Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 37 Yang Yang is a trustee?

Chapter 37 Yang Yang is a trustee?

Because what they saw was exactly what the CFO said.

And the company has no suspicious transfer of [-] million records.

This means that the money for the gift from 'A Piece of Ocean' did not come from the company's account.

The director of operations looked at the records, and after a few seconds of contemplation, he looked up at the director of finance and said, "Can these recharge records be made public?"

He felt that as long as this record is made public, perhaps, most people can be more or less calmed down.

Now that the fire is imminent, if this problem is not solved, then he will not have to be the director of operations.

"No, the customer's privacy is stated in the account registration agreement, we can't disclose it."

The Chief Financial Officer shook his head decisively and passed the question of the Director of Operations.

If the recharge record of "A Piece of Wang Yang" is directly disclosed, if he sues Douyu about it, he will lose another sum of money.

Moreover, the top priority now is that it is not so important whether "A Vast Ocean" is supported or not, what is important is to calm those restless users.

"Well, I have the number of Wangyang, I'll ask him."

As Chen Duojie said, he got up, walked to the French window beside him, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number that he had only dialed once, then looked up at the scenery outside the window, but there was more sadness on his face.

He really couldn't figure out what the identity of this "a vast ocean" was?
How to treat money like dung!
Chen Duojie is now thinking of contacting Yang Yang first, and then discuss how to solve this matter.

Of course, his attitude must be good. After all, he doesn't want to offend a ruthless person who casually rewards more than [-] million.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Yang Yang's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Wang Yang, it's me, Boss Douyu, Chen Duojie."

Chen Duojie responded immediately.

But he really didn't think that a piece of Wang Yang would not remember him.

"Oh! I remembered, what's the matter?"

This is actually Yang Yang's phone call with Chen Duojie last time, there is no note, this Chen Duojie is calling now.

Yang Yang could figure it out just by thinking about it with his butt, it must be because of the local tyrant who said he was entrusted.

"Presumably you also know why I called you. Now that netizen is saying that you are our trustee, but we all know that you have always supported us. Every transaction is voluntary by you, not by us. Jiyu asked, so I thought..."

Chen Duojie said straight to the point.

"I understand, you want to disclose my recharge records, right?"

Yang Yang really understood what Chen Duojie meant in seconds.

Otherwise, why would you call him if you're full and have nothing to do? It's just because of this.

"You are indeed a man of God. I can't hide anything from you. I wonder if we can make it public?"

Chen Duojie asked.

He feels that as long as Pian Wang Yang agrees to make it public, then half of the matter will be solved, with regular and normal recharge, plus the flow of the company's account.

Adding all these up, you can stop those people's mouths.

Now I just don't know if 'A Piece of Ocean' agrees to make it public.

"Okay, let's make it public, that's all."

Yang Yang agreed and hung up the phone.

He felt that if those stupid local tyrants said that he was a trustee, then let them see what it means to be rich and self-willed.

If they don't slap them in the face, it might affect Zhao Zhirou in the future.

So, Yang Yang opened the text message, found the transaction records of the bank card, and took a few screenshots according to the recharge records.

Before sending the screenshot to Zhao Zhirou, Yang Yang still opened the photo editing software on his phone.

Mosaic some parts of this photo.

Afterwards, he returned to Weixin and sent the coded photos to Zhao Zhirou.

At the same time, Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room was full of bullet screens, most of which were ugly words such as greeting family members, and some were melon-eating and rhythmic.

"Go to your uncle's garbage anchor, and you are partnering with Douyu to collect money!"

"Your second aunt's foreign younger brother pretends to be a local tyrant!"

"There is a vast ocean of liars, what is it called a vast ocean, it is better to be called a piece of garbage!"

"Trash! This anchor actually asks for help, how shameless."

"I've seen it before, but it's the first time I've seen this kind of anchor, please ask, and Douyu pays the bill. See you in a long time!"

"You said, this anchor shouldn't have an affair with the top management of Douyu, right? Otherwise, how could Douyu pay her?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's possible!"

Facing these ugly barrages, Zhao Zhirou never said a word, just sat there quietly, occasionally picked up her phone to send Yang Yang authority, the expression on her face looked both aggrieved and stubborn.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yang's heart trembled.

"This silly girl"

Yang Yang was inexplicably moved.

She knew why Zhao Zhirou didn't speak, because Zhao Zhirou was afraid that if she accidentally talked at this time, it would have a bad influence on Yang Yang.

Therefore, she chose to remain silent.

"Are you all ready?"

Chen Duojie looked at the director of operations and asked how nervous he looked.

"Mr. Chen, everything is ready. After 1 minute, all online users will be forced to receive a pop-up window. In the pop-up window is a vast ocean of recharge records, and our company's account entry and exit records."

The director of operations responded.

Only in this way can everyone know this in a short time.

Of course, this is also temporary, and another press conference will be held tomorrow to explain this matter.

Sure enough, after 1 minute, all online users received this pop-up window.

"What the hell? What is the fish shaking?"

"Wait? This seems to be a vast ocean of recharge records from scammers?"

"Damn it! Every transaction is recharged by APP, there is no discount!"

"In that case, isn't a vast ocean a support?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Who knows if he earned the money himself, or if Douyu transferred it to him."

"Swipe to the right quickly, and there is another picture, which is the account entry and exit records of the Douyu company account!"

Everyone really stayed silent for a few seconds, because they all swipe right to see the second picture.


"Damn it! So how does Douyu earn so much every day?"

"The one in front, did you pay attention to the wrong place?"

"I just looked carefully, and I don't seem to see any suspicious transfer records."

"Then it seems that Douyu's transfer of money to Pianwang Yang can also be passed."

"Wait, this doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility that Douyu's executives will transfer money to Pian Wang Yang."

"What brother said is absolutely true!"

Seeing this, Yang Yang shook his head helplessly and smiled.

Said: "It's really a group of Zaun pianists who don't have a brain."

"Old Yang, what are you going to do next, there is no recharge record on Douyufa."

Wang Haitang on the side was even more anxious than Yang Yang. When Chen Duojie called Yang Yang just now, he also came over to eavesdrop.

I thought that sending out the recharge records would solve this problem, but I didn't expect that everyone had such a big brain hole, and they were so good at talking!

"It's okay, I'll send a barrage to say something."

Yang Yang was very calm, and sent a barrage without haste.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Let me say a few words. I really don't trust you, or you can't spend enough money."

As soon as the barrage was sent, the result!

It was wiped out in less than a second, and no one saw it.

This is also reasonable. At this time, the bullet screens in Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room are spreading fast, and some of them are those who have opened nobles, and only those who have exclusive bullet screens can be seen by others.

As for Yang Yang's, I don't know where he was pushed, and he didn't even see a shadow.

"Fuck! Where are you playing?"

(End of this chapter)

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