Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 297 My Husband Is So Handsome

Chapter 297 My Husband Is So Handsome
As time went by, Yang Yang's Akali reached level 6 first, and Xiao Sima subconsciously retreated. This person was going to be reckless, and Yang Yang had a plan in mind.

After many times of head-to-head battles, Yang Yang narrowed his eyes.

But even though Xiao Sima guessed his thoughts, he was not as fast as Yang Yang!

Little Sima flashed back and stepped back, thinking about Akali's E skill all the time, but followed Yang Yang also flashed over, and even hit E with one shot, successfully marking it!

"Here, how did he predict my flashing position?"

Little Sima froze for a moment, this outburst really made him dumbfounded.

Fire Blood!

There is no surprise, Yang Yang used the perfect operation of the seamless connection, and the full amount of damage was directly placed on Yasuo, successfully killing Yasuo solo!

And Akali still has two-thirds of her HP, and the audience watching this operation were also dumbfounded.

The photographer is very professional, and at the critical moment, Yang Yang is on the screen, and what the big screen is watching is the scene where Akali kills Yasuo solo.

"Old Ma, you can do this, just come up and act?"

Saozhu PDD couldn't help laughing, and glanced at the somewhat bewildered little Sima, whose computer screen had already turned gray.

Little Sima's expression froze for a moment, and he said with a bitter face, "Can I say that I didn't act?"

"You also said that you didn't act, and you were single-killed in 6 minutes, your big move..."

Saozhu PDD was about to say something, but suddenly saw that Xiao Sima's level was only level 4 at this time, let alone the ultimate move, the level was suppressed for two episodes.

"I really didn't act, this Akali really has something."

Little Sima is a group of people who are feeling uncomfortable at this time. If he knew that the big boss in the mid laner is so skilled, why would he waste his start? No, what else would he choose?
Saozhu PDD clicked on Akali in disbelief, only to see that the number of last hits had reached 70!
Only 8 pawns are empty, darling, this is just a lot of skill in replenishing pawns!
At this time, Yang Yang in front of the computer was just a little indifferent, and a little bit dull.

It's just that Xiaohu beside him was dumbfounded.

"What kind of position is this, what is this last attack, this big boss said that he is a professional player, I believe it!"

According to the deployment of troops in the middle lane, 6 soldiers were killed in 78 minutes, while Yang Yang's 6 minutes of back damage was 70, and 8 were missed, and this was also missed when killing Yasuo. This kind of back knife technique, Definitely has the rank of king.

Looking at Yang Yang at the side, he still looks like the old god is there, killing Yasuo seems boring, but at this moment, Yang Yang was thinking about going back to continue to make up the knife, when a black shadow appeared on the edge of the grass on the left, pressing Then there was a flash of gold.


At this time, Saozhu PDD has become serious. He has known Xiao Sima for a long time, and he also knows that he will not tell lies in such matters. So, the big boss is really strong?

It's a pity that Yang Yang had already reacted the moment he came out of the grass and flashed.

Yang Yang squinted his eyes and stared at the screen in front of him. The spider approached the distance in an instant, but Yang Yang didn't hesitate. He played W [My Flow Profound Art·Xiazhen] on the spot, and Akali's figure was blocked by a circle of gray smoke.

However, with the Q skill in human form, the little spider has the ability to find targets by itself. Even though Akali's figure was covered by the smoke, she was still blown up by the little spider.

The AOE magic damage was dealt, Akali's blood bar dropped by one, and her own figure also appeared.

Saozhu PDD obviously knew that Chu Yun would use W to cover it up, but he was still blown out by the little spider. The E skill [cocooning] followed, intending to directly control Akali's body.

Spider is one of the heroes with the highest damage in the early stage. The E skill has control and stun. As long as it is controlled, the subsequent skills can keep up with the set, and it will definitely deal explosive damage.

And Saozhu PDD is still wearing a red BUFF, and the Q skill comes with burning, which can definitely take Akali.

Not only Saozhu PDD thinks so, but also many audiences in the audience. Being controlled by Spider E, Akali's blood volume is hard to escape.

"If you can leave alive, it will be a show."

"It's not a loss, Akali is not a loss, one life for another life, and also replaced the jungler's flash."

The audience originally thought of such a small idea, but Akali's actions in the next second made everyone in the audience shut their mouths.

I saw that the spider was like a face-to-face E skill, but it directly missed it. Even at this distance, the E skill was still empty, it was fake!

No, it can also be said with certainty that this E skill was avoided by Akali using the outrageous positioning of the special meow!
"you are dead!"

A cold light flashed in Yang Yang's eyes, he controlled Akali to move continuously, lit it up and hung it up, and hit him with a Q, and got back a mouthful of blood!

It was only three seconds, and Akali, who still had one-third of her health, stepped on the spider's corpse and left, and a loud sound came from the entire Summoner Canyon.


The audience off the court bit their tongues and were speechless, looking at the invincible figure on the screen dumbfounded, their faces were really hot and painful.

"Who can tell me what the hell is this wave of operations? The E who is close to the face can be avoided by walking, my god!"

Before he finished speaking, the spider died unexpectedly, and the extreme snakeskin movement was so beautiful that everyone's scalp was numb.

"This wave, 6's are flying!"

"Oh my god, my husband is so handsome!"

"Green tea bitch, look more clearly, is this your husband?"

"Nonsense, this has to be my husband, who is handsome, rich, and powerful!"

"Thank you, I was laughed at!"

Not to mention the audience, some anchors and up hosts off the field were dumbfounded at this moment, and they couldn't do this operation.

"It's... really awesome!"

The blind monk who came late and wanted to help a wave, but could only watch Akali's figure slowly return to the city, Xiaohu is really convinced now, if it is him, the ending of this wave can only be a change One, there is no other possibility.

The anchor team's Saozhu PDD stared at his gray screen with a dazed expression, hesitatingly unable to explain why.

Little Sima said quietly: "I didn't lie to you, this big boss really has something."

You tell me it's something?

Is this a bit?
This is a big one!
"Wow, Akali has two heads, this is very uncomfortable."

But what should be uncomfortable is that Teacher Dema and Akali have two heads, and they will be able to get a big hat when they go home the second time!

Yang Yang went back to the city to put on a disguise, and even bought a killing ring. The people in the audience were stunned by this operation...

Started, started, started pig farming operation!

The killing ring has been released, so I'm afraid it's time to start a pig farm.

However, Xiao Sima knew that his current level was too low, and now he was single-handedly suppressed by Akali by level 4, Ueno and Xia were only around level 7, but Yang Yang's Akali was already level 9.

Not to mention, Yasuo hasn't even reached level 6 yet.

(End of this chapter)

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