Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 85 Are You Yang Yang? !

Chapter 85 Are You Yang Yang? !
Seeing Wang Haitang and Yang Yang looking up, the security guards and little girls couldn't understand what they were doing.

"Huh? What are they doing?"

"Could it be a nosebleed?"

"Impossible, it doesn't look like it, but the two of them are so handsome, they look so handsome!"

"full of overbearing CEO jio~"

"No, I don't think so, but I feel a bit like a little milk dog~"

"You two are almost done, don't be distracted, maybe they are testing us, stand up and stand up."

"Wait! Why do these two look so much like Yang Yang and Wang Haitang, who are the most searched on Weibo today?"


"Damn it! You really mean it when you say that!"

"Damn it, come to our Douyu headquarters during the hot search period, it seems that our Douyu can gain popularity."

So, the more Yang Yang and Wang Haitang looked up at the building above, the more upright these people stood, the straighter their waists.

You have to take good care of the popularity, standing in line to welcome can leave better material for the paparazzi.

However, these people guessed wrong. Today, there is no paparazzi following Yang Yang and the others.

Originally from the bank, there were indeed paparazzi following them.

But the cars of both sides are not at the same level. In less than a minute, Wang Haitang's Pagani Fengshen Yazi threw the paparazzi far away.

Therefore, these paparazzi naturally don't know where Yang Yang and the others are going.

At this time.

Wang Haitang lowered his head, saw that the two rows of people in front of the gate were standing neatly, and was shocked again.

"I'll go, Lao Yang, take a quick look, what are they doing standing here?"

"Why can everyone's waist be so straight?"

"Kidneys are great"

Wang Haitang pulled Yang Yang's clothes and said in surprise.


Yang Yang also looked down. To be honest, he was also frightened.

He was thinking, Chen Duojie knew that he would come to Douyu headquarters today, but there was no need to call so many people to greet him, right?
Oh god, don't they?

Thinking of the hot weather, Yang Yang gave Wang Haitang a quick pull and said, "It's hot outside, let's go in first."

"Oh good! There is air conditioning inside."

Wang Haitang smiled and followed Yang Yang forward.

When entering the gate, the people standing in two rows decisively bowed at ninety degrees.

And shouted in unison: "Welcome to visit the headquarters of Douyu!"

Yang Yang and Wang Haitang were collectively surprised, this seems to be the case, and the service is very good.


We're not here to eat.

When I came to the front desk, looking at the young girl at the front desk with thin skin, tender flesh and fair face, Wang Haitang started again.

"Hey, hello, little sister, you are so cute, why don't you add prestige and sleep together when you have time, bah, how about having a meal or watching a movie when you have time?"

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I, Wang Haitang, the old Wang's Wang next door, and the Begonia that is pressed by a pear tree."

"Meet for the first time, add prestige."

Seeing Wang Haitang talking, the whole person leaned against the front desk, talking with a playful smile.

The little girl at the front desk felt a trace of fear for no reason.

Why is this person like this?

Are all the top management of Douyu like this?

"Your old Wang, once he sees a good-looking little sister, he becomes a king of the sea. There are so many of them, and they don't talk to other little sisters at all, do they?"

Yang Yang patted Wang Haitang directly on the back of the head, but not hard.

"I'm sorry ha~"

Wang Haitang touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.


The little sister at the front desk smiled slightly, and this smile directly melted Wang Haitang's heart.

"Lao Yang, I want it."

Wang Haitang decisively approached Yang Yang's ear and whispered BB.

"No, you don't want to."

Yang Yang gave Wang Haitang a supercilious look, and let him experience it for himself.

"Ahhh, I'm hiccupping."

Wang Haitang circled on the side with a look of lovelessness.

At this time, Yang Yang looked at the little sister at the front desk, smiled slightly, and said, "Hello, we are looking for your boss, Chen Duojie."

"Oh! Okay! Yes, do you have an appointment?"

The little girl at the front desk came back to her senses and asked Yang Yang, this is normal, usually an appointment is required.

After all, Chen Duojie is very busy with his daily affairs.

At the same time, the girl at the front desk also recognized Yang Yang.

Just now she was still watching the trending topic on Weibo, and saw Yang Yang's photo, he was really handsome~
Now I see it with my own eyes, the real person is more handsome than the photo!

And asked in surprise: "You! You are Yang Yang?!"

"Yes, that's right, it's me."

Yang Yang nodded, feeling relieved: Sure enough, my damn charm.

"You are so handsome~"

The little sister at the front desk suddenly became nympho and forgot about work.

"Uh, let's go back to the topic just now. I have an appointment. You tell Chen Duojie that a vast ocean is coming."

"What? A vast ocean?!"

In one sentence, the little girl at the front desk came back to her senses from her nympho.

Because of the name "A Piece of Ocean", she had such a profound impact!
This is the man who brought down the Douyu server before.

This is the man who received gifts worth [-] million in the night of champions of the host of Shaking Fish!
When I saw him today, I never expected to be so handsome!
Also, he is an investor, so it's no wonder that he spends so much money. Spending money is like farting, irresponsible.

"Yes, let's go and notify first."

Yang Yang looked at the young girl at the front desk with that look, as if he had found a prey, reminding Yang Yang of the group of girls downstairs in the Shangpin Community in Shenchuan City, and immediately made a cold search.

So I asked the little girl at the front desk to inform Chen Duojie immediately. Yang Yang was really afraid that the little girl would do something amazing to him.

After all, he is so handsome.

"Okay, okay, wait a minute."

The tone of the girl at the front desk was softer, cute and shy, her voice was soul-stirring, so alluring.

And this made Wang Haitang, who was drawing a circle on the side, startled, and said: "I want to buy lemons, I eat lemons."

Yang Yang: "???"

Then, upstairs in the reception room.

Chen Duojie's female secretary rushed to open the door, adjusted her panting breath, and said, "Mr. Chen, he. He, he. He is here!"

"What? He finally came, okay, I'll come right away!"

Chen Duojie stood up excitedly, and said to Wu Dajing again: "Mr. Wu, I have something to excuse me first."

"Oh? Who is it? It actually made Mr. Chen so nervous?"

Wu Dajing asked curiously.

Chen Duojie's reaction really surprised Wu Dajing.

It was more exciting than seeing his dad.

It can only be said that the man that this graceful and charming female secretary said is an awesome person!
If that's the case, then we'll have to take a good look at who it is later, maybe we can pull in another wave of investment.

I have to pretend to be a little cute later.

"It's a man I dare not mess with."

(End of this chapter)

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