Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1062 Absolutely Godless Transformation

Chapter 1062 Absolutely Godless Transformation
The whole Tiger City was extremely lively, and all the hotels and guesthouses were full.

They are all waiting for the start of the "Dragon Ranking" half a month later.

Although it seems a little early to come half a month in advance, it is actually not too early, because once the "Dragon Ranking" officially starts.

You have no place to eat or live.

Can only sleep on the street.

This is the most common scenario in previous years' games.

So it's all early.

As a result, the major hotels were also full early, many people cursed, and they still had to sleep on the street, and many people fought for a room.

Countless casualties!

But I have to say that the "Dragon List" in the North District is comparable to the "Grand Master List" in Zhongzhou

The gold content is even far beyond.

Some people even said that any one of the top [-] of the "Dragon Ranking" can sweep away all the geniuses when they come to Zhongzhou.

Even some elders will not be opponents.

Although this remark is hurtful and arrogant, it also has some truth.

This has been judged from Zhamu's last challenge to Zhongzhou.

Zhamu only ranked 23rd in the last "Dragon Ranking", not yet in the top [-].

But it has almost swept across the entire Zhongzhou, including many senior swordsmen.

If it wasn't for Ye Xiao's shot, I don't know what it would have been like.

It's not that there are no masters in Zhongzhou. If there were no masters, the North District would have been occupied by the North Region long ago.

The number of super masters in Zhongzhou exceeds that in the North District, but the number of middle-level masters is extremely scarce.

Few people from the younger generation can stand up.

Feeling a bit broken.

And this fault refers to the level between the two-star ninth-level warrior and the four-star ninth-level warrior.

On the streets of Hucheng, where people come and go side by side, a young man in white appeared. He had a thin face, sharp eyes, and exuded a compelling aura.

It feels like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed.

This person is absolutely godless.

He came straight to a hotel, which was run by humans.

"I want a room!"

Absolutely Wushen said in a low voice.

"You're really lucky. There's only one room left. Since you're human, I'll charge you the spirit stone at the original price!"

The boss glanced at Absolutely Wushen and said with a smile.

"Then thank you boss!"

Absolutely Wushen said in a low voice.

His eyes and expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, and even his facial muscles did not move when he spoke.

The boss muttered in a low voice: "What a strange person!"

But he didn't think it was too strange.

Over the years, he opened a hotel and met too many strange people.

"Boss, I want this room, and I will pay double the price!"

At this time, a brutal voice came.

The boss looked over, his complexion changed, and he exclaimed.

It was a man who spoke, tall and mighty, with fierce eyes, like a beast in the wild, breathtaking.

This is a Leopard.

Members of one of the twelve royal families in the northern district cannot be offended or provoked.

"Give it to you well, how dare you charge you double, no money, no money!"

The boss kept smiling, and kept winking at Jue Wushen, and said in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense, if you offend them, you will die. I will arrange a better room for you later!"

The boss is kind.

But Jue Wushen didn't appreciate it, as if he didn't see the hint from the boss, he turned around, looked at the man and said softly: "I came first to this room!"

"The one who came first is yours, kid. Don't look at what this place is. This is the North District, not your Zhongzhou. Even if it is in Zhongzhou, I am not afraid!" God's chest: "Do you know who you are talking to? Kneel down and apologize to me, or I won't spare you!"

"Master, don't get angry, it's his first time in the North District, and he doesn't know the rules, so please let him go!"

At this moment, the boss hurried up to intercede, blinked vigorously to make Jue Wushen's eyes brighter, and said something soft.

Absolutely Wushen glanced at the leopard man.

His eyes are like lightning, and he seems to be aggressive.

The leopard man was taken aback.

Immediately he was furious, he was actually frightened by the eyes of a human being, which was a great shame, and he yelled: "Boy, your grandpa Zhachun is angry, you go to die!"

After speaking, there was a tyrannical aura all over his body, and he was about to make a move.

Some other passers-by looked like they had nothing to do with themselves, and they folded their arms to watch the show, and their eyes were full of gloating and disdain.

In their view, this human being is doomed.

The boss can only shake his head in his heart, he has tried his best, and he is looking for death.

Only good people can do it to the end, help collect the corpse!
Hucheng's law enforcement team came over to take a look and didn't intend to intervene. If there was a dispute between the half-orcs, they would come forward to stop it.

Tiger City cannot fight.

But since it's a leopard tribe and a human being, it's unnecessary.

After all, the leopard family is also one of the royal family, so we should show some face.

Moreover, Zha Chun and the others also knew each other. He was one of the outstanding talents of the younger generation of the Leopard Clan.

Then you can't offend me.

At this moment, Zha Chun couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and swung his sandbag-sized fist over, as fast as lightning, as fierce as lightning, and as heavy as Mount Tai.

The space sank in an instant.

As soon as the master made a move, he knew whether there was one or not. Everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded. This Zhachun is really strong.

This time, I will definitely be able to rank in the "Dragon List"!

Jue Wushen growled, his originally calm body suddenly became restless.

The white robe clattered, and the sword of despair erupted in an instant. The pale sword energy permeated, and various negative emotions appeared one after another. Ghosts and wolves howled like hell on earth.


Zha Chun flew upside down for more than ten meters, and hit the wall heavily, spitting blood, looking at Jue Mo with horrified eyes.

The faces of the others were also full of horror. In the moment just now, they seemed to have experienced the despair of all beings before their own death.

This sword is too terrifying.

Immediately, the reaction took a breath, and without making a move, he wounded Zamu, who had the strength of the "Shenlong Bang", with the strength of the sword alone. This strength is too powerful.

Is that human being?
Are there so many geniuses in the human race?

Some human masters in the hotel who have a little understanding of Absolute God all have twinkling eyes. They all came from Zhongzhou to watch the "Dragon List".

When I came here, I also heard that Absolute Wushen was coming to the North District to challenge.

They are not optimistic.

After all, Jue Wushen had almost no ability to backhand against Zhamu back then.

But now Absolutely Wushen gave them the feeling that it was a different person, who was too powerful, and immediately wondered, what was the reason or what was the adventure.

It can make a person reborn in a short period of time.

"Who exactly are you?"

Zha Chun looked at Jue Wushen, and dared not meet his eyes. He still had lingering fears about his feelings just now, so he couldn't help asking.

"Since you are a member of the Leopard Clan, go back and tell Zhamu that I have no god to come. He decides the time and place, and I will wait for him at any time!"

Absolutely Wushen said in a low voice.

His road to challenge begins with Jamu!

(End of this chapter)

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