Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1 Retaliation, Dog Man Beats Scumbag

Chapter 1 Retaliation, Dog Man Beats Scumbag
"First, come in and use the CPR machine without asking about the situation, reckless! Don't you know that heart patients can't use the CPR machine? What's the difference between this and killing people?
"Second, this girl just went into cardiac arrest, and you declared her dead, that's too hasty. If this girl dies, you are a murderer, not a quack doctor, but you still dare to call yourself an expert, shame on you!"

Ye Xiao crossed his arms and said coldly.

"Ye Xiao, I know you hate me and blame me for killing your woman, but you don't want to hurt me, her heart has stopped, her pupils have slackened, and she is medically dead. If you have the ability, you can save her!"

Liu Tao caught a glimpse of Mrs. Qin staring at him suspiciously, which made him terrified. He offended the Qin family, and he definitely didn't know how he died.

"Okay, but how about we make a bet!?"

Ye Xiao stared at Liu Tao and said quietly.

Liu Tao said in a deep voice, "What are you betting on?"

"If I wake him up, you have to slap Lin Ya ten times, and if I lose, you can do whatever you want!"

Ye Xiao sneered, staring at Lin Ya, which made the latter feel bad, and couldn't help saying, "Brother Tao, don't agree!"

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoya, her heart has stopped beating. He can't win!" Liu Tao calmed down softly, then stared at Ye Xiao and said, "You are dead.!"

The nurses and doctors in the hospital were extremely astonished when they heard the words. Is this stupid revenge by being over-stimulated and dizzy?
Isn't this courting death?

First of all, it is impossible for people to be saved.

Even if you are saved, if you let Liu Tao beat his woman, there will be no room for you in the city hospital.

And bet on Miss Qin's family, isn't this beard stroking?So stupid!

Mrs. Qin looked at Ye Xiao and Liu Tao coldly. If something happened to her daughter Qin Yan, these two people must be buried with her. Even if the Qin family died, they could not be ridiculed and turned into gambling tools.

Ye Xiao approached the hospital bed with a half-smile, pinched Qin Yan's chin with two fingers, and lowered her neck and abdomen, her movements were frivolous, without any shyness or politeness.

Everyone didn't dare to breathe when they saw this. Is this considered desecrating the corpse?The end was extremely miserable.

"If you want to save your daughter, shut up!"

Ye Xiao said impatiently.

Mrs. Qin was about to speak, but suddenly she was a little stunned by Ye Xiao's roar, and the anger in her eyes was ignited. Who in Haidong City would dare to talk to her like this!

But it didn't happen immediately either.

Five silver needles appeared in Ye Xiao's hands, which were inserted into the top of the head, shoulders, chest, and abdomen, three inches into the flesh.

Liu Tao sneered, thinking that a few needles could save him from waking up, so he was so whimsical, he must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

In the next moment, everyone's eyes widened, and they saw Ye Xiao's palms were flat and slowly moving upwards, his fingers trembled, and the five silver needles trembled along with it.

The rhythm direction is exactly the same, as if the piano prince is playing, it is wonderful.

3 minute later.

Ye Xiao put his finger on Qin Yan's forehead and roared softly, "Wake up!"

next moment.

cough cough cough.
Qin Yan coughed violently and spit out white foam mixed with blood, but slowly opened her eyes, looking at everything in front of her in a little bewilderment.

"Oh my god, I really woke up. It turns out that Ye Xiao is also good at acupuncture and moxibustion. It's amazing!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine is really broad and profound, and people who have been judged dead can be revived. It really fulfills the old saying, bones grow muscles, and the dead turn back!"

"It's not just blind luck, it's definitely hard power. None of the professors of Chinese medicine in the hospital have this kind of means. Ye Xiao is really hiding it!"

The doctors and nurses in the hospital all looked at Ye Xiao in shock, as if they were meeting him for the first time, it was incredible.

"Yanzi, you woke up, you scared mom to death!"

