Chapter 50 Attack
"Team Leader Ma, when I received the news, I was on the way here, and I wondered, could the gangsters here be the team we were looking for?"

That's what Chief Li guessed, otherwise he wouldn't have come to the scene of a simple kidnapping case in person.


Ma Xiaoling was taken aback, and after Director Li reminded him, Ma Xiaoling felt that this possibility really existed.

"The kidnapping cases in Wujiang City in recent days are almost all done by that team, so I think this possibility is really high."

Director Li expressed his own thoughts.

"What now?"

Ma Xiaoling asked.

She felt that if the gangsters inside were from the same group as that team, they should be extorting money now.

If this is the case, then their vigilance will be relatively lax at this time.

After all, the most nervous thing is when extorting money and waiting for money laundering.

Because at that time, the family members of the hostages may have called the police, and the police will come to the door at any time. They must maintain 100% energy and must not make mistakes.


Director Li thought for a long time, and after a series of inner struggles, he decided to attack by force.

He felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

Every second more, the safety of the hostages will be even more insecure.


As soon as Ma Xiaoling heard Director Li's decision, she immediately opposed it.

Then he said: "What if we choose to attack by force, anger the gangsters, and hurt the hostages? We will have to write a report at that time. I think the two guards at the dock can consider taking them down first."

Ma Xiaoling felt that instead of attacking by force, it would be better to kill them one by one secretly. Anyway, there are not many gangsters outside the warehouse, and there are only about ten of them.

At that time, the warehouse will be surrounded. If the gangsters still want to hurt the hostages, then don't blame the sniper for being ruthless.

"Oh, I really didn't think carefully about this point just now. Fortunately, Team Leader Ma reminded you, so let's do it as you said, Team Leader Ma."

Director Li really slapped himself, he didn't even think about this in order to catch the gangsters, he said, negligent of duty!
But he felt that Ma Xiaoling's suggestion just now was good, if it wasn't clear, then it would be dark.


Ma Xiaoling's eyes were fixed, and he nodded seriously.

So Director Li began to order this strategy.

Sure enough, a two-person action team sneaked close to the gate guard, and when Ma Xiaoling and Director Li watched the patrolling people with binoculars and did not see the gate, the action team quickly launched a surprise attack on the door.

"It's now!"

When Ma Xiaoling saw that the patrolling people had blind spots in their vision, he really gave the order.

Upon hearing this, the action team attacked decisively, went up and stretched out their palms, and hit the necks of the two guards so hard that the two guards passed out on the spot.

The action team didn't stop, but quickly dragged the guards to the side wall, laid down their clothes, changed them, and stood at the gate, pretending to be guards.

Fortunately, the lighting here is a bit dim, so I can't see the face clearly.

The patrolling people did look at the gate, but they still saw the backs of the two guards, so they didn't pay attention, and then went to patrol according to their own work.

Everything was safe and smooth, and the policeman posing as a guard secretly made an OK gesture in front of his chest.

"Start the next step."

Director Li issued the next order.

With an order, a large number of police officers approached the wall of the gate and climbed over the wall to enter the dock.

There are not many other things at the pier, but there are a lot of containers. Once these policemen enter the pier, they rely on the containers as a cover.

Whenever a patrolling person passed by in his own way, the police made a quick hand-slashing movement, directly knocked him unconscious and dragged him away.

Soon, all the real-name inspectors will be wiped out!

At the same time, a large number of policemen entered the dock and surrounded the warehouse, waiting for Director Li's order.

As for the man with the scar in the warehouse, they didn't know about the fact that they were facing the outside, because they had never gone out.

They can trust the brothers outside.

Every time work starts, these brothers will patrol outside each work site.

This time, they chose to work at the dock. These guys had already "discussed" the conditions with the person in charge of the dock, "borrowed" the dock for one night, and even made a small modification to a warehouse.

With them around, the man with the scar would naturally relax.

"Are you ready? Are you calling or not?"

The fat man held a mobile phone in front of Wang Haitang and signaled for Wang Haitang to call Wang Haitang's father quickly to ask for money.

Of course the fat man would not use Wang Haitang's cell phone to call. If Wang Haitang's father called the police, the police would locate the cell phone card and the game would be over.

Therefore, Fatty uses his team’s dedicated mobile phone, because the mobile phone card inside is disposable, and he has to throw it away after one call, so he doesn’t have to worry about being targeted.

"No, brother, I forgot my dad's mobile phone number, and there is no note, why don't you use my mobile phone to give us a prestige call."

In fact, Wang Haitang is pretending, and forgetting her phone number is all fake.

He wanted to use his mobile phone to call his dad, so that he might be able to locate him.

At first he really didn't want to tell his dad about it, but things are different now.

Seeing Fatty's ferocious expression, Wang Haitang was really afraid that Fatty would be unhappy, so he gave him a mace as soon as he came up.

This directly disfigures her face, so how can she flirt with girls in the future?
"You rebellious son! You even forgot your dad's mobile phone number! And you want me to use your mobile phone? Do you think I'm stupid? Please respect our profession, we are professional."

said the fat man.

Fatty naturally understands Wang Haitang's little thoughtfulness.

At this moment, when the man with the scar lying on the sofa drinking red wine was about to take a sip of red wine, the red wine glass burst open, and the red wine spilled directly on his clothes.

With this sprinkling, he suddenly became nervous.

Although drinking red wine with a mask is a bit difficult and weird.

But the red wine glass suddenly cracked at this time, and I always felt that something was wrong.

This feeling is really hard to say.

"I don't want the money, just leave the valuables on them, let's get them out quickly!"

The man with the scar thought about it for a while, and always felt an ominous premonition, so he asked the fat man to take some valuable things and withdraw.

As he said that, the man with the scar pushed the sofa away, and a boxy cover appeared in front of his eyes. It seemed that if the cover was lifted, there would be something under it, so I don't know for the time being.

"Ah? Why? Brother, you haven't even gotten the money yet."

The fat man couldn't understand why his elder brother said this suddenly.

Obviously, as long as you work harder, you can get the 500 million.

"Listen to me, it's okay to take off their clothes, and then quickly withdraw! Forget it, if you don't want anything, come over and withdraw together!"

The man with the scar angrily scolded the fat man.

This tone directly startled the fat man.

Because, the tone of the man with the scar was the first time he had heard the fat man treat him as his younger brother.

Unable to control so much, the fat man had no choice but to follow suit, and hurriedly ran to the scarred man.

At this time.

Yang Yang asked with a half-smile, "Oh? Brother, are you so fast? It's only a few seconds, and it's over before it even started?"

 Women's clothing... Ah bah, book friend skirt 777329932
(End of this chapter)

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