Chapter 175
"Become the chairman of the company by default, I think I need to communicate with you."

Ji Shiyu said on the phone.


Yang Yang said lightly.

It's just that Yang Yang finds it strange that he also obtained shares in many group companies through signing in before, but none of those group companies called to confirm.

After all, Yang Yang concealed the identities of those group companies, and the other party only knew how many shares of the group company such a person owned.

But in the early morning of this morning, just after getting 70% of the company's shares in the deep investigation company, someone called today, and it was the general manager.

Could it be that the deep investigation company is here to investigate me? !
I giao!

Upon hearing this, Ji Shiyu went on to say a long story: "Let me first introduce the current situation of our company."

"The deep investigation company is mainly based on commercial investigations and supplemented by civil investigations. There are 230 senior investigators, 35 middle-level managers, and six senior managers."

"The company's candlelight business is to conduct various commercial investigations, including outsourcing investors' due diligence on listed companies, etc., and the civil part includes a larger field."

"Currently, the company's annual profit flow is 12 billion, and the operating cost is about [-] million in net profit."

After listening to Yang Yang, he probably also understood what the Deep Investigation Company does.

When Ji Shiyu was speaking just now, he mentioned a word that was used less frequently.

That’s right, that’s right – due diligence!
Yang Yang naturally also knows the privacy of this word, due diligence, also called "careful investigation"!
The only thing is that during the acquisition process, the acquisition station conducts a series of investigations on the target company's assets and liabilities, operating and financial conditions, legal relations, and the opportunities and potential risks faced by the target company.

It is one of the most important links in the process of mergers and acquisitions, and it is also an important risk prevention tool in the process of mergers and acquisitions.

The investigation is not limited to reviewing historical financial conditions, Brother focuses on assisting acquirers to reasonably anticipate the future.

This is an official explanation. In fact, it is to investigate and judge all the circumstances of the company under investigation.

And just now Ji Shiyu also said that the lawsuit not only involves the due diligence of the company, but the four people also have business in the field.

Hearing what he said, Yang Yang also understood.

After all, he is new to this industry.

The so-called deep investigation company is actually a very large detective agency.

The 'investigators' in the company are actually detectives one by one, conducting investigations in the business field and the four-person field.

There might even be a legendary "commercial espionage" inside the company!
After hearing this, Yang Yang was inexplicably excited.

It sounds really interesting to have hundreds of Holmes under his command.

"okay, I get it."

Yang Yang was quite excited, but his tone was still the same as before, very calm.

"Okay, Director Yang, do you have any instructions for our company's operations?"

Ji Shiyu asked.

"I don't care about the operation, I believe in your ability, but"

Yang Yang paused.

"Director Yang, tell me."

Ji Shiyu immediately said, it seems that the new director is looking for something.

"I have one thing to ask you, if I want to investigate something, or investigate someone, how much power can you organize?"

Yang Yang was curious.

"It's hard to say, I can only answer you in this way. If it's about Director Yang, investigate deeply whether it's commercial or private. As long as it doesn't touch the bottom line of the law, almost everything can be investigated, even including Some foreign business can also be done.”

"Even something that is a gray area on the edge of the law can be investigated."

"Of course, this is to tell you that our company is a model company that abides by the law."

Ji Shiyu explained.

After Yang Yang heard it, he almost laughed out loud.

This phrase 'fair and law-abiding' is really spiritual, and this manager is really a talent!
Yang Yang said with a slight smile: "I really want to investigate someone here, you can use your law-abiding methods to help me investigate."

When saying this sentence, Yang Yang deliberately increased the volume of the four words 'fair and law-abiding'.

"Director Yang's matter is what we are investigating deeply, and I will definitely help you complete it. I don't know what you want to do, Director Yang?"

Ji Shiyu asked.

"I want to check a person, he is Zhao Long, the chairman of Coconut Group, I want to investigate all his information, his whereabouts, social circle, and people he has been in contact with recently, the information in the computer, everything, everything , don’t let go of any information.”

After finishing speaking, Yang Yang asked again: "Can you do this?"

"Well, this is still within the scope of our business. I will send deep and capable investigators to investigate. After all, when doing due diligence, an all-round investigation of the person in charge of the company is also one of the contents. We are familiar with it. Experience."

Ji Shiyu responded.

Yang Yang laughed when he heard this.

It really is 'fair and law-abiding'!

"Okay, arrange this matter as soon as possible. I will give you an email address, and the results of the investigation will be sent to this email address every day. If anything special happens, please contact me directly."

Yang Yang said.

"Okay, don't worry, I will successfully complete the task you gave me."

Hearing what Ji Shiyu said, Yang Yang also said: "Well, let's do this first."

Saying that, he hung up the phone.

He felt that this deep investigation company was not bad.

The sign-in system is really awesome.

[Necessary, the white fox is not white system, needless to say? 】

Yang Yang got the deep investigation company, just like getting the legendary clairvoyance and wind ear.

Deep Investigation Company has countless senior investigators, all of whom are Sherlock Holmes, who are helping Yang Yang collect various intelligence and obtain information, which is equivalent to the extension of personal ability.

Yang Yang enjoyed this feeling very much.

Yang Yang and Wang Haitang strolled around the Lingering Garden, and returned to the hotel in the afternoon.

Not long after, Yang Yang's phone rang, and it was Wang Xiaoji!

Yang Yang had a hunch that it seemed that there was a result.

Yang Yang picked up the phone.

Wang Xiaoji's voice sounded, and he said excitedly: "Mr. Yang, sure enough, he really caught the ghost."

"Is there really a ghost inside?"

(PS: The original setting of the running man is just too watery. I skipped it directly. You can continue to watch it without affecting your reading.)
"who is it?"

Yang Yang is also very curious about who is the ghost.

"It's the Chief Secretary of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Hao Jian."

"I asked people to use technical means to track it down, and with the permission of the upper management, I used a hidden pinhole camera to take pictures. Words, last night at around eleven o'clock, Hao Jian sneaked back to the office and went to find me. Computer."

"The good thing is the pinhole camera will do everything."

(End of this chapter)

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