Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 70 Poem Recitation Evaluation

Chapter 70 Poem Recitation Evaluation
"Here he comes! He's here!"

"Boss Guan is about to start, watch in the front row!"

"I don't know what Boss Guan will use to show off next, and what good words he will use to not comment on Mr. Romank's wine."

"Wujiang Wine Tasting No.1 and Mr. Romank's wine are a perfect match."

At this time.

Guan Gu slowly opened his eyes, looked forward for a few seconds, and then turned his attention to Ma Xiaoling.

"Mr. Guan Gu, how is this wine?"

When Romank saw that Guan Gu's wine tasting was over, he couldn't wait to ask.

"It is indeed the top red wine of Mr. Romanck's winery. This wine has a strong aroma, high alcohol content, and a mellow taste. It has a hint of bitterness and mild taste buds. It has a feeling of first love."

Guan Gu then looked at Ma Xiaoling and said lyrically:
"She is a glass of refreshing wine, the fragrance has already penetrated into my bone marrow."

"She is a delicate and shy flower, and her charm will linger in my heart forever."

"She is an elegant and exquisite lamp, warm and cool my life."

"Romanco red wine, the love between you and me begins."

"I just want to enjoy the flowers of love with you, bathe in the lights of love, and sip the fine wine of love."

"Stay together for a lifetime, love for a lifetime."

Speaking of this, everyone present was intoxicated by Guan Gu's poem.

As if the protagonist is them.

Even if Guan Gu was reciting the poem in the fourth tone, they still thought it sounded good. This is the highest evaluation of red wine!
This made Guan Gu drink the red wine of Romank and feel like first love.

And Ma Xiaoling noticed that while Guan Gu was reciting poems, his eyes had been staring at her.

There is an unspeakable feeling in my heart.

I always feel that something is weird and a little awkward.

I thought: Big Brother Guan Gu is interested in me, right?No way?Am I thinking too much? He is my elder brother, although he is not his own.

After Romank stopped Guan Gu's poem, he nodded in relief.

This is the best comment he has ever heard after attending so many receptions.

In the past, those evaluations were all about the taste of red wine.

But Guan Gu is different, talking about a poem, a story, a memory of first love.

So ever.

Romank picked up the bottle of red wine that Guan Gu opened just now, and said: "Red wine is the blood of life. If you want to understand life, you must first find your own bottle of red wine."

"It lives for love, and it also dies for love, like a young woman with ever-changing personalities."

"Sometimes crazy, sometimes poetic, sometimes shy and charming."

"When she commemorates that seeming sadness, everything in life is fascinated by her otherworldly temperament."

This is what Romank said in reply to Guan Gu's poem just now. Of course, this Chinese is translated.

"Mr. Romank, your wine is really memorable."

Guan Gu smiled at Romank and said.

What he said just now was actually to drink the red wine and express it to Ma Xiaoling, to let her understand that he, Guan Gu, is interested in Ma Xiaoling.

Similarly, he also wanted to give Yang Yang a warning.

Ma Xiaoling, I belong to Guan Gu!
Although you are handsome, have a good figure, a nice voice, and long legs, but Ma Xiaoling is mine, I don't care!
As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause now.

"Clap clap clap!"

Everyone praised every word Guan Gu and Romank said just now.

It's not in vain to come to the reception tonight, as expected, it's not in vain!
"I'm really happy tonight. I think there is a piano now. How about I play a piece for everyone? Let's set off the atmosphere. Let's taste wine and listen to the music. Wouldn't it be great?"

Romank said.

So why did he say he wanted to play the piano? It wasn't because he saw a piano placed at the reception, and it happened that he could play the piano a little bit.

Just thinking about playing the piano, tasting red wine, and doing business with everyone, wouldn't it be beautiful.

"Eh? I've also heard that Mr. Romank has a hobby. He is drinking red wine and playing the piano next to the grape plantation here. The breeze is blowing, and the wine is fragrant."

Guan Gu clapped his hands and applauded.

At this point, he didn't really want to brag about Romank's awesomeness, but this was true.

The news is covered.

Just thinking, that's fine.

In this way, the reception will be even more lively.

Even if Romank plays the piano indiscriminately, Guan Gu will commercially praise Romank, saying that he plays well.

As long as you have a good relationship with Romank, you will have more and better contacts in business.

Then you can make more money.

As long as there is enough money, it will be easier to accomplish that.

"It's just superficial."

Romank said with a smile.

He is modest.

But in fact, Romanc has also won awards in the field of piano, and won No.1!

That's right, ten people from the entire winery participated in the small piano competition held by his Romank winery.

And he is the founder, right? Boss, who dares to compete with him for the first place?Isn't that killing you?

Take the first place with the boss, unless you don't want to do it anymore.

Therefore, Romank won No.1.

"Mr. Romank, you are too low-key, let's go, please play a song for everyone now."

Guan Gu stretched out his right hand, motioning for Romanke to go to the piano in the middle of the reception.

"Then... well, let's make a fool of yourself."

Romanke nodded, came to the piano, and gently flipped his clothes, sat on the chair steadily, raised his hands slightly, moved his fingers, and then slowly placed them on the black and white piano keys.

Seeing this, Yang Yang at the side felt a little ready to move.

I was delighted in my heart: Mom?piano?Don't I know?

Originally, Guan Gu stole the limelight, but Yang Yang felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Although nothing was lost, just now Guan Gu invited him to taste red wine, but he didn't know how to do it, which made everyone laugh at him.

It's impossible to pretend.

But it is different now.

Yang Yang's 'good at' piano appeared!
Ahem... Although the current piano playing skills are only at the first level, as long as the level is raised a little bit, it is not easy to be gorgeous, cool, and awesome.

Yang Yang: Readers, fathers, stand back, I'm going to pretend!

It just so happens that there are really many people here, trying to compete with Yang Yang?Four words: still tender!
In terms of strength, who am I, Yang Yang, afraid of?
If it weren't for my low profile, I would have disclosed my assets long ago.

Now in those big companies and big groups, Yang Yang is a special existence.

The original time was not like this. When everything was re-signed by Yang Yang Linyin, the world changed slightly.

That is, in those big groups, as long as Yang Yang has shares, then Yang Yang's identity is kept secret, just like a hidden boss.

So, while Romank was still preparing for the performance, Yang Yang had a hot chat with the lady of the check-in system.

Followed by.

When Romank started to play, everyone in the audience, including Guan Gu.

Everyone was shocked!

 The fox went to move bricks and cement.

  Request collection

  Ask for a recommendation ticket
  Ask for a reward, ask for a reward, ask for a reward
  Bricks are a little hot today.

  hum hum

(End of this chapter)

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