Mrs. Qin wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, hugged Qin Yan and said excitedly.

"Mom, what's wrong with me!"

Qin Yan asked puzzledly.

Mrs. Qin glanced at Ye Xiao, and immediately explained the matter.

"Thank you!"

Qin Yan whispered.

"You're welcome, but according to the ancient saying, the grace of saving a life should be promised with your body!"

Ye Xiao stared at Qin Yan, sizing up wildly and unscrupulously, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth!


Qin Yan was stunned, this man is so handsome, how can he be so superficial and rascal!
Ye Xiao was not joking, this Qin Yan turned out to be the pure yin woman he had been looking for all along.

Definitely get her.

Immediately Ye Xiao put his eyes on Liu Tao, and said with a half-smile: "It's your turn to fulfill the bet!"

Liu Tao's complexion changed drastically, and he was caught in a dilemma. If Lin Ya slapped her, she would definitely hate her to death, but if she didn't, so many people couldn't afford to lose this person!

And Mrs. Qin is there too.

"Brother Tao, no!"

Lin Ya's complexion changed drastically, and Liu Tao slapped her in the face in public, which made him ashamed to stay in the city hospital.

"Xiaoya, I'm sorry, I will make it up to you!"

Before the words finished, Liu Tao's palm had already slapped him.

Lin Ya's left face was swollen, and she looked at Liu Tao with resentment, Ye Xiao!
I can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in, and I want to leave when I turn around!

Ye Xiao blocked Lin Ya, and said with a sneer, "I'd like to bet and admit defeat. The agreement is ten slaps, and there are still nine slaps to go. There are many people who testify, isn't it Mrs. Qin!"

"Yes, it's ten slaps, I'm willing to admit defeat!"

Mrs. Qin said lightly with flickering eyes.

He doesn't care about the betting, but since Ye Xiao rescued her daughter, let's save face!

Liu Tao was furious but did not dare to resist, and approached Lin Ya again.

"Ye Xiao, please let me go, I was wrong, I will break up with Liu Tao immediately!"

Lin Ya begged with a smile on her face, and said with tears in her eyes.

If he was slapped in front of so many people, he would be ashamed to stay here any longer!
"No need, I'm not a gentleman, I'll charge some interest today, and I'll make you dogs, men and women disgraced, and life would be worse than death!"

Ye Xiao said coldly, he would have killed him in his previous life!
Liu Tao's complexion was ugly, and his pupils were full of anger. This biao, who actually abandoned him in front of everyone, let him lose face, this is betrayal.

Immediately, he slapped nine times in a row with such great force that Lin Ya's face was so swollen that she could no longer see her eyes and nose, a typical pig's head.

Everyone stared blankly at Ye Xiao, is this still the submissive and timid Ye Xiao from before?



And mystery.

This kind of revenge method is absolutely perfect, hearty and hearty, you don't even have to watch it on TV.

Immediately, he secretly admired in his heart, a bitch should be punished like this.

After doing this, Lin Ya was completely ashamed to stay in the city hospital.

"You don't need to find unfounded reasons to fire me. I quit. When I come back again, I will let you all kneel in front of me!"

Ye Xiao stared at Liu Tao and said coldly!

Immediately, his eyes were on Qin Yan, his eyes flickered, "Qin Yan, right, we will meet again!"

Blinking at Qin Yan, she waved her hand and strode away.

Calm, unrestrained and confident!

Qin Yan stared curiously at Ye Xiao who was leaving, thinking in her heart that they would meet again.

Ye Xiao hailed a taxi and went straight home. Qin Yan's heart disease was congenital, her heart beat became chaotic, her arrhythmia became disordered, and she had reached the most dangerous time.

Even a heart transplant has a very low success rate.

It can only be cured with his Huihun Needle.

He will still fall ill for at most three days, and I will definitely look for him at that time.

After finally meeting a pure yin woman, how could she let it go, she would definitely eat it up and wipe her bones without vomiting.

(End of this chapter)

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