Chapter 168 Found the trick
Did people find the number of clues entirely by virtue of ingenuity?

"No way, no way? Someone really found a clue?"

"What? True or false?"

"I'm going! So fast?"

"How did he find clues in such a short time?"

Members of the Brotherhood are still in doubt.

But they also knew that if the first person found a clue, then this person must be Yang Yang!
"It seems that we have to speed up."

The fraternity members feel the same way.

In order to prevent Yang Yang from finding all the clues again, they must speed up the search for clues.

However, the goose people, unfortunately, let them find it in the supermarket.

As a result, ten minutes passed and nothing was found.

For a while, everyone was downcast, and they didn't understand even more.

How did Yang Yang find the first clue?

And Yang Yang.

Although the first clue has been found, it is at least a small piece of the puzzle, so it is impossible to deduce any information at all.

On the other hand, at the corner of the puzzle, there are small arrows that are easily overlooked by everyone.

If guided by the small arrow covering the puzzle, Yang Yang believes that he will be able to find other clues.


Without hesitation, Yang Yang immediately covered the arrows on the puzzle, and then went to find the place with many cameras.


He was on the third floor and found 6 clues!
Fortunately, these 6 clues all seem to be related, and they are all puzzle pieces!

Every time Yang Yang finds a clue, the radio will remind him once.

In just ten minutes, the radio rang six times!

"Isn't it? So fast!"

"I'll go! Mr. Yang didn't use some method. Ah bah, I mean what method was used to find so many clues so quickly!"

Deng Dachao and others gathered on the fourth floor of the supermarket were shocked when they heard the broadcast.

The six of them searched for more than ten minutes, all relying on luck, but they haven't found anything yet.

Originally, they were divided into two groups to search for clues, but now nothing is found.

But now, among the six people who had agreed to form an alliance, there were only two people who did not come to the fourth floor to gather.

They are Chen Chi and Wang Lu.

Chen Chi and Wang Lu are in charge of intelligence, but they have actually gathered together now.

It's just that the two of them are idle at the moment.
For a while, I opened the refrigerator in the supermarket to find popsicles to eat, and for a while, I played with various toys in the supermarket, and took a few bags of potato chips to eat while walking.

However, the luck of the two of them was pretty good, they actually bumped into Anzula Beibi on the fifth floor while they were idle.

Anzula was frightened when she bumped into the two of them, and immediately wanted to run away.

But they were stopped by the two of them.

Chen Chi immediately gave Wang Lu a look, and Wang Lu understood in seconds.

"Beibi, why are you running? We won't tear you apart, don't be afraid."

Wang Lu said.


Anzula Beibi was dubious about this, but she still stopped, anyway, she couldn't run if she wanted to.

"Of course it's true. Even if I wanted to tear you apart, I couldn't tear you apart."

Wang Lu is still self-aware.

"That's true."

An Zula Beibi nodded and admitted what Wang Lu said, without giving Wang Lu any face at all.

"Beibi, do you want ice cream?"

Chen Chi took the opportunity to use the ice cream in his hand to get close to Anzula's nose cover.

"No, you can eat it yourself, thank you."

Anzula Beibi glanced at the chocolate ice cream that Chen Chi had bitten off, and resolutely refused.

"Beibi, have you found any clues?"

Wang Lu is also getting close to Anzula Beibei, and he is talking to her at this time.


Anzula shook her head with a look of disappointment.

"So did we. We searched for a long time and found nothing, but Mr. Yang found so many clues in ten minutes. Tell me, how did Mr. Yang do it?"

Wang Lu asked.

"I don't know, maybe, he has some tricks."

Anzula Beibi went on to say: "Oh, that's right! Isn't our show live, maybe."

Anzula Beibi suddenly thought of something, immediately took out her phone, and logged into the Yoku video software.

"Haha, it's really live. Let's see what bullet screens are posted by netizens. There must be bullet screens related to how Mr. Yang found the novel!"

Anzula Beibi held the mobile phone, very excited.

When Chen Chi and Wang Lu heard this, they suddenly realized.

I thought to myself, thanks to what they claim to be responsible for intelligence, they didn't even think of this.

But I'm playing a game, this is actually spying on the screen, I guess I'm cheating.
"Beibi, a foul?"

Chen Chi said.

He had already forgotten what he did on the shiatsu track, and he still had the face to say that Anzura Beibei had fouled.

However, a variety show at this time is not so strict about fouls, as long as it doesn't affect the whole ending.

Therefore, Anzula Beibi didn't bother to deal with Chen Chi, and continued to search for some useful information from the barrage posted by netizens.

as predicted!

It was really found by her!

"What? So you're looking for a place with a lot of cameras? Mr. Yang can think of this!"

After Anzula Beibi knew how to find the clues, she was very excited.

Moreover, he was not too wary of Chen Chi and Wang Lu.

"What? Camera?"

Chen Chi and Wang Lu were shocked when they heard this.

Is this possible? !
"In retrospect, it's no wonder that there are so many cameras set up in some places where there are obviously no guests or staff. It turns out that this is a place where clues are hidden!"

Chen Chi seemed to be enlightened, completely enlightened!

"In that case, we only need to find a place with a lot of cameras. It's too easy, and we can easily find clues."

Wang Lu said.

"Hee hee, I finally found a clue."

While Anzu La Beibi, Chen Chi and Wang Lu were talking, the sweet voice of little Reba came from upstairs.

"Little Reba!"

The three of them hurriedly called out to Little Reba below.

"Ah? It turned out to be Sister Beibi, oh! Brother Chen Chi and Brother Wang Lu!"

Little Reba Ali went to the railing and glanced down. It could be seen that her face was full of excitement, and she knew that she had really found the clue.

At the same time, the radio rang again.

"Congratulations, someone found a suggestive clue!"

There is no doubt that the person mentioned in this broadcast is Little Reba.

"Little Reba, it seems that you have also discovered the secret to finding clues."

Anzula Beibi couldn't help asking.

"Ah? What? What cheats?"

Little Reba was dumbfounded.

"Huh? Then how did you find this clue?"

Chen Chi was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help asking, is Little Reba lucky, or is she just playing dumb?

"This is me"

(End of this chapter)

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