrong to destroy them without my righteous Feifei!

Before the righteous Ye Fei finished speaking, she was immediately interrupted by Zhao Zhirou.

"Brother Yang, it's okay. My best friend has already eaten, so we don't need to bring her."

Zhao Zhirou spoke nonsense with a serious face.

This made Ye Fei dumbfounded.

Watts? ! ! !

"When did I eat it?"

Ye Fei approached Zhao Zhirou with a reluctance and complained.

When I learned that Zhao Zhirou was going to take her to have a big meal with Yang Yang last night, I didn't even eat breakfast, and didn't drink a drop of water, in order to have a dry meal later.

Just now I was talking about slipping away after eating, but now it’s better, seeing this "a piece of ocean" has a good voice, a good figure, and a lot of money
Just abandon your best friend?


Plastic sisters!

See sex and forget friends!

"Hey, be good, I'll give you that Chanel dress when I get back."

Zhao Zhirou really threw out a tempting olive branch.

Indeed, Ye Fei has always wanted the dress from the Chanel counter, but because she was too poor, she couldn't even pay for a fraction of the dress, so she could only look at it to her fullest.

"make a deal!"

Ye Fei nodded and said without thinking about buying that Chanel dress for her.

"Why do I feel like I've been fooled by you little girl?"

Zhao Zhirou was taken aback, feeling that something was weird.

This trick is deep.

"No way, I'm giving up the big meal and waiting for you to come back at home."

After speaking, Ye Feiyou looked at Yang Yang and said, "Hurry up and go, if you go later at this point, I'm afraid there will be no seats."

Ye Fei didn't add this point, Dalongkan Hot Pot is the most famous and best-known hot pot restaurant in Shenchuan City, the restaurant will be full of people as soon as they arrive, and there is a long queue at the door.

Some people even make reservations several days in advance.

"Then let's go, let's say goodbye~"

Afterwards, Yang Yang and Zhao Zhirou drove the Lamborghini Poison and left Shenchuan University, leaving Ye Fei there alone.

"Such a handsome Shenhao, with a nice voice and a good figure, it's possible to like them. In this way, if Rou Rou eats meat, I can more or less have a sip of soup."

Seeing her good sister getting into another man's car, Ye Fei felt unspeakable.

Because that is
"My mother is hungry!"

in the car.

The two did not speak, and the atmosphere was extremely strange.

It wasn't their embarrassment, but Yang Yang was concentrating on driving, while Zhao Zhirou kept lowering her head slightly, not daring to look at Yang Yang.

Some just took a sneak peek to see Yang Yang's side face.

The little heart was beating faster, thumping, and there was a feeling of seeing the real man.

But now he only knows that Yang Yang's online name is "A Piece of Wang Yang", and he doesn't know anything else.

At this time, Zhao Zhirou gritted her teeth, and finally spoke first.

"That. Brother Yang, I don't know your name yet, I only know that your Douyu ID is a piece of Wang Yang."

Zhao Zhirou said this sentence after a series of psychological struggles.

(End of this chapter)

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