Chapter 78

After eating, the two walked out of this sand town snack with their full stomachs.

But as soon as they went out, the eyes of the two looked at the Industrial and Commercial Bank next to this Shazhen snack in unison.

Because at this time, a Wuling car was driving very fast, and a small drift stopped in front of the bank. As soon as the door opened, four people wearing black hoods and only showing their eyes and mouth got out of the car. man.

Yang Yang sighed, and said softly: "Why did you come to Wujiang these days and saw robbery after being kidnapped?"

He was kidnapped by the man with the scar on his first day in Wujiang City, but now he was robbed of a bank on the third day.

I really wonder if I'm running into bad luck.


"Damn, is it so exciting?"

"Lao Yang, let's hurry up and slip away."

"I don't want the new car I just got to have a few bullet holes."

Wang Haitang said in panic.

It's okay to say that they are all holding guns in their hands. If the guns go off and shoot at the body of the Pagani Fengshen Yazi just mentioned, it will be very distressing.

And it was sent by Yang Yang. Just after sending it, there was an extra bullet hole in the blink of an eye. This is not very good.

Therefore, Wang Haitang wanted to drive the car away before the robbers fired.

"Old Wang, you are cowardly."

Yang Yang smiled lightly.

"Fart, I'm not cowardly, I call it a temporary retreat strategically and catch him by surprise with a backhand."

Wang Haitang said seriously.

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense, that's fine, let's drive away first, but be careful, don't be discovered by them, after all, this car is quite valuable."

What Yang Yang meant was that if those people saw Wang Haitang looking at the Pagani Fengshen Yazi, they would shift their target and rob Wang Haitang.

After all, this Pagani Fengshen Yazi is the only one in the country, with a landing price of 3300 million!
Robbing this car is faster than robbing a bank.

"I know."

Wang Haitang nodded, and then tiptoed up, but Yang Yang was worried, so he followed Wang Haitang and walked to Pagani Fengshen Yazi with him.

"Shut up! Tell me to shoot your mouth again!"

Immediately, the boy didn't dare to cry out, and silently shed tears of grievance and fear.

Then, the leading man in the hood had already walked to the window, pointed the pistol in his hand at the park personnel inside the bulletproof glass, and put the backpack on his shoulder on the cabinet with his left hand.

He roared angrily: "Quick! Put the money in my bag quickly. If you dare to call the police, I will shoot you. Don't think that bulletproof glass can stop me. If I am not happy, I will kill everyone present. !"

As soon as this remark came out, the screams in the bank that had been forcibly quieted down suddenly resounded.


At this time, the man in the lead saw the hand of the bank worker in front of him sneaking down the table.

With a push of his eyeballs, he shouted, "Hey!What are you doing?Want to call the police?Believe it or not, I will shoot now? ! '

As soon as the voice fell, although the man's eyes did not leave the staff member, he held the gun in his right hand and pointed at the innocent civilians who were forced to squat in the corner.

"Brother, I don't have it, I don't."

Seeing that the man made such a move, the female staff immediately raised her hands to prove that she did not call the police.

But in fact, she really wanted to press the red button under the table just now, which is the alarm.

"You're smart, don't talk nonsense, pretend to be money!"

The man roared ferociously.

When the woman heard this, she couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of her eyes, and her hands were trembling, but what could be done, she still had to do what the man said, or her life would be lost, even Those ordinary people will also be threatened.

Seeing the bank staff stuffing the money, the four gangsters relaxed a bit, and even chatted.

One of them ranked third among the five of them.

(Including those who drive outside, there are five brothers in total.)
"Brother, it seems that today's job is easy. When the limelight comes, I must call four or five girls to the room to discuss life."

The third child said excitedly that although he was wearing a black hood now, his mouth was not covered, and his bright smile showed his white teeth.

It looks like black toothpaste.

"Third brother, now is not the time to relax. Brothers, keep an eye on these people and don't let them have the opportunity to call the police."

The boss said strictly.

This is not false at all, if there is a little carelessness, let these hostages secretly call the police, if the police come before they evacuate, then it will be over.

Stealing chickens will not lose rice.

Another point, the boss is also a little worried about whether the third child's body can resist.

Although this kid has been working out, calling four or five chicks at a time, isn't that killing him?
One day you have to die under a woman.

"Brother is right."

The third child nodded and said, then he focused on the hostage squatting on the ground in front of him.

"How about this, fourth brother, you go to the gate to watch the wind, and if you find anything wrong, report it to me immediately."

The boss ordered.

He saw that the group of hostages had been planned into a corner. Currently, the second and third children were watching. Basically, these hostages did not dare to act rashly.

Therefore, he asked the fourth child to go to the door to check to see if there were any passers-by who noticed something was wrong with the bank and went to call the police. If there were, they would evacuate immediately.

Although there is a fifth child outside the bank who is also watching in the car, it is also a good thing to have one more person watching.

"yes, Sir!"

The fourth child nodded and walked to the gate, but he didn't get close to the gate, about one meter away.

This is because if you stand too outside, people outside will see him at a glance.

Standing a little inside, the target is more or less not that big.

And when the fourth child approached the gate, his eyes looked outside.

His eyes widened suddenly, and his breathing was a little short.

Excitedly said: "Big brother! There's a lot of money out there, no no no, it's so cool to have a car!"

 The sun today is not as bright as yesterday.

  The fox had to move more bricks quickly while the bricks were not too hot to handle.

  I went to move bricks.

  Hurry up and give me the recommendation ticket!

  Foxes are so stubborn~
  Book friend skirt: 777329932

(End of this chapter)

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