Chapter 123 Emperor Jade

At this time, Yang Yang noticed that some of the rocks on the mine seemed to protrude a bit.

This location is on the upper left of the entire stone pile.


Yang Yang focused all his attention on this position, and slowly approached it.

Looking at the protruding stone slab, it seems to be the support point of the entire stone pile.

As long as this stone slab is taken out, the entire pile of stones should collapse on the spot, allowing the mine passage to be seen again.

After looking at the stone slab for several times, Yang Yang didn't hesitate any longer, grabbed the stone slab with his hands, and immediately pulled it out forcefully.


The operation was as fierce as a tiger, but it didn't move at all. It felt like the stone slab was a support point, but it couldn't be pulled out with bare hands, as if it was stuck.

There is no other way, so we have to use a lot of strength.

Looking at this stone slab, Yang Yang had a new idea.

Maybe... that's okay too!

Now that he had this idea, Yang Yang stretched out his right hand, his slender and slender fingers swayed in the wind, thus transforming into a fist shape, and tried a few times in front of this stone slab.

"Sister System, activate the power of a thousand catties!"

Yang Yang stared at the slate and said.

【Ding!The power of the catty has been turned on, please start your performance! 】

Immediately, the right fist was full of strength, and in the blink of an eye, Yang Yang punched decisively!


Cleanly and neatly, he punched the slate directly from right to left. Immediately, the slate was not blown away, but shattered to pieces on the spot!

Gravels splashed everywhere, dust swayed, Yang Yang coughed a few times, and at the same time reached out and waved the dust in front of him, only then did he see the situation in front of him clearly.

The stone slabs were broken, and the support points were gone, causing the pile of stones to collapse on the spot and fall all over the ground.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, it was only with the naked eye that the scene inside could be seen clearly.

It's really like what I saw with my clairvoyant just now, there really is a stone that looks like a dinosaur egg.

Fortunately, the gravel did not hit it when it collapsed, otherwise, everything Yang Yang did just now was useless, and it would also reduce the value of the imperial jade.

After all, such a complete, high-purity imperial jade is very rare.

Without any further hesitation, Yang Yang decisively stepped over the gravel, squatted down, and took a deep breath to blow off the dust on the surface of the imperial jade.

Then he hugged it in his arms and walked out of the mine.

"Good guy, finally help you..."

Yang Yang stood outside the mine, looking at the imperial jade in his arms, halfway through speaking, his ears moved suddenly.

There is movement!
Someone is coming this way!
Yang Yang suddenly raised his head and looked around, under the reflection of the moonlight, a figure appeared on the road just entering the mine!
The shadow sometimes walked on the left side and sometimes on the right side. The pace made it impossible to guess how it would go next, and it seemed to be holding something in its hand.

It's like...a wine bottle?
"Come here at this time..."

Yang Yang muttered in a low voice, he guessed that this person should be known to him.

That's right, Wang Badan!

The mine collapsed here, and there were reports of unclean things making trouble. The mine was closed, and no one dared to break in at will.

Even if you dare, you have to come in during the day to make you bolder.

But now it's twelve o'clock in the morning, he will come here, Yang Yang only thinks of Wang Badan.

If Wang Badan sees Yang Yang here, it may make Wang Badan jump over the wall in a hurry.

After all, Wang Badan said that there are no jade mines, and there are still unclean mines. Underneath, there is a large piece of ice jadeite!

Why did Wang Badan lie?

This looks like rebellion!

Wanting to occupy this mine privately, it is the only way to forge all these illusions.

Therefore, when Yang Yang guessed that this person is Wang Badan, Yang Yang immediately looked around to see if there was any hiding place.

It seems that about ten meters to the right of the mine, there is a relatively large stone, which happens to be the dead end of the road coming in.

So, Yang Yang immediately sneaked over with the imperial jade in his arms, but he didn't dare to run over, fearing that his movements would attract that person's attention.

It wasn't that Yang Yang was afraid of fighting with that person, it was just that he felt that tonight was not the right time, at least, until Wang Lin came to Xianshan City.

But at this time, when Yang Yang sneaked behind the stone, his foot fell, as if he stepped on something.


"Ouch I'm going!"

Yang Yang was startled suddenly and looked down.

A...a cat?

Good guy!
"You just frightened me by jumping at cats and cats. Believe it or not, I will let Lao Wang out to bite you!"

Wang Haitang:? ? ?

And this black cat gave Yang Yang a cold look. It must have been upset when it was stepped on, but when it saw Yang Yang.

I don't know how to say it, but I feel the aura on Yang Yang's body seems to be oppressing it.

No, it ran away as soon as Yang Yang finished speaking.

"It's a good thing you ran fast, otherwise I'd ask Lao Wang to come out, and you wouldn't be able to run away."

Wang Haitang:? ? ?

Immediately afterwards, the black cat left, and the figure just now slowly came to the mine with a bottle of red wine in his hand.

Not far away, Yang Yang took a look at the brand of the red wine, and it turned out to be from Romanc Winery!

That is to say, when I was in Wujiang City, at the reception at Guangu Hotel, the red wine brought by Romank was exactly the same as this one.

Yang Yang thought to himself: Is this drink good?I still think snowflakes are good!

And Wang Badan stood in front of the mine, his expression was a little dazed, he had drunk a lot of wine, he couldn't stand still, and he was stumbling around.


He stood up straight suddenly, his body tensed up.

The drunkenness is gone at once!

The eyes looked straight at the mine in the eyes, as if... something had changed.

After looking at it a few times, his eyebrows suddenly twitched, and he took a deep breath.

Because, the stones in the mine are gone!

All collapsed!
He very well remembered that after the previous incident, although the mine cave collapsed, the entrance of the cave was blocked by a pile of stones, why now...

Stones fell all over the ground, and there were still some broken pieces.

Is it possible...

Someone came!

Wang Badan was terrified, and suddenly looked around to see if there was anything suspicious.

The sixth sense told him that the stone at the entrance of the cave was not as simple as a natural collapse.

Someone must have been here!

And what else did he do!

At this time, Wang Badan found the big rock where Yang Yang was hiding, and always thought it was a bit strange.

No, Wang Badan held the red wine tightly in his hand, and approached the big rock lightly, if there was really someone, Wang Badan swung the bottle of wine over, knocked it and ran away!

Getting closer……

Yang Yang also noticed Wang Badan's actions, and his heart beat faster unconsciously.

Getting closer……

When Wang Badan came to this stone...


There was a sound from the hole behind...

(End of this chapter)

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