Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 217 The Second Good Deed

Chapter 217 The Second Good Deed

"Oh, this, no need, I didn't do this for fame, it's just that I have a little bit of ability, and I have to give back to the society. This is a normal thing, I don't know if you made a special trip."

Yang Yang said.

After a pause, Yang Yang went on to say: "If you really want to interview, go and visit Fang Jieming, the chairman of Xiayan Airlines. This matter is mainly handled by him, and I will give you his phone number later." .”

"No, no, Mr. Yang, now that you say that, I want to interview you even more. There are really not many people with your level now."

Cao Dongdong said.

"It's not necessary, I'm just a mortal, greedy for money, lustful, and righteous."

Yang Yang joked.

Then he said: "I still have something to do, so I won't talk about it. I will give you Fang Jieming's phone number."

After speaking, Yang Yang hung up the phone.

Yang Yang did not expect Renmin Daily to interview him.

Renmin Daily is not an ordinary newspaper, but an official media!

The voice they make represents the mainstream and the officialdom.

Yang Yang didn't expect that he did a good deed this time, and he was picked up by Renmin Daily.

However, Yang Yang didn't want to be so high-profile, let Fang Jieming and the others do the publicity.

Fang Jieming:? ? ?

Yang Yang continued to read maybe, looking for something interesting.

On this day, Nanjing didn't know what was going on, the weather was like a fire, the temperature was as high as 34 degrees Celsius!

Although Yang Yang wanted to go shopping again, but the weather made it too difficult to go out, so he simply spent the whole day blowing the air-conditioning in the hotel.

However, Yang Yang was not idle, and within a day, he found another piece of information on the news website.

"Journalists become mentally retarded, undercover black brick kilns rescue mentally retarded slaves!"

At this time, a piece of news that has been pushed for a while.

Yang Yang looked at it, his heart moved, and he felt a little bit.

He clicked in and took a look at the situation.

This incident, still a rather famous one, happened for a while.

It is said that in Nanhe Province, mentally handicapped people were deceived
Many intellectual and mental disabilities become more severe.

The reporter who thought Cui wanted to find out who tricked him into it?
After a month of planning and investigation, he disguised himself as a mentally handicapped person, experienced the whole process of being recruited, transported, etc., and experienced the blood and tears involved.

In the end, he managed to sneak in, and the others followed nearby.

This needs to attract the attention of recruiters. Reporter Cui begged from passers-by on the side of the road from time to time, and no one came to 'recruit' after a whole day.

Because he wanted to dress up better, he walked around with his head down, picked up cigarette butts on the ground, and begged for food every half an hour.

In order to pretend to be more similar, Cui Dawang saw that there was a half-bent leftover Liangpi on the table next to him, so he brought a bowl and ate it all in one go.

Therefore, his behavior was watched by others.

Then he successfully entered, and was beaten many times during the undercover period.

While drinking water, he staged a life and death escape, and then assisted the police to solve it successfully!
(Because the topic is very sensitive, it is really hard to describe, 嘤嘤嘤~)

When Yang Yang saw the news, he couldn't help but feel a little bit moved.

Yang Yang felt that something should be done.

He picked up the phone and dialed the number of a reporter Cui.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

"My surname is Yang, and I am a shareholder of Mingxin Law Firm. I was very moved after reading your report. I see that you said that those people have no legal assistance and cannot get the compensation they deserve. Has this matter been resolved?"

(PS: Lawyer Mingxin appeared once in the previous chapters, and I got this one when I checked in Chapter 1, those ellipses were skipped, I don’t care, hee hee~)

Yang Yang asked.

"It's this matter. I have also received some calls recently asking about this matter, but it still hasn't been resolved."

Reporter Cui said.

"where is the problem?"

Yang Yang asked.

"It's a legal issue, but at the end of the day, it's a brokerage issue."

Reporter Cui sighed, and then said: "The X responsibility for this matter has been judged, and the relevant personnel have already had an X judgment, but the X compensation has not yet been resolved. After all, those victims are vulnerable groups, just some people. No one is famous; the lawyer is willing to take the case, but the fee is still very heavy for the victim."

"They themselves can't make a correct judgment, and they can't even make a testimony, so this matter is temporarily delayed."

"So that's how it is. Let me ask you, if there is no problem with the lawyer, can the M lawsuit be resolved within fifteen days? I can help you contact Mingxin Law Firm for a craft lawsuit. The lawyer will charge me. out, without the burden of those victims."

Yang Yang said.


After hearing this, Reporter Cui was overjoyed and said, "If that's the case, then that's really great!"

After a pause, Cui continued: "Fifteen days is a bit rushed, but we should be able to produce results. After all, we also have a lot of information on hand."

"Well, please pay attention to answering the phone later, I will ask Wang Anyuan from Mingxin Law Firm to contact you."

Yang Yang said.

"Okay, thank you very much, there are really kind-hearted people in this world!"

Reporter Cui said happily.

"By the way, how are the living conditions of those victims now? I read in the news that there seems to be a lot of things like this in Nanhe that haven't been discovered and resolved?"

Yang Yang asked again.

"Yes, I did an investigation, and I exposed this black brick kiln, which is just the tip of the iceberg."

Reporter Cui sighed and said, "I never thought that there are still so many people who are devoid of conscience and specialize in doing this kind of thing!"

Yang Yang stopped and said, "Reporter Cui, I think you have a sense of justice. Do you want to start a side job? Specialize in finding out such things and expose them?"

"Ah? What do you say?"

asked reporter Cui.

"I was very angry when I saw this incident, and felt that something should be done. I intend to set up a mutual fund to expose such things."

"The scale of the funds, probably around a few million, is used to operate and expose things like this, and there is a special legal team to carry out compensation lawsuits for Wie victims, and part of them is used for the rescue and treatment of these victims. "

"I need someone to handle this matter, and you are the best candidate in time. If you are willing, I plan to cooperate with you to discuss the operation of this fund."

Yang Yang said.

Reporter Cui was surprised when he heard this, and said, "Mr. Yang, I feel that you are very sincere, but can I ask a question? Is there any idea or purpose for you to do this?"

Yang Yang smiled lightly, and said: "Hehe, in reality, not everyone is insensitive and cold-blooded, I just think those people are not pleasing to the eye, so I want to do this."

"If you are determined to do this, I will ask Wang Anyuan from Mingxin Law Firm to talk to you and finalize this matter."

Yang Yang said.

(End of this chapter)

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