Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 161 The Nightmare Shiatsu Board Comes

Chapter 161 The Nightmare Shiatsu Board Comes

"In other words, Yang Yang really didn't cheat, and he didn't know the answer in advance. His ability to answer such a weird question correctly depends entirely on his memory!"

"Damn! This memory is too damn good!"

"Awesome! I can remember all the characteristics of 1 people in one minute. Is it so powerful?"

"Swipe 666!"

"Wootou, four for a dollar, hehe!"

"Boss Yang is awesome!"

"Awesome!!! (broken sound)"

At the beginning, everyone didn't believe that Yang Yang was so powerful.

But now, they found that Yang Yang is really awesome!
Of course, some people think this is impossible.

Regarding this point, the director team also took this into consideration.

Therefore, the director team invited a few more random audience members and asked them to ask questions, as long as they had something to do with the grandparents who just danced in the square.

As a result, weird and tricky questions were raised.

But Deng Dachao and the others answered correctly, but only one person answered correctly, and that was Yang Yang.

In the end, the ocean team took the lead with 6 points, and the other two groups still had 0 points.

This huge gap made Deng Dachao and the others laugh and cry!

However, they also have to admire Yang Yang's memory, he is really strong!
And the audience watching the live broadcast were amazed by Yang Yang's ability!

Otherwise, how can you say that you are a business boss, your mind is so simple!
Everyone has a unified thought in their hearts: My God!There is such a perfect man in this world!

After the answering session was over, everyone shifted places again.

Came to an empty place in West Lake Square.

This is where the second link comes in.

Then, the scene in front of all the kings made exaggerated shouts.

"Wow! What is this?!"

"Director team, are you going to kill us?"

"It's over, I'm most afraid of this!"

"I still have something to do, excuse me!"

"what is this?"

"This is a nightmare!"

The members of the brotherhood shouted one after another.

At the same time, when the camera turned to the center of the square, the audience laughed.

"What's this? A runway?"

"It looks about 200 meters away."

"This is it? Running on it? Bare feet? It must hurt to death, right?"

"The sense of substitution is very strong, and my scalp is numb."

"This. Shiatsu board!"

"What? Could it be that this time is the relay race on the plank track?"

The audience watched the live broadcast and talked a lot.

At this time.

"This is the second link, shiatsu board running!"

"The mission requires that each team send one person to carry the other two members of the team from one side of the runway to the other. The team with the shortest time wins."


As soon as the director finished speaking, the audience was once again ignited.

"Ruthless! No, no, no! This is Wolf Extinguisher!"

"In terms of ruthlessness, the director's team is ruthless!"

"Running on it with bare feet is cruel enough, okay! Do you want to carry someone on your back?"

"Isn't it too miserable for the person who was singled out to carry someone back?"

"Yeah, although I don't know who it will be, it is still necessary to feel sorry for him a second in advance."

"The Haiyang group is Yang Yang's back or Wang Haitang's back?"

"I think it should be Yang Yang, but Wang Haitang is one."

What the audience thought of, Deng Dachao and the others naturally thought of it too.

"Haha! In the beginning, I was quite envious of Mr. Yang and Wang Haitang, for being able to be accompanied by two beauties, but now, I'm not so envious."

Deng Dachao couldn't help laughing out loud.

The Tianba group and the Wang Zha group also followed suit when they heard it.

After only half an hour of getting along with each other, they already knew that although Yang Yang had a cold appearance, he was still a very easy-going person.

As long as you don't say that kind of offensive words, it's still okay to joke with him, and he won't mind.

Moreover, there is a reason why they are so happy.

That's right, although they are three men in a group, at least in this level, there is still a chance to choose who will carry it.

As for Yang Yang, he didn't have so many choices.

Either him or Wang Haitang.

You can't let one of the two weak girls carry him and the other two teammates, right?
And Yang Yang never imagined that the second level of this game would actually be a fingerboard!
However, after thinking about it, it is a blessing not to have to carry a square dancing aunt who weighs more than 100 catties.

He can still accept the words of Xiao Reba, Anzula Beibi and Wang Haitang.

After thinking about it, Yang Yang volunteered, and the Haiyang team finally decided to let Yang Yang carry the person.

After all, his physique is much higher than that of ordinary people, isn't it just a shiatsu board, he can jump on it with a blank expression.

As for the Tianba group and Wang Zha group, who are still hesitating at this moment?

"Baby, Bi practiced in Shaolin Temple again, why don't you carry the two of us?"

Deng Dachao looked at Wang Abao and asked tentatively.

"do not want!"

Wang Abao immediately refused, and gave his reasons: "Brother Chao is okay, but how heavy is Chen Chi, even if I have practiced, I still can't stand it!"

"Indeed, carrying Chen Chi is too embarrassing for the baby."

Deng Dachao nodded and said, he had to admit that Chen Chi was really too heavy!
The question and answer between the two made it clear that Chen Chi belonged to Kuxio Abu.

However, in view of the crazy soaring weight recently, Chen Chi didn't justify it.

because it's true
"Then what to do? Who will come?"

Chen Chi couldn't help asking.

"Will it be decided by finger guessing?"

Deng Dachao thought for a while and asked.

"Okay! That's it!"

Both Wang Abao and Chen Chi agreed with Deng Dachao's suggestion, and now it can only be decided in this way.

Therefore, the Tianba group decided the unlucky guy by guessing punches.

And Wang Zha's group
"Da Hei Niu, it's not that the two of us want to bully you, it's just that you want to win?"

Zheng Kai earnestly persuaded the big black cow Li Yangguang.

"Yeah, Brother Guang, if you don't want to win No.1, then I'll carry you two, but you know the result, hehehe"

Wang Lu hurriedly chimed in, and even used his unique laugh.

"Whether it's Wang Lu coming or me coming, it must be the last one, it's doomed, there's no way!"

Zheng Kai said.

"Okay, okay, can't I come?"

The big black cow Li Yangguang thought for a while, indeed, there is no way, if he doesn't come, relying on Zheng Kai and Wang Lu, he must not be able to carry a big man like him.

Then there is no need to think about their results, the last one must be the Wang Zha team.

Da Hei Niu's desire to win and lose is the strongest among all the members of the Brotherhood.

Naturally, he didn't want to be doomed to be the last one before the competition started.

Therefore, under the earnest persuasion of Zheng Kai and Wang Lu, he finally decided that he would carry someone back!
"Ahaha! That's great, if this happens, then we will definitely win!"

Zheng Kai and Wang Lu saw that the big black bull Li Yangguang was persuaded by the two of them, and they felt that they were the winners of this game!
Even in the ocean group, Yang Yang.
(End of this chapter)

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