Chapter 201 Pet Xiaohei
On Xu Yi's back, a mass of black mist-like stuff was entwined around his back.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Yang Yang was looking at him, Xu felt a little nervous, so he asked.

"It's okay, oh yes, let me ask you, do you feel anything wrong with your back?"

Yang Yang still had the strength to ask Xu Yi.

"Back? I don't feel much, but I don't know what's going on recently. I'm so fat but I always feel cold. I'm alone in the villa. In summer, I want to turn on the air conditioner to blow warm air."

Xu Yi said.


Yang Yang was a little speechless.

He sensed that Xu Yi was carrying a pattern of black mist on his back, maybe it was that.
Yang Yang thought before that after he had yin and yang eyes, he might see hideous things directly.

But now it seems that it is not as expected.

Xu Yi has this thing on his back, it has no face, and it doesn't seem to have any advanced intelligence and self-awareness, but it's just a unique energy body of Tiantian.

And not afraid of the sun!
This... is different from the rumors!

After thinking about it, Yang Yang tried to use the newly acquired skills, and prepared to touch the black mist!

Yang Yang consciously displayed the newly acquired skills at this time.

His consciousness was like an octopus, and several invisible tentacles stretched out invisibly, touching the black mist on Xu Yi's back.


Yang Yang also felt a little cold in his body.

And Ya's consciousness is connected with the black mist on Xu Yi's back through a wonderful connection.

Yang Yang instantly knew what the black mist was.

This black mist is really that thing
However, it is different from the ones in movies and TV shows. It doesn't have much wisdom, nor does it have much self-awareness.

Yang Yang can directly 'experience' this thing, as if it is a dirty thing, and his intelligence level is at the highest level equivalent to that of a two- or three-year-old child.

He entangled Xu Yi before, not for the sake of revenge for S, it was just his instinct.

at this time.

After Yang Yang's consciousness came into contact with it, this thing also sensed Yang Yang, and seemed surprised that Yang Yang could touch it, as if following his consciousness.

In Yang Yang's consciousness, he has the knowledge of 'enabling' just signed into the system, so he is not very afraid of it.

Yang Yang raised his hand slightly.

I saw the black mist flying towards Yang Yang quickly, and then wrapped around Yang Yang's wrist.

Yang Yang immediately felt that the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees.

It's not an ordinary temperature drop. It's a hot day and the temperature is very high. Yang Yang may sweat from the heat, but the feeling of the temperature drop is more like a psychological feeling. While sweating profusely, he feels very cold at the same time. weird
This cloud of black mist itself seems to have no definite volume, it was quite large when it was on Xu Yi's back, and after wrapping around Yang Yang's wrist, it condensed into a ring, as big as a watch, and unless someone else has Yang Yang's With such a yin and yang eye, otherwise one would not be able to see its existence.

Yang Yang wasn't afraid either, but found it novel and had an urge to play with it.


There were also changes in Xu Yi's side.

"what happened?"

Yang Yang was also curious about Xu Yi's changes, so he asked.

"I don't know why, I suddenly felt very hot. I felt quite cold just now. What's going on?"

"Is it so hot today? I'm sweating."

Xu Yi took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Well, there is really a reaction."

Yang Yang found it very novel.

He also checked in and got such a 'fun' thing as a wrist, so he was not in the mood to continue looking at the scenery of Maoshan.

Then he said to Xu Yi: "Maybe the Taoist priest just now has real skills, let's stop wandering, let's go back first."

Yang Yang took Xu Yi's hand and went down the mountain.

An hour later, Yang Yang and Xu Yi went to the parking lot at the foot of the mountain to pick up the car, and Yang Yang brought Xu Yi back to Jurong.

Xu Yi felt hot right now, and kept blowing cold air when he got into the car, and kept shouting that it was hot.

Yang Yang's attention was on the thing on his wrist.

Through contact with consciousness, Yang Yang gradually knew what was going on with this thing? ,

"If you want to say that it is G, it doesn't seem to be, because this thing doesn't seem to be too vicious, and it is not dedicated to harming people. In fact, Yang Yang doesn't know how it came about. Occasionally feel a little more experience of this thing, or memory."

This thing is not so much G, as it is a special kind of energy body that has not been discovered yet.

Its ability, in addition to making people feel colder psychologically, can also affect people's consciousness, causing people to enter hallucinations, or a state similar to hypnosis, which is the kind that appeared when Xu Yi played supernatural games before. state.


This thing can also make people have nightmares, the reason is not clear, but it has this ability.

Yang Yang guessed that this thing might be the legendary G, but this might be a misunderstanding.

This may be some kind of energy body that goes against what has been found, a special kind of existence.

As for the exorcism technique rewarded by the sign-in system just now, as well as the ancient legend of G monsters, they may all exist similar to this kind of thing.

Although the ancients didn't know the principle, but in the experience, they had the understanding of its similar things, and they were collectively called G.

In fact, Yang Yang felt that it would be more accurate to call this thing a 'spirit'.

Even, the ancients also produced some specialized talents who had some experience with this kind of 'spirits' and knew how to drive them to do things. This is the origin of the 'Maoshan expelling G technique' in Yang Yang's consciousness.

Yang Yang has this kind of ability. Gradually, he got acquainted with this thing on his wrist!
Yang Yang could feel that the thing on his wrist was quite willing to play with him.

Moreover, Yang Yang can give some simple instructions to let this thing do it.

Yang Yang was a little eager to move, wanting to try the ability of this thing.

But now is not the time.

He mutated and drove while consciously drinking the thing 'communication' on his left wrist.

"You are a life after all. No, it should be called a 'like life'. It seems not good to always call you a 'thing'. Seeing that you are dark, then I will call you Xiao Hei."

Yang Yang consciously communicated with the guy on his wrist.

The black mist on his wrist dissipated for a while, and he seemed to like the name quite a bit.

"Since you don't object, then it's settled and I'll call you Xiao Hei."

"You seem to like some jade materials very much. I'll go buy a jade pendant tomorrow and make a home for you."

Yang Yang said consciously.

Although you can ask Wang Haitang to get it, but the distance between the two is far away now, so let's not bother him for the time being.

The little black on the wrist spread out again, looking very happy.

Yang Yang smiled lightly.

I feel that Xiao Hei is almost like a pet.

(End of this chapter)

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