Chapter 196 Five Billion

The games he played recently were not in the same way as the D game, but with a variety of tricks, winning or losing by tens of millions!
Liu Ming felt that he guessed Yang Yang's purpose, which was to have sex with him, and unconsciously, he became excited.

From seeing Yang Yang today to now, Liu Ming feels a feeling of meeting someone who is equal to him. Yang Yang should not be a rich second generation, he should be a self-made man, and he may have gone from a side door.

To tell the truth, if you don’t take the wrong path, who can make it so fast?

Is it really a few hundred million in the lottery?

The similar manager made Liu Ming feel that if this person wanted to play with him, he would be a good opponent and it would be very interesting!

Yang Yang has entered the state, and his acting skills have soared.

He stood up from the sofa all at once, walked around the room twice as if extremely excited, then waved his hand violently, and looked at Liu Ming.

"I heard that there is a number one person like you in Hanzhou. I thought it was very interesting, so I came here."

"Let's put it this way, my career has encountered a bottleneck, but it may also be a period of opportunity. I need to find someone to stimulate me, so that I can be more motivated and work hard!"

"I think you can do it! You are my match. I can use you to stimulate me and let me break through this bottleneck."

Yang Yang said.

Seeing Yang Yang like this, Liu Ming also became hot.

"What are you going to do with me?"

Yang Yang opened his hands and said, "[-] million, I want to bet you [-] million!"

"Five to five billion?!"

Hearing this, Liu Ming was startled.

"Yes, five hundred million!"

Yang Yang's speech speed became extremely fast, and he continued: "I wonder if you have heard of the D contract?"

"Of course I know."

Liu Ming said.

"I plan to fight D with you!"

"I guess, your timing assets are no more than [-] million. This is how I see people."

"I plan to sign a D contract with you. The content of the contract is that one month later, with the asset certificate issued by the bank as evidence, let's see who of the two of us can reach [-] million in assets within one month!"

"I'll use the bank's asset certificate as collateral. Your assets will be less than [-] million within a month. You are also from a family. Come to D and my monthly assets will be less than [-] million!"

"The time limit is one month!"

"If it's due, if my assets don't exceed [-] million yuan, I'll pay twice as much as you pay!"

"And if the deadline is up and you have less than [-] million assets, you will pay me twice as much as I invested!"

"If our assets reach [-] million, then we should compensate each other according to what we invested. No matter how much we invest, the other party will pay twice as much. It depends on you and me who have the courage, who has the guts, who dares to invest Heavy!"

"How? Do you have the strength, or do you have the courage to come with me?"

Yang Yang looked aggressively at Liu Ming.

Liu Ming's aura was overwhelmed by Yang Yang.

He has impulses, but he also has concerns.

Yang Yang heard Liu Ming's voice with his telepathy.

"Good guy! The above mentioned Ali will be against D for [-] million? Whoever has assets of [-] million will be able to win a share against D?"

"This man, how much money does he have? Don't let it exceed [-] million, and then set up a game with me on purpose?"

"But it doesn't look like it. If he acted, his acting skills are too good?"

"No, what he should have said is true. He is at a bottleneck in his career, and he wants a D contract with assets of [-] million yuan to stimulate his potential. He will fight for a month. He is in a period of opportunity, and he wants to take advantage of the relationship with me. Stimulate yourself and raise your income level!"

"Is the bottleneck so easy to break through? I've been stuck at 4000 million for several years!"

"But my second uncle is so impulsive! This game with him! I believe my vision, this kid's assets are definitely not as good as mine now, and if he earns [-] million first, it will be me!"

Liu Ming was a little confused immediately.

Yang Yang sneered when he heard Liu Ming's voice.

He stood in front of Liu Ming and said, "What? Mr. Liu, don't you have an annual income of more than 50 billion yuan and assets of tens of billions?"

"If your assets are really tens of billions, I don't count your incremental assets. You have this net worth now, and you can win directly without any effort at all."

"Are you looking down on the money that comes to your door? Or do you not have so much assets at all?"

Hearing Yang Yang's words, Liu Ming felt a surge of anger in his heart.

His younger brothers are still watching him!

Liu Ming himself had the urge to think about D, and now his little brothers are looking at him, if they don't accept it, his reputation and reputation may drop all of a sudden, and they will go straight to the bottom.

If you really want D, Liu Ming is not without means. In a short period of time, he has the explosive potential of killing chickens and taking eggs, earning [-] million assets!
Thinking of this, Liu Ming is also passionate.

He stood up abruptly and said, "Don't provoke me, okay, I'll tell you D!"

"I don't believe it, you have more assets than me!"

"Good! Have courage!"

Yang Yang applauded loudly, please stand Liu Ming higher.

"No, let me say it first. My D bet is at least 5000 million. If you don't have that much assets, even if you sell yourself or sell your kidneys, or go to the sea to be a jerk, you have to pay me back!"

"I, Liu Ming, are not easy to mess with. If you don't have any money to pay me, you'd better think about the consequences!"

Liu Ming's face was flushed, he was so excited that he was sweating, and he said to Yang Yang.

"To each other, I'm also afraid that you won't be able to afford it!"

Yang Yang retaliated.

"That's a gentleman's word!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

The two shook hands with each other, a verbal agreement was reached.

After finalizing this, everyone in Wuzi, except Yang Yang and Tang Er, was very excited.

This matter will start planning immediately.

Yang Yang and Liu Ming each opened their own business, went to the bank to apply for asset certification, and at the same time each sought a lawyer to draft a contract.

Tang Er followed Yang Yang downstairs and got into the car, ready to go to the bank.

After getting into the car, Tang Er looked at Yang Yang with doubts in his eyes.

"Little brother, didn't you accompany me to save people? Why did you suddenly change your mind in the end?"

"Also, what is your plan? Why did you sign the D contract with that big villain?"

Tang'er didn't understand the situation at all.

"That classmate of yours, it's good to learn a little lesson, so that you can be more honest in the future, don't try to make a fortune all day long."

Yang Yang's expression returned to calm, still not at all excited by the performance just now, and he said, "Do you know how much money I have?"

"I don't know. But I know that you are definitely a very powerful big shot! I'm afraid your assets are several billion?"

Tang Er said in surprise.

"Not counting assets, but bank deposits, my card has close to 1000 billion."

"For friend D's [-] million assets, as long as the contract is signed, I will be invincible."

Yang Yang said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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