Chapter 29
"Come here, come, Emperor Tang is here!"

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

"Tang Huang, this week is the selection week for Douyu's 'Top [-] Anchors'. How many gifts are you going to give?"

"Yes, yes, President Yang hasn't shown up yet, so I can only rely on you."

As soon as Menghui Datang came into the live broadcast room, he saw netizens playing the rhythm.

Sitting in front of the computer, he said disdainfully: "A group of keyboard warriors, they all know to encourage me to give gifts. The problem is that it's useless for me to send them now. It's like farting to spend money on a piece of Wangyang. It's irresponsible. I fart." But you have to be responsible."

Dreaming back to Datang is still sober, and will not follow the rhythm of netizens and give gifts foolishly.

In the past, he gave gifts for a purpose, that is to sleep with Zhao Zhirou.

And now, a vast expanse of oceans came out halfway to show off his wealth to him.

The problem is, my own money is really not as rich as that piece of Wang Yang.

So, even though Dreaming Back to Datang came to Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room tonight, she didn't give any gifts.

"Oh, everyone, don't be like this, I'm just a small anchor, I can't match the 'Hundred Top Anchor'."

Seeing these rhythmic bullet screens, Zhao Zhirou casually said this sentence.

She is naturally happy and likes someone to give a gift, but she doesn't like it if the gift is given by the rhythm of the netizens.

For example, Yang Yang was given a 9999 super rocket by netizens before, which was worth 2000 million!
But now, Zhao Zhirou's words caused a barrage of bullets to appear again.

"Little Rourou, stop joking, it's just you? Or the little anchor?"

"That's right, yesterday Weibo and the forum were saying that you are the first sister of Douyu."

"Report! I just came over from Xiao Teemo's live broadcast room, and the local tyrant over there just let go, this time I want to beat Xiao Rourou back to her original form, so that everyone can understand who is the first sister of Douyu!"

"Oh! Did that local tyrant eat garlic and durian? What a big breath!"

"You still want to get back to your original shape? Have you asked Mr. Yang and Emperor Tang?"

"Tang Huang is a fart. He didn't give a single gift today. I still think Mr. Yang is more reliable. Although he hasn't appeared yet, it's not a big problem. Don't panic!"

"That is, with our Yang Zong here, a group of 9999 super fires told them to be human."

"However, Mr. Yang himself is only one person, and the other party has so many local tyrants, one person vs. one group, it's hard to fight."

"Mr. Yang only gave 2000 million gifts two days ago, and now I'm giving it again, I'm afraid."


Zhao Zhirou looked at the barrage of bullets, and felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Of course she knew that today was Douyu's "Top [-] Anchors" selection, and Douyu's management had contacted her before.

I hope she can enter the top 20 in this "Top [-] Anchor Anchor" selection, so that Douyu will give her a very good contract then!
If she can enter the top 10, Douyu can even give her a top contract!
But at that time, she refused without hesitation!
Because this kind of selection by Douyu, to put it bluntly, is to collect money, whichever anchor spends more money, the ranking will be higher!
But the anchor can't spend all the money on his own, most of it comes from the support of local tyrants in the live broadcast room!

And who else is the biggest local tyrant in her live broadcast room besides Yang Yang?
Don't even think about dreaming back to Datang. Although there may be a reward, it can't be compared to a large group of local tyrants from other anchors.

And because Yang Yang was going to spend money to praise her for the selection of the 'Top [-] Anchors', she really couldn't do it.

At this moment, Wang Haitang felt restless when he saw this.

"Damn! This shake fish is too good at making money!"

"No, I have to write it down, and then tell my dad to organize a selection of top [-] jade stones."

"And who is this piece of Wang Yang? The selection has already started. In a week, he gave 2000 million gifts before. Now he should stand up and spend money?"

"Why don't you play the cards according to the routine?"

Wang Haitang was muttering to himself while holding the mobile phone, and he didn't even notice that Yang Yang walked from the bathroom to behind him after taking a shower.

"What money are you throwing?"

"Ahh! Fuck you big durian! You scared me!"

Without Wang Haitang's knowledge, Yang Yang leaned into his ear and asked, which shocked Wang Haitang directly.

Wang Haitang was so scared that he turned around quickly and looked at Yang Yang, his heart was beating very fast.

"What are you looking at? You're so engrossed that you don't even know I'm walking behind you."

Yang Yang is also very curious, what is it that can completely attract Wang Haitang.

Yang Yang thought to himself, just now he vaguely heard what Wang Haitang said about the top [-] jades, what was the money?
Could it be that his father's Wang's jewelry is going to do something?


Wang Haitang took a deep breath and said, "No, I was eating roast chicken just now. I just saw your phone's alarm clock ringing, so I walked into your sister's live broadcast room."

"Sister?" Yang Yang frowned, and suddenly realized: "Zhao Zhirou? She's not my sister."

"It's almost rounded, let me tell you."

Therefore, Wang Haitang "short the long story" and told Yang Yang everything that happened in Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room in a few hundred words.

"The anchor of the top [-]? This Douyu is really a little money-making expert."

Yang Yang sighed, this is the same as Douyu's selection, I really admire it, live and learn, write it down.

But Yang Yang thought about it for a while. Although this is a lot of money, it is also a good activity for those anchors with local tyrants.

If they have a ranking and get a top-level contract, they can make a small profit in terms of gift sharing.

Moreover, they didn't lose anything in this selection event. If they had to say something, they would spend too much time begging those local tyrants for gifts.

"That's right, the entire comment section is waiting for that local tycoon from 'A Piece of Ocean' to show up and give gifts." Wang Haitang said.

"What the hell? Are you waiting for him? If he doesn't show up, everyone won't give gifts?"

Yang Yang wanted to scold those netizens a little bit.

Really are.

I'm the only one giving gifts in the entire live broadcast room?
That's not how money is spent.

Wang Haitang said: "Yes, there are, just a few small gifts. Alas, our old classmate Zhao Zhirou has very few local tyrants."

"Menghui Datang, who had been giving her gifts before, was thrown into autism again by a piece of Wang Yang's money. He came to the live broadcast room tonight and didn't give any gifts."

"It seems that Zhao Zhirou's 'Hundred Storms Anchor' this time is quite mysterious."

Yang Yang smiled slightly, patted Wang Haitang on the shoulder, and said, "Worry what, that vast ocean is here."


Wang Haitang was startled and at the same time froze.

I thought: A vast ocean?coming?

Then he said: "Old Yang, why are you so confident? Come when you say it? Cut~ You said it as if you were a vast ocean."

Wang Haitang knew that Yang Yang was joking, how could Yang Yang be a vast ocean?

Although the name has a foreign character, but always feel that this is not the same person.

Wang Haitang secretly swears in his heart.

If Lao Yang is a vast ocean, I, Wang Haitang, will live upside down and drink chili oil
Before Wang Haitang finished swearing, Yang Yang picked up his hard fake mobile phone.

Confidence: "Because I am."

(End of this chapter)

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