Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1024 Chapter Tianwu Domain

Chapter 1024 Returning to Tianwu Domain
The man in black had a very haughty attitude, his toes were high and his eyes were on the top of his head.

It is even more exaggerated than the previous masters of Tianwu domain.

Make the disciples of the Ye family dare not speak out.

He hurriedly presented the letter to Ye Yuanshan.

Although Ye Yuanshan was curious about the contents of the envelope, he didn't open it either.

Instead, wait for Ye Xiao to leave the gate and open it himself.

But he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Something big is going to happen.

Time passed little by little.

The pervasive medicinal fragrance is gradually weakening, which means that Ye Xiao's refining of Xuanhuang Dan is nearing completion, and at this time, the extremely eye-catching battle in Tianwu Domain is about to begin again.

Naturally, it was the battle between Zhamu and Duan Shuming, the ruthless sword.

Although it was still several days before the battle started, dense crowds of people had already gathered nearby, expressing their opinions.

Several ancient families and other families, or Ye Xiao's friends all went.

At the same time, Jamu also came with several companions.

The strength is also extremely powerful.

And on the third day, Ye Xiao finally came out.

The women couldn't help laughing at the embarrassed look, their hair was messed up, their faces were dirty, and their clothes were torn.

All the girls took pictures and kept them as evidence to ridicule Ye Xiao in the future.

Ye Xiao smiled and was in a good mood.

This time the refining of Xuanhuang Dan was unexpectedly smooth.

Although the oven was fried several times during the period.

But the success rate is still good.

up to the ninth floor.

A total of one thousand and six black and yellow pills were refined.

Pack the Xuanhuang Pill and Ye Xiao plans to take time to go to Haidong again and hand the Xuanhuang Pill to Liu Kui.

Shaking his head, he took a quick shower.

Ye Yuanshan hurried over.

Without saying anything, he handed the envelope to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao opened it, his expression unchanged, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, everything was within his expectation.

"Who is the letter from!"

Ye Yuanshan couldn't see the reason from Ye Xiao's expression, so he couldn't help asking.

"Sword League!"

Ye Xiao smiled.

"Sword League?" Ye Yuanshan was taken aback. He knew a little about the Sword League these days, looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Are they going to trouble you?"

Ye Xiao shook his head: "They dragged me into the gang!"

"Join in?"

Ye Yuanshan's expression was uncertain, and he immediately said in a deep voice: "It seems that the legend is true, but the Sword League will win over anyone who has achieved something in the way of swordsmanship. What is the purpose of this, and what are you going to do? Agree or reject? "

"Too lazy to bother!"

Ye Xiao smiled and said, no matter what kind of organization this sword alliance is, what is the purpose of pulling him into it.

He didn't even bother to pay attention.

Who will be afraid of who will block the water and cover the earth when the soldiers come.


He is Ye Xiao, he is the Saint of War, and can he be recruited by anyone?

After a pause, Ye Xiao continued: "I will return to Tianwu Domain in a few days!"

Ye Yuanshan nodded.

Mother Lin Wanyu personally cooked a large table of meals, all of which were Ye Xiao's favorite meals.

Ye Xiao is like a hungry wolf preying on it, which is called a fragrance.

It made Lin Wanyu laugh out loud.

At night, she seemed to understand that parting was imminent, and all the girls let go completely, which made Ye Xiao feel very satisfied and tired at the same time.

Early the next morning, Ye Xiao went to Haidong alone, and came to the Hades.

At this time, Liu Kui had already heard the news and was waiting for Ye Xiao. When he saw Ye Xiao, he hurriedly saluted.

Ye Xiao waved his hands and sat on the sofa and said in a low voice, "How is the matter going!"

"Master, I have already found 600 people, among which the killers from our Hades accounted for more than half, but there should be no problem in terms of loyalty!"

Liu Kui replied softly.

Ye Xiao nodded: "It's a good job, but I need at least 1000 people, no less!"

"I understand, I will hurry up!"

Liu Kui said.

"Well, this is a thousand pieces of Xuanhuang Dan, which contains powerful medicinal properties. Before taking it, the true energy in the body must be exhausted, and the body must be cast with elixir, and used together, otherwise it will be forced to explode. After taking it steadily, you can continue to absorb it, and basically you can be promoted to the eighth-level warrior within a year!" Ye Xiao said calmly: "However, the probability of going crazy is also very high, so we must be steady and not be too hasty!"

"Okay, I will tell those people these words verbatim, to minimize the risk of going crazy!"

Liu Kui stared at the densely packed golden pills in front of him, his eyes went straight.

These things are more precious than gold, priceless!

I couldn't help pinching one, put it on the tip of my nose and sniffed it, the rich spiritual energy almost drilled directly from the nose and pores.

The speed of infuriating movement has increased a lot.

"Okay, let's act according to my previous arrangement. You can only succeed and not fail. In addition, this is a green-level low-level exercise, Mingshui Jue, which is suitable for you to practice. It will gradually improve, and you can also enter the eighth-level martial artist, and even go further! "Ye Xiao took out a few pills and handed them to Liu Kui: "Take these pills when you break through, and they will get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Thank you master, I will do my best to get things done!"

Liu Kui was extremely excited and excited at this time, my God, the green-level exercises, and the elixir used for the breakthrough, all of these are rare treasures.

He didn't even dare to think about such a thing before.

Since following Ye Xiao, he has broken through from level [-] warrior to level [-] in just over a year, and even became the master of the Nether Palace.

Now he has obtained the green-level kung fu, breaking through to the eighth-level martial artist.

Oh my god, the eighth-level fighters are all peak powerhouses in the Tianwu domain.

The excited Liu Kui was fidgeting, and immediately made up his mind that he must do things for Ye Xiao well.

Ye Xiao repeatedly urged a few words and left.

He did not return to the capital.

Instead, they rushed directly to Tianwu Domain.

In the night, the stars twinkle in the vastness and depth, and meteors flash past from time to time, which is too beautiful to behold, but in Ye Xiao's eyes, there are only those few brightest stars.

That is the agreement between him and the girls.

Immediately, with a long roar, he jumped up and used the sword light flying technique to sweep towards the Hongchen Inn.

Like a blue shooting star.

At this time, several astronomy enthusiasts saw this scene, and suddenly opened their eyes wide. My God, the legend is true.

There really is Edgeworth flying.

I wanted to record a video as evidence, but it was too late.

Ye Xiao had already disappeared.

Tianwu Domain, Zhongzhou, Heartless Sea.

It is said to be a heartless sea, but it is actually just a small lake.

The surrounding area is full of purple radish, which grows winding and spiraling, commensurate with the emerald green lake water, and is extremely beautiful.

It's a very romantic and sad feeling.

It is a favorite place for men and women in love.

But ordinary people dare not come, because this is the place where Duan Shuming, the ruthless sword, practiced.

At this time, there were many people standing around the Heartless Sea.

There are two groups of people standing on the only two raised lands in the heartless sea.

The first group was of course Zhamu and three companions who rushed over from the North District to cheer.

The other group is headed by Wuqingjian Duan Shuming.

(End of this chapter)

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