Chapter 294 You Are Straight!
After all, for some anchors, part of the reason for their popularity lies in the place of Bili Bili.

Up hosts move their live videos into ghost animals or some funny video materials to attract more traffic for them.

Zhai Xiaotuan came here, he must be familiar.

"Yang Yang, why are you here?"

at this time.

A familiar voice came from the back seat, Yang Yang could hear who was coming without turning his head, and smiled lightly.

But Zhai Xiaotuan was still embarrassed by Yang Yang's answer, but when he heard the voice behind him, he turned his head and froze.

In a moment, Zhai Xiaotuan was so excited that he almost jumped up, shouting again and again: "Oh my God! It's Teacher Jing Bao'er, oh my god, I'm so lucky to see myself!"

"Why can't my old Two-dimensional come here?"

Yang Yang turned back with a light smile and said, but when he saw Jing Baoer's outfit, he was dumbfounded.

The compatibility on the face is very light, on the head is wearing a golden yellow, very classic hairy king wig, and on the body is a maid outfit, and he is almost holding the sword of oath in his hand.

This outfit is quite amazing.

Where my king's sword points, where our hearts are directed!
Sure enough, Jing Baoer can be regarded as an old fool.

Feeling the admiration in Yang Yang's eyes, Jing Bao'er was quite happy in her heart, turned around in a circle, and asked with a smile: "How do you feel about my outfit?"

Yang Yang stretched out his thumb directly, and nodded his head to express his affirmation: "This is very nice!"

Zhai Xiaotuan also said with a hint of obsession: "This is not just Nass, it's Saber herself. Sister Jing Baoer is so pretty!"

Jing Baoer nodded friendly to Zhai Xiaotuan: "Thank you."

But in her opinion, Yang Yang's evaluation is the most important, but seeing her expression, this action, I feel a little satisfied in my heart.

Jing Baoer suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, you haven't answered my first question properly, why are you here?"

"I've said it all, I'm an old Two-dimensional."

Yang Yang shrugged and said.

"I don't believe it. You, a busy person, usually don't come here because of this kind of thing. There must be something hidden."

Jing Baoer immediately concluded that Yang Yang must have something to do here, and knowing some of Yang Yang's identity, it would not be so simple for him to come here today.

Zhai Xiaotuan hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Sister Bao'er, I'm reporting this little brother. I just found out that he came here with Mr. Zhu from Bili Bili, so his status must be unusual!"

"Well, the evidence is solid, what else do you want to say?"

Jing Baoer smiled softly.

"Okay, stop pretending, I have a showdown, in fact, I am the biggest shareholder hidden behind the scenes of Bee Lie, and I came here today just to guide the summer festival program."

Hearing what Yang Yang said, Zhai Xiaotuan's mouth opened into an "O shape", she was just guessing, but Yang Yang was even more surprised when he admitted it himself.

The biggest shareholder of Bee Lie is so young?
Jing Baoer looked at Yang Yang suspiciously, not because she didn't believe it, but because Yang Yang said it so easily, she always felt a little different.

Looking at Jing Baoer's eyes, Yang Yang couldn't help but said: "No, I've already said that, you don't believe me, do you?"

"Men's mouths are all deceitful ghosts. I believe your evil."

Jing Baoer snorted softly, but didn't stay on this topic for long.

After the two chatted briefly, Jing Baoer was about to leave, because it was her turn to be on the show.

Yang Yang was also interested, this was the first time he listened to Jing Baoer's singing up close.

When he heard that voice, the first word that came to Yang Yang's mind was: ethereal!
The singing voice is like penetrating the soul, transforming faintly, as if it is baptizing the soul, it is very beautiful.

It's no wonder that Jing Baoer's road is so smooth now, with such a wonderful, god-given voice, it's only a matter of time before she becomes a queen.

Rao even when the singing stopped, there was an intriguing feeling. After chewing carefully, the beautiful singing seemed to melt the soul.

Zhai Xiaotuan on the side has already fallen. Although he has colored contact lenses on his big eyes, he is still staring round. His expression is extremely cute.

The last tone of the song fell, and the singing slowly ended.

"Clap clap clap!"

However, when the singing fell, a series of applause broke out, and Jing Baoer on the stage looked at Yang Yang who was applauding alone, and a sweet smile appeared on his pretty face.

"Hmph, this guy still has a bit of eyesight."

Jing Baoer was extremely happy in her heart, although Yang Yang was the only one applauding in the audience, but to her, it was as if she had been praised by the whole world, and she was very happy in her heart.

"Wait, Jing Bao'er, it's just his applause. You don't have to be so happy. Your singing voice is so beautiful, you deserve applause. Why are you so happy?"

Rao Jing Baoer warned herself not to do this, but she couldn't stop the joy in her heart. She always felt that Yang Yang's applause was special to her.

Under the stage, with Yang Yang taking the lead, the people who were immersed in the singing also woke up and applauded generously.

The applause was like thunder, and it lasted for a minute. Yang Yang had an appreciative smile on his face.


Jing Baoer came out from the backstage, sat directly beside Yang Yang, said with a light smile, "Thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me? The idol I like is definitely not bad."

Yang Yang said with a smile.

Zhai Xiaotuan on the other side pouted and said, "Hey, little brother, you are a little prejudiced, why do you come to me as a straight man?"

"No, I'm not straight, absolutely not!"

"No, you are!"


"Yes! You are!"


In the end, it still ended with Zhai Xiaotuan's failure, not without him, mainly because of Yang Yang's firm appearance, Zhai Xiaotuan was so helpless that he didn't want to talk anymore.

Jing Bao'er covered her mouth and laughed, it was the first time she saw Yang Yang like this, it seemed quite interesting.

"Mr. Yang, Chairman Chen is here."

At this moment, Zhu Danhong walked behind Yang Yang and said softly.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Yang Yang replied.

Chen Rui, as the founder and chairman of Bilibeli, it’s okay if Yang Yang didn’t come, but since he’s here, I have to meet him before leaving.

Led by Zhu Danhong, Yang Yang finally got to know Chen Rui. He looked a little younger than in the photo, but his complexion was fair. He was only 40 years old, but there were not so many wrinkles on his face.

Looking at his face, he seems to be a kind middle-aged man.

"Hi, Mr. Yang, nice to meet you."

Seeing Yang Yang approaching, Chen Rui stretched out his right hand first, with a smile on his face.

Yang Yang also stretched out his right hand to shake hands with him, and said with a light smile, "I saw Mr. Chen on Du Niang before, but today I see him in person, and he is much younger than the information on Du Niang."

(End of this chapter)

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