Chapter 16 You, Fired
Even Li Lulu was very curious about what Yang Yang was going to bring out.

It's weird to see Yang Yang's confident face.

Therefore, Yang Yang took out a black card. Although the size of this card is the same as that of an ordinary card, it is made of black diamonds. Its mysterious and noble qualities add a lot of gorgeous colors to this card. Like a black swan dancing on the stage.

As soon as the card was lit, Li Lulu couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed directly: "What the hell? So you're here to send out a small card?"

Take a black card and pretend to be something here, thinking it's for money or something.

Really are.

But when the store manager saw the appearance of the card, he didn't think so.

"This is this?"

The store manager's eyes widened, and he approached Yang Yang in shock. His eyes never left the VIP card in Yang Yang's hand. At this moment, the store manager couldn't organize his words, so he could only stare dumbfounded at the black diamond supreme VIP card.

"No way, store manager, it's just a small card, do you need such a big reaction?"

Li Lulu really couldn't bear to see the store manager's behavior, isn't it just a small card, really, a turkey who has never seen the world.

Go to the hotel to sleep, there will be a lot of small cards slipped in through the crack of the door, as many as you want.

Really are.

Li Lulu already looked down on the store manager for his behavior.

"Do you recognize this?"

Yang Yang shook the VIP card a few times, and said with a wicked smile.

"Can I take it over and have a look?"

The store manager hesitated for a few seconds before saying these words. It was obvious that he organized these words after a series of internal struggles.

"Of course, you can take a look."

Yang Yang answered with a straightforward face.

He was not afraid that the store manager would break the card as soon as he took it.

After all, according to the observation that the store manager's expression was a little out of control when he saw this black diamond supreme VIP card, it proved that he had some impression of this card to some extent.

This made him mess up even more.

The store manager kept looking at the black diamond supreme card in his hand.

The heart said: This looks like this!This diamond!This feeling!Is it possible? !
So, the store manager immediately took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, clicked on an encrypted photo album, and then compared the black diamond supreme VIP card in his hand with the picture of the mobile phone.

When I saw it, his eyes widened even more, just like the song, his eyes widened like copper bells.
"This is this!"

The store manager was so nervous that he couldn't speak clearly, and slowly looked up at Yang Yang who was still smiling in shock.


"Hello, Chairman!"

The store manager suddenly bent down to Yang Yang and made a standard [-]-degree bow, and kept doing this until Yang Yang didn't say anything, so he decided to keep it.

"What? Manager, what are you talking about?"

Before Yang Yang could speak, Li Lulu on the side reacted first, and asked in shock.

She wondered if she had heard it wrong just now, as if she heard the store manager call this handsome guy something. Chairman?
Auditory hallucinations.

It's an auditory hallucination!
"Chairman, I'm sorry, just now I didn't know you, the chairman. If I knew it was you, I would never do that."

The store manager did not reply to Li Lulu's words, and continued to bend over to admit his mistake to Yang Yang.

The store manager is a smart man at this time, obviously, Yang Yang is not the young man he thought before, but his parents!
The position of his store manager was not decided by Yang Yang in one word, he could be fired at any time, and Li Lulu obviously couldn't replace Yang Yang.

Therefore, the current store manager chose Yang Yang.

As long as the thigh is saved in time, the position of store manager may be retained.

Hearing what the store manager said, Li Lulu finally understood that Yang Yang, whom she had offended just now, was actually the chairman of Dalonggang Hot Pot Restaurant.

This one
Is it too late to regret now?
It wasn't just Li Lulu who was surprised, Zhao Zhirou who was behind Yang Yang opened her mouth wide in shock, but luckily she blocked it with her hand so that no one else could see it.

She thought that Yang Yang was just trying to save face. After all, he said he would bring her here to eat hot pot, but he was chased away. He tried to force face in front of her, and he would not leave.

Never thought, he is actually the chairman of Dalongkan Hot Pot Restaurant
This explosive news came too suddenly, Zhao Zhirou said in her heart: Wait a minute, everyone, let me take it easy, the memory in my brain is not enough.

"What? What do you mean, if I'm not the chairman, you're going to drive me away, and you want someone to beat me up?"

While Yang Yang was speaking, his originally smiling face immediately turned into a serious face, his tone became heavier and he scolded angrily.

"I dare not dare, I absolutely dare not do this kind of thing to you, chairman, the little one dare not."

When the store manager heard Yang Yang's tone, he immediately became more timid, and the previous prestige had disappeared.

"Oh~ I understand this, it means that other than me, other guests can be treated like this, right?"

Yang Yang became like an unreasonable woman in seconds, no matter what the store manager said, he could find something to blame the store manager.

"Don't dare, give me a hundred nos! No matter how much courage you give me, I don't dare to do this. I beg the chairman, please avoid the small ones. I will never do this kind of thing again in the future. I beg you, my lord." There are plenty, I have."

"Ah! Stop, stop!"

Before the store manager finished speaking, Yang Yang interrupted immediately, and continued: "Is there an 80-year-old mother on the top and a newborn baby on the bottom?"

The store manager nodded frantically.

"Puff!" Yang Yang gave a disdainful smile, and said, "For the reason of this rotten street, I'm tired of reading the novels of the author who hangs hairs like Baihu Bubai."

Store manager: "???"

I thought: who is the white fox not white?
"From now on, you, are fired."

Yang Yang said ruthlessly, while speaking, he took back the black diamond Supreme VIP, wiped it, and put it back into the inside pocket of the suit.

"Chairman, please give me another chance, please."


Yang Yang will never use this person again, who knows if he will treat other customers like this in the future, if this continues, this store may not be open for long.

So, fire directly!

The store manager begged bitterly, and this scene was also seen by other employees in the store. Only then did they realize that Yang Yang was the chairman of their Dalongkan Hot Pot Restaurant.

I didn't expect to be the chairman of the famous Dalongkan hot pot restaurant at a young age.

That's nothing.

The most exaggerated thing is that he is so handsome, his body proportions are perfect, he speaks nicely, he is talented, and he is very rich, so I am so envious.

Seeing that the store manager was fired by Yang Yang on the spot, these employees did not dare to go up to help and intercede.

That's also because they are not very friendly with the store manager.

This store manager usually likes to abuse his personal power by relying on himself as the store manager, oppressing male employees, harassing female employees and so on.

But everyone just gritted their teeth for a bite of food.

Now that the handsome chairman has fired him, everyone is very happy.

They all secretly decided to set up a few tables at the entrance of the village to celebrate tonight.

"Chairman, what you mean is that you won't give me a chance, right?"

Suddenly, the store manager no longer bent over, but stood up straight, his tone seemed to harden.

"You know when you think about it with your butt, will I still use you?"

Yang Yang said lightly, he was a little curious about the store manager's reaction now.

Just now he was still begging him not to fire him, but now it seems like a different person.

There is a kind of Yang Yang's loss if he is not wanted.

At this time, I saw the store manager with a disdainful look on his face, and met Yang Yang's eyes. The two of them were facing each other, and their noses almost touched.

(End of this chapter)

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