Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1070 Kill All

Chapter 1070 Kill All

When the saber energy was about to approach him, Ye Xiao took a step back with his left foot, his robe clanged, his true energy surged, and his two fingers clamped the blade like a sword.

Under the disbelieving and terrified eyes of the Great Elder of the Crab Clan, his two fingers galloped along the blade, and at the same time Ye Xiao also dodged close.

Blood flickered.

Some of them happened between lightning and flint.

Ye Xiao's two fingers had already left two blood holes on the right arm of the great elder of the Crab Clan who was holding the knife, and they continued to flow.

Although the treasure knife did not fall to the ground.

But it also fell down feebly.

"The response is good, I will run to the one who pierced your heart!"

Ye Xiao shook his head, looking very sorry.

The sound of gasping for breath sounded.

Everyone looked at Ye Xiao in horror.

Oh my god, he defeated the Great Elder of the Crab Clan with just one move with two fingers.

How is this possible.

Are you delusional?

how did you do that.

How strong is the strength.

Immediately everyone reacted.

Thinking of what Jing Haishi said just now, he finally understood.

Really can not kill.

The Great Elder of the Crab Clan looked at Ye Xiao in amazement, and couldn't help but ask, "Who are you? Who are you?"

Ye Xiao ignored the Great Crab Clan Elder.

Instead, he put his eyes on Jing Ze, and said with a soft smile: "Xiao Ze, today is your happy day, and it was going well, but I think that even if you become the head of the Jing clan, you will be in trouble in the future." They're all big, let's do this. I'll add some color to your big day!"

"What color, bro!"

Jing Ze didn't understand Ye Xiao's words, so he couldn't help asking.


Ye Xiao smiled softly, and his eyes flashed on the elders of the Crab Clan and the elders of the Shrimp Clan: "You can say your last words!"

"Boy, although you are strong, don't be too arrogant. There are so many of us who are afraid of you? And even if you can kill us, you will face the pursuit of dozens of races in the underwater world!"

The great elder of the shrimp clan thumped in his heart, but he couldn't be cowardly in face.

And he didn't believe that so many people could not beat a young man.

"Then try it!"

Ye Xiao said calmly, and immediately the Blood Drinking Sword appeared in the palm of his hand, he touched it lightly, and the crisp sword chant sounded, as if he felt the master's killing intent.

The blood-colored streamer on the blade of the Blood Drinking Sword kept flickering, as if fresh blood was flowing.

Nothing happened.

The temperature in the entire hall has dropped a lot.



Ye Xiao whispered, and immediately slashed out with a sword. The bloody sword energy was like a god of death harvesting life, and rushed towards the enemy.

Ah ah ah.
Just for a moment.

Six or seven masters of the affiliated group of the shrimp and crab clan were killed or injured, and they were all only eighth-level fighters, and they didn't even have the ability to resist dodge.

It's like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"kill him"

The great elder of the shrimp clan roared, he was frightened by Ye Xiao's ferocity to kill people at the first sight of a disagreement, and he was also frightened by Ye Xiao's strength.

He knew that the only way to kill Ye Xiao was in the first battle.

Only by oneself can we survive.

Hearing that although Ye Xiao was extremely terrified, he rushed over bravely.

Add in a group of five 60 people.

There are also various tricks, such as palm style, fist strength, sword light, and sword energy.
Together they form an offensive wave.

Extremely amazing.

Even with Ye Xiao's strength, he didn't dare to underestimate him, but he didn't intend to back down either. He hadn't been in the underwater world for long.

If that is not the case, will Jingze and Jingwen be in danger?

Right now, try to kill as many as possible, and stand up by the way.

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered. Although these people's combined attack power is strong, their moves are not compatible with each other. There are always loopholes and gaps between moves.

This is his opportunity and breakthrough.

Using the sword light flight technique to the limit, Ye Xiao was like a ghost, a sword light, shuttling among dozens of opponents.

The blood drinking sword kept slashing.

Harvesting life.

People keep falling down, blood keeps flowing
The elders of the crab clan and the elders of the shrimp clan became more and more frightened as they fought. Their attacks couldn't help Ye Xiao at all, they couldn't get close to them, and they might even attack their own people if they didn't pay attention.

To them, Ye Xiao was just a loach.

Very cunning.

The two looked at each other and saw the retreat in each other's eyes. If the fight continued, it would be difficult for them to leave today.

They all let out a low growl at the same time.

Unleashed his strongest trick.

Then no matter what the result is, they all withdraw.

want to escape.

But how could Ye Xiao let him go if he was already determined to kill him? If he insisted on fighting, he might be able to live for a few more minutes.

This is how to retreat without a fight.

Can only die faster.

swish swish
The ruthless sword light is like the moonlight in the dark night suddenly exploded, crossing all directions and criss-crossing.

The rest of the dozen or so people were all beheaded, and some were even cut in half, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Even though the Great Elder of the Crab Clan and the Great Elder of the Shrimp Clan were far away, they were still affected.

Several sword marks were cut all over his body.

Holding on to the wall and panting heavily, resisting the pain in his body, he looked at Ye Xiao with a horrified gaze.

At this time, the ups and downs of the whale clan were also stunned.

They have seen Ye Xiao's strength, and they are already prepared.

But seeing the situation in front of him was still taken aback.

Really strong.

So strong that I don't know how strong it is.

Ye Xiao held the Blood Drinking Sword and walked towards the Great Elder of the Crab Clan and the Great Elder of the Shrimp Clan step by step, making slight steps.

To the two of them, this sound was the sound of Death's death talisman.

It made them terrified.

"If you dare to kill me, our shrimp tribe will definitely not spare you, the patriarch will come and kill you!"

The Great Elder of the Shrimp Clan stammered and roared.

"That's right, no matter how strong you are, you can't face thousands of troops!"

The Great Elder of the Crab Clan also roared.

If they want to survive, they can only be deterred by racial strength.

"Stupid." Ye Xiao shook his head: "If I were you, I wouldn't say that, because I hate threats the most!"

Hearing this, the two were too scared to speak.

"Don't worry, I will face your so-called thousands of troops!"

Ye Xiao smiled lightly.

The two stared wide-eyed: "You think."

"Let's go!"

Ye Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense, and swiped his blood-drinking sword.

The elders of the shrimp tribe and the elders of the crab tribe both had a sword mark on their necks, and they fell to the ground with unwilling eyes, and they couldn't die anymore.

Withdraw the sword, sheath it, drink blood, and the sword disappears.

very quiet.

The top and bottom of the whale clan did not speak.

Looking at Ye Xiao, looking at the corpse lying on the ground, looking at the blood all over the ground, it's sticky to walk on.

The entire hall was filled with the smell of blood.

But red is everywhere.

"The ceremony can continue!"

Ye Xiao said softly.

'okay! '

The elders of the Whale Clan who were in charge of the ceremony quickly nodded in response as if they had just woken up from a dream.

There will be an update in a while!
(End of this chapter)

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