Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 128 Reopening the clairvoyant eyes!

Chapter 128 Reopening the clairvoyant eyes!
While everyone was discussing, Yang Yang decided to do it when he heard someone said that the stone betting would take more than ten minutes to start.

Look at each piece of wool carefully before starting the stone betting, which will help you know which piece of wool is good when you gamble later.

Even when betting on stones, it is not afraid that the woolen materials that are auctioned are not seen first, anyway, there are still a few minutes to see later.

Therefore, Yang Yang chooses to use clairvoyance now.

"Sister System, open clairvoyance!"

【Ding!The clairvoyant has been successfully opened, please start your performance! 】

With the blessing of perspective, everything in front of him becomes transparent, whether it is the impenetrable jade wool or the men and women in front of him, he can see very carefully.

But Yang Yang didn't look at them for too long. After all, these figures are all average, not with protruding waists, curvaceous and long legs, so don't look at them!

Of course, in the final analysis, it is because of the fear of being warned by the sign-in system
Then, Yang Yang looked at the piece of wool that Wang Lin and Li Wanjin had taken a fancy to, and looked inside through the outer shell.

The dark green jade occupies 50% of the entire piece of wool, that is to say, half of the piece of wool is made of jade, and the area is quite large. According to the current market price, 100 million is indeed worth it!
Of course, they don't have the ability to see through eyes like Yang Yang, and they don't dare to guarantee how much jade there is.

So, this is why it is said that gambling on stones can make you rich overnight, and it can also make you bankrupt overnight.

It also depends on luck!

At this time, Yang Yang walked behind Wang Lin, leaned close to Wang Lin's ear, and whispered softly, "Uncle Wang, I feel that half of this piece of wool is made of emeralds, and the color is quite pure."

"Why do you dare to be so sure?"

Wang Lin looked at Yang Yang, he was very curious why Yang Yang suddenly dared to make such a guarantee, even he, the owner of Linlang Jade, couldn't be sure how much jade was in the wool.

And Yang Yang, a newcomer, dares to say that?
Where did the confidence come from?
Where did the courage come from?
Did Liang Moumou give it?

"Ah, here." After a little bit of embarrassment, Yang Yang suddenly had an idea, and said: "I don't know, I just saw that the emerald place on the piece of wool looks very good. I have been lucky recently, so I believe My intuition."

That's right, it's luck. Yang Yang told Wang Haitang that he was lucky because he became rich. Winning the lottery changed his life.

Therefore, Yang Yang also thought of this, so he said it was luck and intuition.

"Your reason"

Wang Lin didn't know what to say, he suddenly felt that Yang Yang was a little unreliable, but after looking at this piece of wool just now, he really felt that there was a universe inside, and he couldn't guarantee if there was half of the emerald, but the purity of the emerald inside He was sure it was pure.

The price in today's market is also quite high. If you really want the other half of the jade that Yang Yang said, then it is not a loss to buy this piece of wool for 300 million.

After all, as long as it is processed into exquisite jewelry, this piece of wool can sell jewelry worth 600 million yuan, directly doubling the profit.

At this time, Wang Lin still didn't quite believe Yang Yang's words, but when he thought that even if there was not half of the emeralds in it, there would be more or less a quarter, and that would be a profit.

So, he just gave it a go!
"Okay, but let's say it first, I don't want more than 300 million."

Wang Lin said softly, afraid of being heard by Li Wanjin, he deliberately raised the price to cause trouble.

Yang Yang smiled and nodded.

"That... stall owner, I'm offering 150 five, I want this piece of wool."

Wang Lin pointed to the piece of wool and said.

As long as it does not exceed 300 million, even if there is only a quarter of the jade, he will not lose money.

Therefore, he resolutely shouted a high price of 150, and he did not believe that Li Wanjin dared to follow suit.

"It seems that Boss Wang is interested in this woolen material."

Before the stall owner could react, Li Wanjin smiled inadvertently, with a small calculation in mind.

He also looked at this piece of wool just now. It is really possible to have high-purity jadeite. It is hard to say how much it is, but now Wang Lin has given a high price of 150, which shows that he is optimistic about this piece of wool.

In that case
"That's fine, I'll pay 160 million!"

Li Wanjin directly surpassed Wang Lin by 10 yuan, which is a small amount of money, and 10 yuan is a lot of money.

He felt that the piece of wool in front of him could only be bought for about 250 million at most, and if it was raised up, if the material inside was not as good as expected, or there were not so many, it would be a big loss.

And when they heard that Wang Lin and Li Wanjin were bidding here, more and more people gathered around to watch the show.

"Hey! This month's public market is more lively than before!"

"That's right. Usually, there are some small bosses buying small woolen materials outside. If you want to see high-value bids, you have to wait for the stone gambling session. Now you can see it here. Sure enough, today is not in vain. ah!"

"The two bosses fell in love with this piece of wool at the same time. It must be that this piece of wool is not simple."

"Of course, look at the emerald green that is exposed on this piece of wool, and its high purity. Otherwise, how could these two bosses call for 160 million?"

Wang Lin: "Boss Li, you are making trouble, I will pay 190 million!"

"Brother, it's 190 million."

"It's so scary. When Baihui heard this price at the stone betting site, I didn't expect these two bosses to let this piece of wool almost double the prize money for a piece of wool."

"Shocked! The owner of a stall in Pingzhou Gongpan earned 180 million with tears in his eyes."

Hearing what Wang Lin said, Li Wanjin couldn't help laughing out loud, and said, "It's not that I'm messing with things, it's that we've been fighting for raw materials not once or twice, and it's not bad this time, so I bought it for 200 million yuan." !"

Hearing that Li Wanjin offered 200 million yuan, the owner of booth No. 45 jumped in his heart and said tremblingly, "Two or two bosses, don't raise your price so high. The original price of my piece of wool is only 100 million yuan. You are all shouting at 200 million, this...isn't very good."

This stall owner is also very nice. If it were another stall owner, he would wish to sell the woolen materials in his hand at the highest price, the higher the better.

But he couldn't bear it in his heart. Although he was sure that the purity of this piece of wool was very high, he didn't dare to guarantee how much it was.

That's why the price is 100 million, and I've made up my mind. There must be someone who wants to bargain, the minimum is 70.

However, it has reached 200 million now. If it is not worth 200 million after unlocking it, wouldn't it be a loss.

He doesn't want to hurt anyone.

"Boss, I, Li, will order this piece of wool today."

Li Wanjin said confidently.

"You want one"

(End of this chapter)

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