Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 188 What Is Playing Is the Atmosphere

Chapter 188 What Is Playing Is the Atmosphere
He was also afraid of accidents, so he ran away.

Yang Yang originally wanted to teach them a lesson, but was stopped by Bai Chuxia.

In order to take care of Bai Chuxia, Yang Yang temporarily gave up.

Bai Chuxia's face was a little pale just now, but now it's a little red.

"It's the first time I've seen boys fight."

Bai Chuxia blushed slightly, and said.


Yang Yang was a little surprised.

Isn't fighting like this a common thing when you are studying?Why haven't you seen it?
Bai Chuxia was a little excited and said, "I'm studying in a private school. There are people with social status in their families. When students have conflicts, they don't know how to fight. At most, it's just language conflicts. If they upgrade, it will be a contest between the two parents."

"So, I've never seen a real fight like this before."

"However. Seeing what you played just now, it was quite enjoyable."

Hearing this, Yang Yang almost cried out from laughter.

Bai Chuxia was well protected by her family, so she basically never saw anything like this.

But after hearing what she said, and looking at Bai Chuxia's expression, she was still a little eager to try, could it be that there was a trace of violence in Bai Chuxia's bones? ? ?

Yang Yang shook his head slightly, let go of his distracting thoughts, and said: "I was disturbed by these people, and I'm not in the mood to watch the sunset of Leifeng. The security guards here have also come. I guess I'll be asked a few questions. It's not too early. , how about we find a restaurant to have something to eat first, and make arrangements in the evening?"

"Okay~ Everything depends on handsome guy Yang."

Bai Chuxia replied obediently.

Yang Yang nodded.

At this time, the security guards from West Lake also came over.

Yang Yang dealt with the security guards, the fault was not on his side.

After explaining the situation a little bit, the security guard recorded it, and the matter is considered over.


By chance, Yang Yang chose a good local restaurant in Hanzhou, and took Bai Chuxia to eat.

The name of this restaurant is Xianweige, and it is very good at making Hanzhou local dishes. The dishes in Hanzhou are sweet, which fits Bai Chuxia's taste. Yang Yang also knew that she likes fish very much since he met Bai Chuxia once. I specially ordered a West Lake vinegar fish for him.

This meal was very harmonious.

After dinner, it's almost seven o'clock.

It was also getting dark at this time, but Yang Yang felt that it was a bit early to find a hotel at this time, and was thinking about whether to arrange some new programs.

But we have to ask Bai Chuxia for his opinion first.

"I want to go somewhere I've never been, hee hee."

Bai Chuxia said that she was a little excited today. This should be called the first date, right?

Don't count those who asked Yang Yang to pretend to be a boyfriend before, so this is the first time!
Bai Chuxia: I don't accept any rebuttals, hum~
"A place you haven't been to?"

Yang Yang touched his chin, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Do you want to go to the bar?"

"Yes, I've never been there. My parents are strict with me. Even though I've grown up, I haven't been there yet."

Bai Chuxia nodded and said.

Yang Yang understood, and could tell that Bai Chuxia protected his father Baihu very well, otherwise, the last time he pretended to be her boyfriend to meet her parents, his father would have been very sad.

As for the bar, Yang Yang, the writer who hit the streets before, has never been to it, but now Yang Yang, who occasionally goes there when he was on earth, has been to this parallel world now.

Even the last time I went to Ye Shi Bar, Zhuang Hu taught Zhang Sanlei a lesson for Bai Chuxia.

"OK! That night, you can go to the bar on the spot."

Hearing what Yang Yang said, Bai Chuxia couldn't help but start beating faster again.

Well, after drinking, do you want to
Bai Chuxia thought in her heart: Oh~
Yang Yang wants to take her to the bar now, does he want something like that?

But, if that's what you really mean, should you agree?

Bai Chuxia was a little confused.

But is this because I think too much?

That would be embarrassing.

"What? Don't like bars? You can do it elsewhere."

Yang Yang said.

"No no no!"

Bai Chuxia immediately vetoed the matter, and said: "The bar is pretty good, I haven't seen it before, so you can take me to see it."

After saying this, Bai Chuxia blushed.

She didn't know what state of mind she was in to say such a thing.

If you really follow this rhythm, it will really
Yang Yang didn't know that Bai Chuxia had so many inner dramas, so he just said, "Well, I'll look for a better bar in Hanzhou."

At this point, Bai Chuxia couldn't veto it, and looked at Yang Yang using his unique mobile phone to Baidu with apprehension in his heart.

Around eight twenty at night.

Yang Yang drove Bai Chuxia to the TT Bar in Hanzhou.

TT Bar is a well-known entertainment brand, ranking first among the top five bars in Hanzhou.

The business here is very booming, the sales volume of foreign wine in the bar is at the top of the list, the main movie is, and some well-known artists are invited to perform every once in a while, and the popularity is very popular!

Yang Yang brought Bai Chuxia here, and he ordered a high card booth and ordered wine.

Because he knew that Bai Chuxia hadn't had a lot of alcohol, the two glasses Yang Yang ordered for her were both natural and not very strong.

Of course, Yang Yang didn't know much about drinking, so he ordered a few cans of Snow Beer for himself.

The consumption here is very high, just for these, it cost close to 5000 yuan.

Entering the bar, the hustle and bustle of the atmosphere, as well as rhythmic electronic music, is very exciting.

Although Yang Yang had been to bars before his death, they were all nostalgic bars and quiet bars with a bit of literature and art. There are also movie bars, but he didn’t go there many times. After all, don’t ask, asking is poor!

After coming to this parallel world, it is not bad to go to the night bar. This TT bar is very similar to the night bar.

However, since he brought Bai Chuxia to play, Yang Yang did not show any timidity.

The consumption here is not low, so what is this to Yang Yang?
Even though Yang Yang paid the bill for the audience, it was only a few dollars.

The waitress brought Yang Yang and Bai Chuxia to the booth, where you can directly see the dance floor.

The sound of the music was deafening, and the dance floor was full of fashionable men and women, many of whom were dancing to the rhythm.

Bai Chuxia blushed, not shy, but a little excited.

"It's so noisy here."

Bai Chuxia shouted loudly for Yang Yang to hear.

"Yeah, what you play is the atmosphere!"

Yang Yang also yelled to answer, there is no other way, to talk here, after all, he had to yell, because the music was really loud.

The wine was served quickly, Yang Yang opened a bottle of Snow Beer, and then poured a glass of Bai Chuxia's sweet wine.

Yang Yang smiled, and had a drink with Bai Chuxia.

Not to mention, the atmosphere in the bar is very lively and exaggerated, just like Bai Chuxia, who looks quite quiet and cold, after staying for a while, her body is now a little hot.

Seeing this, Yang Yang laughed.

He took Bai Chuxia's hand, pulled her up, and then
(End of this chapter)

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