Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 43 Meeting Ma Xiaoling Again

Chapter 43 Meeting Ma Xiaoling Again

Hearing what Wang Haitang said, Yang Yang kept staring at the girl on the left. He had really seen this face there.

This face looks quite like that police flower Ma Xiaoling, but I'm not sure.

"She's Xiao Ma! My giao, actually followed us!"

When Wang Haitang made it clear, Yang Yang immediately removed the uncertainty just now.

"Mama Xiaoling?"

Yang Yang stretched out his left hand towards Ma Xiaoling, waved it in front of her, and asked.

Although Yang Yang is now sure that this beauty is Ma Xiaoling, it's better to ask.


Ma Xiaoling took off the earphones and looked to the right.

Seeing Yang Yang's face, he was shocked and said in surprise, "It's you! No! It's you! Is it such a coincidence? What are you going to Wujiang City for?"

When Ma Xiaoling saw Yang Yang and Wang Haitang, the first thought in his heart was, don't these two want to steal something again?

Actually stole it on the plane, the business scope is quite wide.

However, if this idea was replaced by his previous intelligence, Ma Xiaoling would definitely question Yang Yang and Wang Haitang as soon as he came up.

And since Yang Yang improved Ma Xiaoling's intelligence a bit, he just passed with 60 points.

Now I can think differently, and I won’t handcuff people to the police station at every turn.

Besides, now that Yang Yang and Wang Haitang are going to Wujiang City in the first class, there is nothing suspicious about them.

Ma Xiaoling will not go to torture people as soon as he comes up.

"Yeah, let's talk about some business."

Yang Yang said lightly.

This scared Wang Haitang beside him.

"What the hell? Old Yang, aren't we going to have fun? How did it turn into a business discussion? If it's not for fun, then I won't go."

"Is the stewardess there? Please ask the captain to turn around, I want to go back."

When Yang Yang heard this, he quickly covered Wang Haitang's mouth, and whispered, "Good guy, do you think the entire airspace and this plane belong to your family? If you want to turn around, you can turn around? Why don't you ask the captain to stop the plane first? You have to get off the plane here."

"Oh, yes, then please give me a parachute."

Wang Haitang looked up at the stewardess who was preparing the meal and said, but the voice was not loud, he was just joking with Yang Yang.

"You jump with a hammer, go down and land directly into a box."

After speaking, Yang Yang looked at Ma Xiaoling who was watching the play again, and said, "He forgot to take his medicine when he went out this morning, don't worry about it."

"It's okay, you continue."

Ma Xiaoling just kept eating melons and watching the show, after all, it was the first time for her to meet two big men so close.

As long as Yang Yang and Wang Haitang don't do anything illegal, she won't go after them.

after all.

Since Yang Yang was released on bail last time, Ma Xiaoling has investigated Yang Yang's identity.

But what you know is not right.

All I know is that he used to be a writer on the Yuewu novel website, and later became a eunuch.

Invest in a Dalongkan hot pot restaurant, and Chanel.

The current residence is the most upscale Shangpin community in Shenchuan City, which has a super luxury house with three floors connected.

Based on these materials, Ma Xiaoling could understand that Yang Yang is a rich man.

So much so that it's not sure if it's a dude.

Thinking about it carefully, I was really impulsive last time, how could I get caught without knowing everything?

It's really not online.

"how about you?"

Yang Yang asked.

He was quite curious about what Ma Xiaoling was doing in Wujiang City, and he was still flying first class, which was very strange.


Ma Xiaoling only said two words, obviously, there are some things that he can't say too straightforwardly.

And they are not familiar with Yang Yang.

Originally, he only wanted to be in economy class, but his father refused, so he had to arrange a private jet for her.

But Ma Xiaoling was also reluctant, why make such a high profile.

In the end, the two took a step back and took the first-class flight to Wujiang City.

(Foreshadowing, mark the key points, write it down, it will be tested in the future.)
Since Ma Xiaoling didn't make it clear, Yang Yang naturally stopped asking.

After all, what Ma Xiaoling was talking about was work, and her profession was a policeman. Of course, it was not easy for him to ask about these jobs.

So, Yang Yang stopped talking with Ma Xiaoling.

But there is one person who is not so honest, and that is Wang Haitang.

"Miss, you go to Wujiang City alone, isn't that too boring, why don't we come out to play after you finish your work?"

"Wujiang City has a lot of beautiful scenery and delicious food. You can just say what you want, and Lao Yang will pay for it."

Wang Haitang pointed to Yang Yang who had his eyes closed.

"Good guy!"

This statement made Yang Yang open his eyes suddenly.

Pick up girls and bring your own cash machine?

"No time, I'll go to Shenchuan City when I'm done."

Ma Xiaoling said coldly, obviously, she didn't want to talk to Wang Haitang anymore.

And, what she said was right, she came to Wujiang City this time because of that shitty incident.

As long as the task is completed, she will return to Fukagawa City.

"Oh, are you in such a hurry?"

"Can't you take some time out?"

"Why don't we go to Happy Valley again after returning to Shenchuan City?"

"Although I was very angry when you took me to drink tea last time, but now, it's nothing."

Wang Haitang really hated Ma Xiaoling before.

But now seeing Ma Xiaoling put down the original high ponytail, I feel really beautiful.

(Wang Haitang: Guys, I'm not trying to date her, I'm not interested in women cough cough, no, I'm not interested in Ma Xiaoling.)
"No need, go play with Yang Yang, I'm very busy, I'm tired, take a nap for a while."

After speaking, Ma Xiaoling put away the materials in his hands, put on the earphones, tilted his head, and pretended to rest.

And Yang Yang just kept eating melons in the front row. Seeing this, he reached out and grabbed Wang Haitang's hair.

He smiled and said, "Old Wang, please save yourself, it's just you? I'll introduce you later, and you absolutely like it."

Yang Yang said that the girl he introduced to Wang Haitang was naturally known by Yang Yang.

That is Zhao Zhirou's best friend, Ye Fei.

Ye Fei's looks are comparable to Zhao Zhirou's, she speaks nicely, and she's a talent, she really likes it and feels pretty good inside.

After all, the fat and water are not left to outsiders.

"Really? You said that!"

Wang Haitang was overjoyed and said.


Yang Yang nodded, so Wang Haitang sat down obediently.

And just when Wang Haitang calmed down, Yang Yang turned on the tablet that was only equipped with the first class cabin.

But just clicking on it is a pop-up news.

Before Yang Yang clicked on the upper right corner to delete, Yang Yang was attracted by the news in the pop-up window.

"Travelers going to Wujiang City, please take precautions. Recently, some netizens have reported that there seems to be a professional gang that specializes in extorting money, robbing, and stealing property from travelers coming to Wujiang City. It is recommended that you try to avoid one at night." When people go out, if they are in danger, please call the police in time for help.”

Watching this news, Yang Yang's heart was shocked, and he really admired this news in his heart.

Although the report was good, it had an impact on the tourism industry. With this incident, who would dare to come to Wujiang City so easily.

so to speak.
Yang Yang looked at Ma Xiaoling who was pretending to sleep.

He said in his heart: "It seems that she came here for this matter."

So, Yang Yang checked on the Internet about tomorrow's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.

Then, turn off the tablet.

Close your eyes and repose.

After all, I paid a little bit last night.

(End of this chapter)

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