Chapter 132

"6000 million!"

That's right, how could Li Wanjin give in?

Just want to buy such a good imperial jade wool for only 5000 million yuan?

Think beautiful!
Originally, when he heard Wang Lin's bid of 5000 million, he wanted to wait and let him stop shouting the price first, and then he called for a higher price, overwhelming the whole group in an instant.

But seeing that no one made a sound, he had no choice but to bid now, so he directly shouted a high price of 6000 million.

Auctioneer: "Mr. No. 20 is really interested in No. 6000 wool, and the bid is [-] million! Is there any other boss who bid?"

Speaking of this, Miss Auctioneer also has a bottom line in her heart. According to this situation, this piece of No. [-] imperial jade wool should be sold for more than one hundred million yuan!
At this time, Yang Yang approached Wang Lin, slightly covered his mouth with his hands, and said softly, "Uncle Wang, I'm going to make a move."

"Ahaha, okay, it seems that you are bound to get this piece of wool."

Wang Lin nodded and smiled. He felt that he should let go and give up this piece of fine wool to Yang Yang.

"Of course, I can still get a few hundred million."

Yang Yang is humble, let alone one billion or tens of billions, he can get it.

"Hey! Our Xiaoyang is so self-willed, okay, then I will leave it to you." Wang Lin said.

"Okay, Uncle Wang."

Auctioneer: "6000 million one"

"Sixty-five million."

When the auctioneer was calling out the number, Yang Yang raised the number plate in his hand unhurriedly, and said the price calmly, which was 100 million more than Li Wanjin.

Of course, at this time, the minimum price increase for No. [-] wool, if the minimum price increase is [-], then Yang Yang will definitely call [-].

"Sixty-one million! The handsome boss of No. 100 raised the price by 66 million. It seems that bosses like us can't sit still. We want to take the No. 100 imperial jade wool as our own."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Yang Yang in unison again, and after seeing Yang Yang's appearance, discussions began.

"My God, this man is so handsome!"

"With so much money at such a young age, you're either a rich second generation or a softie!"

"You are jealous. I don't think he is simple. I just saw him buy a piece of wool from stall owner No. 300 for 45 million in the public market."

"Yes, yes, I was also there. I saw the bragging material. It is indeed very good. This shows that this little brother is also a veteran."

"Just now, from the [-]st to the [-]th, he didn't seem to have called the price. He was only interested in the woolen material of the [-]th. I feel that the woolen material of the [-]th must belong to him."

"It's very possible!"

"Damn it, I won't bid, I'll just watch the show quietly."

"Add me one!"

"If I knew it earlier, I would have brought popcorn. How can I miss the popcorn while watching a movie?"

Li Wanjin looked at Yang Yang, his heart trembled slightly, and he said in his heart: "Good guy, is this brat again, and wants to grab wool from me? I can give up the wool of the garbage outside, but this, no!"

Li Wanjin just wanted to raise the price of the woolen material outside, but it was only a million or so anyway, so he could afford it.

But it's different now, the No. [-] wool is imperial jade, the first-class wool, with a large area, high purity, and no blemishes. As long as you can get it, you will definitely make a lot of money.

Therefore, Li Wanjin bid: "7000 million!"

However, before the auctioneer could speak, Yang Yang took the lead in bidding: "100 million."

Yang Yang wants to do things like this, no matter how much you bid, I will be 100 million more than you anyway, love whoever.

"8000 million!"

"Eighty three million."

"9000 million!"

"Ninety-one million."

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One million more than him."

Hearing this, Miss Auctioneer was a little at a loss. I dare to say that the money is just a joke in their mouths, so I don’t even need to think about it.
Especially that young handsome guy, no matter how much the other party yells, he must be 100 million more than the other party. This is clearly doing something.

Hearing that Yang Yang has always been 100 million more than him, and he still doesn't think about it. As soon as he bids, Yang Yang will be 100 million more in the next second.

Because of this, Li Wanjin fell into thinking.

How big is this piece of imperial jade wool?

What is the approximate market value, and how much can you bid at most so that you will not lose money?

And everyone here also insists on going to the theater, not because they don't have money, but because they suddenly don't want to join in the fun, how enjoyable it is to watch a movie.

If they really want to fight, [-] million is not a problem.

Li Wanjin thought for a while, this kid is obviously trying to raise the price, that's all right, I will raise the price, let's see if you dare!

"One hundred and sixty million!"

Auctioneer: "Our boss on No. 20 directly called out a high price of 8000 million. It seems that he doesn't want to waste time with the handsome boss on No. 66."

"Same, 100 million more."

How could Yang Yang back down? It's only 100 million, a small amount of money.

"Fuck!" Li Wanjin couldn't help but swear, looked at Yang Yang and asked, "Are you looking for trouble, kid?"

"Sorry, my coffee table is broken, I did buy a good jadeite and went back."

Yang Yang responded to Li Wanjin without haste.

"Crap! Nearly [-] million imperial jades are used as a tea table? Are you crazy?"

Li Wanjin looked shocked, shouldn't such a fine imperial jade be sold for profit?
Why is it worthless to Yang Yang like a piece of wood.

Yang Yang smiled without saying a word, trying to understand it by himself.

Seeing Yang Yang's indecent expression, Li Wanjin called out the high price: "Two hundred million!"

Suddenly, the audience boiled again!
"Two hundred million wool! It seems that the highest price for gambling stones on the Pingzhou public market will be set again."

"I don't know if the handsome guy with number 66 will bid again?"

"It will definitely be, isn't it just an extra million, it's a small thing for him."

"Who do you think this piece of wool will end up in?"

"Number 66!"

"I think it should be the 20th."

"Add one to number 66!"

"Two hundred and five million."


Yang Yang is still the same, add 100 million more!

"The boss of No. 66 is 100 million. Will the boss of No. 20 continue to increase the price?"

The auctioneer pointed at Li Wanjin, looked at him and asked.

She also wanted Li Wanjin to continue to raise the price, as long as the transaction price was higher, the higher her raise would be.

Now the price has reached 100 million, which has exceeded her previous valuation of No. [-] imperial jade wool.

Hearing that Yang Yang once again earned 100 million more than him, Li Wanjin was very conflicted.

It can be said that [-] million is already his highest estimate for the No. [-] wool. Although the side of the No. [-] wool is a complete and flawless piece of imperial jade, he can't guarantee how much imperial jade is still inside, and the purity how.

Therefore, [-] million is already the most, and there can be no more.

That being the case, that's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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