Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 8 Reward 9999 Super Rockets

Chapter 8 Reward 9999 Super Rockets

know this

Yang Yang finally understood why everyone was cursing in rhythm.

According to the content on the bullet screen, it is not difficult to see that the Emperor Tang gave 1 million gifts in one minute.


The corners of Yang Yang's mouth could not help but rise.

Silently open the recharge screen of Douyu again.

Yang Yang knows that he only has more than 80 Shark Shark fins now, which is not a big deal at all.


Yang Yang went to top up the shark fin again. Since the maximum amount of each top up is 50, Yang Yang just practiced his hand speed and repeated it dozens of times.

At last.

3000 million recharge successfully!
For Yang Yang, who has 1000 billion in his bank card, 3000 million really doesn't make much sense.

There are so many group shares, so there is nothing to worry about, the time to fart can be earned back.

Just as Menghui Datang was proudly watching the audience in Xiaorourou's live broadcast room taking the rhythm.

Super rockets exuding golden light rose out of thin air at the bottom of the screen.

"A piece of ocean is given to anchor Super Rocket*9999."

"Thank you, brother Yang, for sending me the super fire?"

Seeing that it was a super rocket sent by Yang Yang, Zhao Zhirou in front of the camera immediately thanked her.

But as soon as she said this, she was dumbfounded.

This real estate manager with the ID "A Piece of Ocean" actually gave away 9999 super rockets!
This is equivalent to 2000 million!

In this way, Zhao Zhirou can get 1000 million!

At this time, Zhao Zhirou was already dumbfounded, wondering if this could be an error in the Douyu system?

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded again.

"Damn! What's going on tonight, my little heart can't take it!"

"Ten hundred thousand. 9999 super hot! 2000 million! Who is so rich?"

"A vast ocean!"

"Fuck! It's really a vast ocean! The ocean is awesome!!! (broken sound)."

"It's true that the upper limit of gifts for Douyu is 9999, but it's the first time I've seen 9999 super-hot ones at one time!"

"Thank you to my dad, thank you to my mom, for bringing me into this era, and for making me lucky to see local tyrants give away 9999 super hot!"

"This can apply for Guinness World Records."

Yang Yang's 2000 million worth of 9999 super-hot, directly increased the popularity of Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room by [-] million!
At the same time, there are also many curious viewers who saw this unprecedented barrage from other people's live broadcast room, and curiously came to Xiao Rourou's live broadcast room to eat melons.

Not only that.

And the major anchors also received this earth-shattering news, and they all ate melons.

The middle-aged is not too cold Rex: "Envy, 9999 super hot! This foreign boss is awesome, if you give me super hot, I will take you to the king, no! Go to glory! No, no, 101 star arrangements! "

Baby Xu Xu: "I'll set you a monkey! 2000 million local tyrants! I don't know if the local tyrants play with poisonous milk powder?"

Saozhu PDD: "Oh my mother! I only got 1000 million on the day it started broadcasting, and so many people gave it together. How could this Langmie give away 2000 million by himself? I don't know if Langmie plays the league or not. ?”

A big group OvO: "One-time reward of 2000 million! Wow! It's great! Very nice~"

Dumb Girl Big Overlord: "When will the rich brother come to my live broadcast room? I'll take you to eat chicken!"

With more than 2 million popularity, Xiaorourou directly made the live broadcast room top the game zone!

Not only that, the audience in each live broadcast room was attracted.

In just 2 minutes, Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room soared from the original 500 viewers to [-] million viewers!

Among them, there are also many emperors and other financial backers.

But they didn't give a lot of gifts like Yang Yang, they just gave a few super rockets.

Although they are rich, they are not as ruthless as Yang Yang, giving away 2000 million at a time. With such a high consumption, they still choose to bow down.

If you send too much, you will piss off the wolf of "a vast ocean", and if you want to fight for money.

If you don't fight hard, you will be ridiculed by netizens, and you will lose face at that time.

Therefore, every local tyrant chooses to eat melons.


It was because too many people came in at once that the Douyu server crashed.

Everyone dropped the line one after another, and every anchor on the entire platform was forced to download.

Some people wanted to re-enter the Douyu APP, but saw a pop-up message from the platform.

"Dear user, I'm sorry, because the platform server has crashed, and it is now being processed urgently. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Everyone can't log on to the platform, and the anchor can't broadcast live. If this is the case, then everyone should treat it as a holiday.

At this time, Douyu Company was too busy to uncover the pot.

Technicians expedited server issues.

The customer service handles issues such as complaints from users and some anchors.

Similarly, there is one person in the company who is very puzzled.

At this time, the name is Chen Duojie, the boss and founder of Douyu.

When he knew that a local tyrant with the ID "A Piece of Ocean" gave a medium-sized female anchor 9999 super rockets at one time, which caused the platform server to crash, he was very confused and very nervous.

The confusion is because why this piece of ocean gave 2000 million to the female anchor so boldly at one time?

Is money really so capricious?

Is the nervousness because the shark fin presented as a gift by Wang Yang is legally recharged, or was it created by exploiting a loophole?
If it was flashed out, then let the technicians quickly plug this loophole!

The consequences of all this are unimaginable!
Chen Duojie picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of the chief financial officer.

"Check what's wrong with this piece of Wangyang recharge."

"Yes! Mr. Chen!"

The chief financial officer on the other end of the phone responded immediately.

"Mr. Chen, I have found out that there is no problem with the recharge of this vast ocean. I used the app to recharge 100 yuan a year ago, and I just spent it. Then the next 100 million and 3000 million are regular recharges, no problem. .”

As soon as the chief financial officer got the investigation report from his employees, he immediately reported it to Chen Duojie.

"It's all regular recharges? It's strange that I recharged 100 yuan a year ago, and it has doubled 30 times tonight."

Chen Duojie is unbelievable.

He really didn't believe it if it wasn't the shark's fin that took advantage of the platform's loopholes.

"Mr. Chen, I guess this piece of ocean may have gotten rich overnight. Spending money is like going to the toilet, and it will cost a thousand miles."

The chief financial officer enviously said.

He also wants to experience the feeling of slumping, but it is not the slumping of the toilet, but the pleasure of money.

"That seems to be true. This possibility is very high. For this kind of nouveau riche, we have to have a good relationship with him."

Chen Duojie hung up the phone of the chief financial officer, and then called the chief operating officer.

Said: "Remember, don't seal this piece of Wangyang, but maintain our relationship with him, do you hear me?"


The Director of Operations responded quickly.

Indeed, he understood what Chen Duojie meant.

For a local tyrant who dares to send 9999 super rockets to a moderately popular female anchor at one time, he must maintain a good relationship with him.

As long as he keeps giving gifts, the company keeps making money.

In this way, not only will his account not be blocked because the server crashed because of his gifts, but he can use this to create a wave of hype, increase the popularity of Douyu's live broadcast, and earn more money.

After hanging up the phone with the director of operations, Chen Duojie clicked on the email from the director of finance.

He dialed the number in the email with his mobile phone.

And this number is none other than.

It was Yang Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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