Chapter 20 Wang Haitang

"Feifei, what are you talking about?!"

Zhao Zhirou was startled, and quickly tugged Ye Fei's loose top.

Although I said I lived nearby, I didn't give out the detailed address, because I didn't want Yang Yang to know.

That's good, Ye Fei led the wolf into the room directly.

Good guy.


Ye Fei suddenly let out a shy laugh. It turned out that when Zhao Zhirou pulled Ye Fei's shirt with her hand, she didn't forget to tickle Ye Fei.

Yang Yang took a closer look, what did Ye Fei suddenly invite him to drink coffee?
And when Zhao Zhirou heard it, why did she react so strongly?
Is it inconvenient?
That... even so, I still feel.
"That... I have something to do at night, so I won't drink coffee, next time."

Yang Yang refused with a smile, frowning and smiling, his handsome cheek revealing the warmth of the sun.

"Okay, next time next time."

Zhao Zhirou hurriedly nodded in response.

Now she is thankful, thankful, thankful Yang Yang for not going up to drink coffee.

Zhao Zhirou was still worried just now, what would happen if Yang Yang agreed?
Ye Fei heard Yang Yang and Zhao Zhirou say this, and Zhao Zhirou's hand was still tugging at her clothes.

He had no choice but to say: "Okay, Brother Yang, if you have something to do, do it first, and let Rourou take care of me."

"Feifei, what are you talking about?"

Like a kitten, Zhao Zhirou approached Ye Fei and asked softly.

No matter what Ye Fei said, Yang Yang was like her boyfriend.

"Okay, don't worry about taking me, then I'll go first."

Yang Yang smiled slightly, very charming.

He also found it interesting to hear Ye Fei's words.

It seems that Ye Fei is trying to deal with him and Zhao Zhirou.


"Okay, Brother Yang, drive slowly."

Ye Fei waved her hand quickly.

Yang Yang stared at Zhao Zhirou and said, "I'm leaving."

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

After bidding farewell to Zhao Zhirou and Ye Fei, Yang Yang drove the Lamborghini Poison, left Shenchuan University, and returned to Shangpin's top mansion.

Ten o'clock at night.

Yang Yang just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, a white bath towel wrapped his lower body, and just in time, the Meiyun takeaway also arrived.

Sitting in front of the dining table, Yang Yang couldn't help but swallowed while looking at the tasty and delicious takeaway on the table.

He sighed: "Sure enough, we rich people are so low-key, just eat a takeaway."

And just when Yang Yang was about to pick up the hairy crabs placed on the dining table, his hard knockoff phone rang again.

"Isn't it? Just now, Rourou has already broadcast live? Why is there an alarm clock now?"

Yang Yang just watched Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast for a while, and after randomly giving hundreds of thousands of gifts, he felt hungry, so he ordered a takeaway and took a shower.

But when Yang Yang picked up the phone and looked at it, he found that it was not the alarm clock that was ringing, but a prestige call.

There is a note on it, which reads: Wang Haitang.

"Wang Haitang?"

Yang Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling very familiar with the name 'Wang Haitang'.

Deja Vu.

After careful recollection, I remembered who this Wang Haitang was.

It turned out to be the buddy Yang Yang played with since he was a child.

In the same village, when I was a child, I used to go to the river to play in the water and peek over the wall.
They are also in the same school from elementary school to high school. When Yang Yang was bullied, Wang Haitang would desperately avenge Yang Yang.

Of course, in the end, Yang Yang and Wang Haitang were beaten together by others.
It's just that after graduating from high school, Wang Haitang's parents also earned some savings, so they let Wang Haitang go abroad to study, and Yang Yang, who only has a high school diploma, has been writing novels on the Yuewu Novels website since then.

It has been written for several years, and it is still famous.

Yang Yang recalled the little things he had with Wang Haitang, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Ah? How did I get so moved that I cried?"

Yang Yang was startled, and quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe away the teardrops from the corners of his eyes.

Now he doesn't quite understand Wang Haitang's phone call from Weixin. He doesn't know why Wang Haitang suddenly called Weixin at such a late hour.

With this doubt, Yang Yang still connected Wang Haitang's call.

Said: "Hi."

"Oh! Old Yang, why did it take you so long to answer the phone?"

"I've been waiting for more than 20 seconds!"

"You said, you said, it took so long to answer the phone, why did you go there just now? Did you study ancestral craftsmanship in front of the computer again?"

"Really, be careful of kidney deficiency."

Only then did Yang Yang greet him with the word "Hi". Wang Haitang's mouth was like a Gatling, talking without breathing, blah blah, blah blah.

Hearing what Wang Haitang said, Yang Yang also remembered that Wang Haitang is a talkative person, and he would feel at a loss if he said a word.

"Fuck you, how come, I just got out of the shower when I heard the prestige beeping. I saw that it was you, Lao Wang. No, connect right away."

Yang Yang explained briefly, there was not much lying in it.

Indeed, when Yang Yang had just finished taking a shower and was about to eat Meiyun takeaway, Wang Haitang called.

And Yang Yang called Wang Haitang old Wang just now, which was also based on the memory of the former Yang Yang.

Yang Yang used to call Wang Haitang old Wang.

"So Gas!"

"I thought you were going to be a craftsman again, promise me, remember to supplement your nutrition on time."

"Otherwise I would feel bad."

Wang Haitang pretended to speak on the phone with a distressed tone.

"Fuck you, tell me, now you suddenly think of calling me?"

This is what Yang Yang wanted to ask the most.

How come there is an ominous premonition in my heart.

Yang Yang guessed in his heart: Could it be returning to China?

"I'm back home, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

"Lao Yang, let me tell you, I'm starving to death now, hurry up, come out for a midnight snack."

"I haven't seen you for several years. I miss you so much. Do you still live there before? Shall I drive there to pick you up now?"

"I want to eat shredded chicken, sauced pork trotters, spicy crayfish, roasted kidneys"

Hearing this, Yang Yang froze for a moment, why did he think exactly the same?
Come here for whatever you are afraid of?
Wang Haitang knew what Yang Yang looked like in the past, but now he is asking for a face-to-face meeting, and seeing Yang Yang's appearance has changed, what would he think?
Tell Wang Haitang that the boy has changed in the eighteenth year, from the Yang Yang who is full of beard and acne to the handsome Yang Yang who has been chopped off, will he believe it?

This is what Yang Yang is most worried about.

After all, he was reborn to replace Yang Yang in this world, if Wang Haitang told him who you are.

This is embarrassing.

"Hey, hey, Lao Yang, are you listening? I said so much about food, do you remember?"

"I'm going out now, you should still live in that rental house, right?"

"Let's go, let's eat in the barbecue area. I'm interested in Fat Sister's big kidney."

Upon hearing this, Yang Yang quickly said: "I don't live in the previous rental house now, I've moved, why don't you take a place first, and I'll be there later."

Relying on Yang Yang's memory, the "Fat Sister" that Wang Haitang said was the one that Yang Yang and Wang Haitang used to go to when they were studying.

However, since Wang Haitang went abroad, Yang Yang hasn't been there much, maybe only once a year.

After all, his manuscript fee was too little, and he had to save money to give Zhao Zhirou gifts.

"Okay, okay, hurry up, I'm really hungry."

"Tonight, I, Wang Haitang, must make it five big kidneys!"

"By the way, Lao Yang, you have to make up for it. Let's start with ten. You guys study skills every day, so you really need to make up for it."

Yang Yang: "???"

"Fuck you, hang up, I'll be right there."

Yang Yang hung up the prestige call.

(End of this chapter)

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