Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 219 Public Welfare Projects

Chapter 219 Public Welfare Projects
"The last time I helped Wang Anni's family, the feedback came after the matter was over, but this time the feedback came so early."

"Could it be that it's because I'm helping an unspecified person, as long as I do a substantial act of kindness, the task will be considered complete?"

Yang Yang thought in his heart.

Two-thirds of Yang Yang's previous life wish has been fulfilled.

All of a sudden, things became easier.

Yang Yang was a little motivated.

"Since that's the case, then I'm going to donate to some foundations, will it be effective?"

Yang Yang thought in his heart.

【You want to fart】

"Oh sister system."

Yang Yang felt the same way, it might not be possible to donate to an existing foundation, at least Yang Yang had to be the main body and take the lead.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be considered as completing the task to donate a few dollars to a profitable public welfare fund?
That's too simple!
While thinking, Yang Yang received a call.

It was Wang Danni's mother calling.

She thanked Yang Yang very much, and told Yang Yang that the money he transferred, after deducting the deposit for renting the hospital's medical equipment and the money needed for the surgery, left more than 60 yuan.

The leased hospital deposit is about 100 million yuan, which can be returned after the medical equipment is shipped back.

For the follow-up rehabilitation treatment, Ms. Wang said that she didn't want to trouble others anymore and wanted to bear it herself.

"I understand your thoughts, and I don't want to trouble others too much, but I think it's unnecessary for you to do this."

"I am a person who likes to go to the end. I have taken action on this matter. If it ends here, it will not go to the end."

"I will pay for Houxi's treatment expenses. If there is any left over, if you don't feel comfortable taking it, you can donate all the money in my name."

"There must be children who need treatment similar to your daughter. I don't plan to take this money back. Help me donate it."

Yang Yang said.

"I see. Mr. Yang, you are really a good person. I will tell my family Danni that she must be a kind person when she grows up. It is because of your kindness, Mr. Yang, that she will be able to live a healthy life in the future."

Wang Danni's mother said.


Yang Yang responded.

Wang Danni's mother thanked her again and hung up the phone.

Yang Yang felt pretty good, he did a good deed and was sincerely thanked, which made me happy.

"Keep working hard, two-thirds of the wish of the previous life has been completed, and there is only one good deed to complete the task."

"I'm looking forward to it, what will reward me after the task is completed."

Yang Yang thought.

Then use the laptop to search what else can be done.

Yang Yang summed up his previous experience. If he wants to complete a charity task, he only needs to complete it for a specific object, such as Wang Danni's family, but if it is a charity for an unspecified specific object, he only needs to complete the key action.

But it seems that the activity must be initiated by Yang Yang as the theme.

Yang Yang looked for it, and after about an hour, Yang Yang found a local charity organization in Nanjing on the Internet.

Here, Yang Yang discovered a project that made him feel a little bit.

This project is a public welfare activity to fund veterans.

The project is to add life companionship to these visitors.

After Yang Yang saw this project, he was quite moved.

When I turned to the project sponsoring organization, I found that it was a non-profit organization.

He checked and found that this non-profit organization has a good reputation. This organization does real things, and has a high utilization rate of funds. It can do the most things with the least money.

After Yang Yang inquired, he felt that he had a clue.

He found the contact number on the website of the non-profit organization.

Yang Yang made a call.

After a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Hello, we are Angel Charity, what can I do?"

The person who answered the phone was a little girl, definitely not very old.

"Hello, my surname is Yang. It's a word. I saw the introduction of your organization on the Internet. I want to donate a sum of money. I don't know what process to follow. Call for consultation."

Yang Yang said.

"You can choose the donation project directly through our official website. If you want to know the progress of the donation project, there will be an announcement on the website, and you can also call for consultation at any time."

said the little girl.

"Well, it's like this. The amount of money I want to donate may be vague, and my idea is to launch a project I'm just interested in, and then operate it through your organization. How should it be done?"

Yang Yang asked.

"Sir, how much do you plan to donate? We have a professional team here, but the manpower has always been tight, and many rely on social volunteers. I don't know how much human resources your project will use. If you are interested, I can hand it over to the organization The senior management in the company will communicate with you."

The little girl on the phone said.

"The kind from a few million to tens of millions, depending on the situation."

Yang Yang said.


On the other side of the phone, the girl couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

She also realized that this was a bit rude, and said sorry: "I'm sorry, I haven't received any donation intentions of this level, I can't decide on this matter, please wait a moment, I will report to the manager of the organization one time."


Yang Yang waited for a while, the phone rang again, this time it was a softer, but perhaps older woman speaking.

"Hello, I'm Gao Zijuan, the manager of Angel Public Welfare. Do you want to make a large donation?"

Gao Zijuan asked.

"Yes, but I have a request, I want the money I donate, to offer a specific program, I saw a program on your website about veterans, I mean I vote for a new program, but the beneficiary is These veterans."

"I see. Donors are inherently inclined. There is no problem with your request. What kind of help do you plan to provide to the beneficiaries?"

Gao Zijuan asked.

"What does the Yamen need most now?"

Yang Yang asked back.

"I have been following up on this project. According to my personal observation, they may need to be accompanied."

"Many have never been married, have no wives and children, and they are completely alone. When they are old, loneliness is a terrible state. They even died at home for a few weeks before they were discovered by neighbors. .”

"I think they still need company."

Gao Zijuan said.

Yang Yang thought for a while and said, "I want to ask, how is their living condition? Are they attached to where they live?"

"The living conditions are generally very poor. Many people live in rented houses, most of which are bungalows. I have not observed the attachment to the place where they live. I just think that they think that any place can be a film crew, even if the conditions It’s bitter, but I don’t dislike it.”

Yang Yang said: "Well... I have an idea."

After a pause, Yang Yang went on to say: "I want to invest a sum of money to set up a project to build a large-scale apartment for the elderly, and hire professional escorts and staff. This apartment has a good environment and good service. Veterans should also be invited to stay for free." .”

(End of this chapter)

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