Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 34 It's time to fight for money

Chapter 34 It's time to fight for money

"What the hell? 40 rounds of super fire as soon as it comes up?"

"Aren't the four emperors on the opposite side fake? Only 40 rounds of super fire? Laughter to death!"

"Isn't it just forty rounds of super fire, Mr. Yang, you watch the show first, you don't need to go out, we will attack them one by one!"

"Yes, yes, I will send it first!"

"I gave it too!"

"Me too!"

Zhao Zhirou was a little happy as she watched the super rockets emitting golden light rising one by one.

Although she was not interested in this selection before.

But Yang Yang forcibly promoted him all the way, no matter how unwilling he was, he had no choice but to do so now.

Along the way, she has also gained a lot of fans. Half of those who are giving away super rockets have only recently followed her.

They all came to Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room to eat melons before, but were attracted by Zhao Zhirou's singing voice and appearance.

Soon, with everyone's efforts, Zhao Zhirou's wind and cloud value successfully surpassed little Timo's wind and cloud value.

But at this time, Zhao Zhirou still had to respond to what little Timo said when they met just now.

"Sister Timo, you are a big anchor, I'm the one who trembles when I pk with you, I'm just a small anchor."

Zhao Zhirou looked at the little Timo who was pretending to be pitiful, and resisted being speechless.

Sister Rourou?

Ha ha!

Zhao Zhirou is only 22 years old, and this little Timo is almost 30 years old.

This should be Zhao Zhirou calling little Timo her sister.

No matter how upset Zhao Zhirou is, she is broadcasting live right now, and everyone knows her every move. If this is torn up with little Timo, then tomorrow Weibo's trending searches will definitely be dominated by the two of them.

Therefore, Zhao Zhirou still endured it and continued to show a good mood.

Seeing that the fans in her live broadcast room are also buying gifts, Zhao Zhirou now throws away the previous feeling of being indifferent to the Fengyun anchor.

Now she is even more determined to compete for the 'No. [-] Fengyun Anchor'.

Because Zhao Zhirou doesn't want to let down the fans who have supported her to win the championship with all their strength. Now it's the night of the championship. If it doesn't matter if it goes on, it will cool the hearts of the fans.

In short, Zhao Zhirou has already made plans. After this event is over, she will use the money she got to distribute benefits to fans, such as giving away 100 Huawei P40 mobile phones, and drawing 999 lucky viewers, 1 per person. Lucky red packets.

Little Timo live broadcast room.

I saw that the fans in Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room were all swiping gifts, including airplanes and rockets, but compared with the gifts that the local tyrants swiped in Xiao Timo's live broadcast room, they were still a little less.

Even so, no one laughed at Zhao Zhirou, because everyone knew that the man hadn't made a move yet.

That is!
A vast ocean!
Because they all know that their Yang will not make a move easily, and he will only make a move when the opposite wind and cloud value reaches 200 million, that is, a total of 200 million RMB in gifts.

And with one shot, there are 1000 super fires, directly surpassing the opponent!

That's right!

Yang Yang is so arrogant, he either doesn't make a move, and if he makes a move, 1000 shots will be super hot and tell you to be a man!
That is 200 RMB!

It is equivalent to the sum of all the gifts on the opposite side!

At the same time, it also made those local tyrants hate him even more!
You know, in the past, when they made a super fire, they could make the dicks in the live broadcast room excited!

There are even some small anchors who are more straightforward!

But now, if you use a super fire, don't talk about that, it's not bad if you don't get ridiculed.

What is it to brush a super fire?
If you are capable, you are as awesome as Mr. Yang, just brush 1000!

Then the PK officially started, and because little Timo's situational value was temporarily leading, it was Zhao Zhirou who canvassed votes first.

But Zhao Zhirou didn't know how to solicit votes. After thinking about it, she decided to sing, it was no different from her usual live broadcast!
Sing along with a song.

Zhao Zhirou's canvassing session was over, and although Feng Yun's value had increased, it was not a lot, and it had only increased by tens of thousands.

Then it was Timo's turn to vote.

I saw her singing and acting cute, and she kept playing the emotional card!

It is crazy to ask the audience for gifts!
Although the behavior is a bit contemptible, the effect is still very good, and the wind and cloud value is getting higher and higher!

After about an hour, little Timo's wind and cloud value finally reached 200 million!
At this time, Zhao Zhirou's Fengyun value was only 20.

Ever since, a man in Shangpin's top mansion clicked on the gift page.

It's just that this man is not Yang Yang.


Wang Haitang!
That's right, it's Wang Haitang!

Originally, Yang Yang was really going to start tipping, but was stopped by Wang Haitang.

Because of what Wang Haitang said, Yang Yang is the main character and the highlight, so let his small role of 100 million come on stage first.

Otherwise, if Yang Yang tipped 1000 million first, it would have no effect if he took out the 100 million.

The purpose is to spend 100 million and let those trolls take a good look at me, Wang Haitang, who is not poor!
"Big Fish & Begonia presents super rocket*500 to anchor!"

While everyone was still brushing the airplane rockets one by one, Wang Haitang directly sent out 100 super rockets worth 500 million.

"Thank you brother Yu for the 500 rounds of super fire! Thank you fish for your support!"

Zhao Zhirou saw the large reward and quickly thanked her.

He is not familiar with this big fish and begonia, it seems that he just showed up recently.

But it's pretty rich.

I still remember that a few days ago this 'Big Fish and Begonia' sent 0.1 shark fin's 'Like' after sending out [-] super-hot shots, but was ruthlessly ridiculed by netizens.

And now, when Zhao Zhirou was more than 100 million behind Little Timo, he finally stood up again and directly rewarded 100 million, which meant that Zhao Zhirou's wind value increased by 100 million!

Immediately, the barrage became lively again.
"My giao! 500 shots are super hot! Which local tyrant is it, let me see, Brother Yu?!"

"Who said that brother Yu was poor? Come out and get beaten!"

"Thank you Brother Yu for coming to help!"

"Brother Yu is awesome!"

"With Brother Yu's help, we, Mr. Yang, can relax a bit."

Seeing these bullet screens, Wang Haitang put down his phone and looked at Yang Yang beside him.

Said: "Fuck, help? I can only help 100 million, Lao Yang, it's up to you next, I'm venting."

"pass it to me."

Yang Yang nodded confidently.

He is rich, and he wants to get Zhao Zhirou the title of 'No. [-] Fengyun Anchor'.

Besides, the sign-ins these days are all reward money!

At this time, with Wang Haitang's 100 million, Zhao Zhirou's popularity is only 200 away from Little Timo's 80 million.

Because of the difference of 80 wind and cloud points, those local tyrants in the live broadcast room of Little Timo lost their nervousness just now.

They thought it was Yang Yang who offered a reward, but it turned out to be a fake local tyrant who had never seen it before, and dared to fight for money with 100 million?
You know, these local tyrants, today everyone probably prepared 1000 million.

The reason is to fight for money with Yang Yang.

If you don't show off, I'm afraid you won't even know who the local tyrant is.

But now, Yang Yang followed his usual habits without haste.

(End of this chapter)

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