Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 90 Hot Search Eliminated

Chapter 90 Hot Search Eliminated

"Welcome Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang hasn't called a duck for a long time~"

Zhao Zhirou smiled happily, and at the same time showed her heart to the camera.

"What? Mr. Yang? Is the name wrong? Shouldn't it be husband?"

"Yes, yes, what is the name Mr. Yang, my dear, I suggest you call me husband directly, thank you."

"That's right, don't hide it, we all understand."


"The host's Bixin expression is so cute."

"What the hell are Mr. Yang busy with these days? I don't feel the energy of throwing money at the beginning."

"Are you stupid? Now sitting on the beauty, why spend money?"

"Stop! The wheels are rolling back and forth mercilessly in my face!"


Looking at these bullet screens, Yang Yang gradually smiled while lying on the bed.

Said: "These netizens, TM is more than a chicken thief."

And Zhao Zhirou didn't say anything when she saw these netizens in the live broadcast room driving their cars inexplicably, but she was very happy in her heart.

This time, Yang Yang didn't come in to take a look and run away like before.

When asked what he was doing, Yang Yang said he was beating the king.

But Zhao Zhirou didn't get angry because of it, man, what's wrong with playing a game!
"Ahem...everyone is driving indiscriminately, and the supervising officer will come to warn me later."

Seeing the increasing speed of netizens, Zhao Zhirou had no choice but to ask everyone to drive more calmly.

If it gets more and more violent, the real estate manager of Douyu will definitely warn him, and if he fails, the live broadcast room will be blocked and he will be rectified for a period of time.

But Zhao Zhirou also has a bottom line, super management will warn, but it should be impossible to seal the live broadcast room.

Because this morning Yang Yang told her through prestige that Chen Duojie invited him to visit Douyu.

Chen Duojie will definitely give Yang Yang face, so the closure of the live broadcast room will never happen.

But you also have to restrain yourself a little.

And right now.

A golden super rocket exuding a local aura rose into the sky.

A vast ocean was presented to the anchor Super Rocket × 9999!


"We have been slapped in the face as a group! Who said that Mr. Yang would not spend money just now?! Stand up and be beaten!"

"Boss Yang is amazing!!! (Broken sound)"

"It's another 9999 super hot, and another 2000 million. Mr. Yang's family runs a banknote printing factory, right?"

"I thought I knew the world of local tyrants very well, but I didn't expect that I didn't know anything about the world of local tyrants."

"Is Mr. Yang interested in coming to my live broadcast room to give gifts? I come to a live broadcast room that requires a password, you know."

"The big man upstairs who picks his feet, borrow one to talk."


The audience in Zhao Zhirou's live broadcast room was slapped in the face by Yang Yang again.

The 2000 million is nothing to Yang Yang, anyway, 1000 million will be given to his girlfriend Zhao Zhirou, and the remaining 1000 million will be drawn by Douyu, and he can get back 100 million.

But money is what Yang Yang lacks most now.

Afterwards, Zhao Zhirou sang and chatted with everyone in the live broadcast room, and it was another day after day.

Until the end of the broadcast, Zhao Zhirou immediately went to her mobile phone and sent a prestige message to a person whose name was "husband".

"When will you arrive tomorrow?"

Who else could this "husband" be besides Yang Yang?It is absolutely impossible to belong to the old Wang next door.

During the day, Zhao Zhirou heard Yang Yang explain that she would go back to Shenchuan City tomorrow, so she wanted to pick him up from the plane, then take him back to her dormitory, and prepare a good meal for them to cleanse the dust.

I also heard Yang Yang say that Wang Haitang is a good person, so he sent his best friend Ye Fei out by the way.

Ye Fei:? ? ?
Wang Haitang:? ? ?

"It should be around 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Yang Yang replied this sentence, and immediately added another sentence.

"Also, you don't need to pick up the plane tomorrow, you just stay at home obediently, it's sunny outside."

Although Zhao Zhirou didn't say that she would come to pick up the plane, Yang Yang felt that she wanted to pick up the plane after seeing the words Zhao Zhirou sent.

But Yang Yang had to say that Zhao Zhirou didn't have a car, so it would be inconvenient if he came to pick him up at the airport.

Just don't let her come.

"It's all known by you that I want to pick up the plane, that's fine, come to my house for dinner tomorrow night, and I will clean up the dust for you, by the way, you understand."

Seeing that Yang Yang refused to pick her up, Zhao Zhirou naturally listened to Yang Yang's words.

"Understood, I made clear arrangements for Old Wang."

Speaking of this, Yang Yang couldn't help but want to laugh.

It seems that Lao Wang's release from the order is just around the corner.

To tell the truth, Yang Yang really thinks that Ye Fei and Wang Haitang are quite suitable, they have similar personalities.

After that, the two casually chatted about other ambiguous topics, and then they exchanged voices, and they stopped talking.

Because, it is already twelve o'clock in the morning.

A new day has come, and it's time to sign in. Yang Yang decisively chose to sign in between Zhao Zhirou's check-in.

【Ding!Today is another happy and beautiful day. Will the host check in? 】

"Sign in."

Yang Yang said without hesitation.

Anyway, I have nothing to do now, and there is no young lady in my arms, and my little sister sits on her lap, so what can I do without signing in?
【Ding!The sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the hot search elimination card, which will automatically take effect after two hours. 】

Yang Yang:? ? ?
Little question marks, do you have many question marks?

"Hot Search Elimination Card? What the hell?"

Yang Yang was a little surprised by this 'Hot Search Elimination Card'.

Usually sign in is either shares or RMB, or other functions, but today is good, and the props are directly rewarded.

Hot search?

Could it be related to Weibo's hot search?
[Hot Search Elimination Card: It can help the host effectively eliminate hot topics related to the host on the hot search list of various software, including those websites. Once the hot search elimination card is obtained, it will automatically take effect. 】

"Damn it! Sister System, don't do this, I've only been on Weibo's hot topic for a day, and you eliminated it for me?"

When Yang Yang learned that two hours later, the trending searches on Weibo and other platform software would drop, and he felt like crying.

This is not a reward, this is clearly a punishment!
[All rewards are randomly selected according to the events encountered by the host, and have nothing to do with me~~~]

"Good guy! If you weren't virtual, if you were a real person, I would pinch your face to relieve my anger!"

【Not yet in human form.It will be fine in the future. 】


Yang Yang went on to say: "However, this hot search elimination card seems to be pretty good."

Yang Yang thought about it for a second, Weibo's trending search came down, which meant that others didn't know about Yang Yang.

In other words, you don't need to wear a mask in the future, and no one will recognize you on the street, you will only think this young man is really handsome.

No longer being chased by fans and followed by paparazzi.

It's good to be an ordinary person.

Therefore, Yang Yang now thinks that this 'Hot Search Elimination Card' is very good.

[Of course, it will take effect automatically after 1:58. After dawn, when the host walks on the street, no one will know that you are Yang Yang, and no one will know who Yang Yang is. Regarding yesterday's hot search on Weibo The topic will be forgotten. 】

"Blow Sting~"


When Yang Yang and Wang Haitang got on the plane back to Shenchuan City, they still encountered
 Tomorrow at 12 noon, Fox's book will be on the shelves.

  Please subscribe, your support is the motivation for me to persevere.

  Love you guys.

  Fox will work hard!

  Ten more tomorrow!

  Book friend skirt: 777329932
(End of this chapter)

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