Chapter 1092

elephant city.

Weihu Restaurant.

This is a well-known hotel in the North District.

As long as there are enough spirit stones, you can eat whatever you want, even some powerful monster meat.

In addition, this is also the place with the most gossip in the North District.

Where are the treasures, what kind of actions does that family have, anyway, they are all kinds of things.

So many people come here.

It's just a big market.

Ye Xiao was among them.

He has lived in this Weihu restaurant for nearly a week,
During this week, he has hardly been out of the house, focusing on refining the sword essence.

Hard work pays off.

It was finally refined last night.

Turn all the true essence in the body into sword essence.

There is a big difference between true essence and sword essence.

The true essence is formed by the compression of true pressure, which is more pure and contains greater power.

The sword essence is a kind of power embodied and visualized by the secret method brought by the true essence through the Qinglian sword formula, and the two are almost the same in terms of purity.

But it can't be compared in terms of attack power.

Jianyuan's improvement of the power of swordsmanship is quite terrifying, and the cooperation is more appropriate.

Make a simple analogy.

True essence is crude oil that can be refined into gasoline and diesel.

Supply suitable vehicles for use respectively.

True Yuan can be refined into Dao Yuan, Dao Yuan, etc., but it is very difficult.

Only when the right oil is supplied to the right car can it realize its maximum potential.

Right now Jianyuan not only enhances the power of swordsmanship, but also continuously enhances the strength of the body, such benefits are self-evident.

As I said before, the breakthrough of Zhanlong Jue requires a strong body to carry it. If you can cultivate the Liuli Golden Body Jue to the level of a golden body.

That should be of great help in breaking through to the seventh floor.

All in all, Ye Xiao's current strength has reached the level of a four-star ninth-level warrior, and he is even capable of fighting against a five-star ninth-level warrior.

As long as the Shuojin Sword Soul is raised to the fourth rank.

Then he is the king among the ninth-level warriors.

Ye Xiao held the wine and tasted it, the wine was good, brewed from a lot of spiritual herbs, it was very strong, but too cold.

It needs to be boiled, it needs to be warmed.

It is comfortable to drink like this.

Ye Xiao looked calm and composed, completely ignoring the gazes and comments of the people around him.

He already knew that someone had gone to tip off the news.

Believe me, someone will come to make trouble soon.

And this is exactly what he expected.

His purpose of coming to the North District has not been fulfilled. While sweeping the North District, he also needs to understand the Sword League and investigate the Sword League.

As long as the time is right.

Then do it.

There was a sound of urgent footsteps, accompanied by the exclamation of the crowd, and Ye Xiao felt a strong will of martial arts pressing directly over him.

It is not easy to come.

As the footsteps approached and disappeared, Ye Xiao raised his head and squinted his eyes. The person who came was a man, tall, straight and mighty, exuding a compelling aura.

"The person who came is Shi Cang, the number one genius of the Elephant Clan. He just made a big splash on the "Shenlong List". He is very powerful!"

"Shicang is definitely coming. Although Ye Xiao is crazy and ruthless, his strength is unquestionable. I am afraid that everyone except Shicang from the Elephant Clan will come to give away their heads. This is the territory of the Elephant Clan, so there is no room for loss!"

"The good show is about to begin. Ye Xiao and Shicang will definitely have a wonderful match, but I think it will definitely be Shicang who wins!"

"That's natural. Shicang's strength is obvious to all. As for Ye Xiao, even though he wiped out the Niu Clan, judging from the many mummified corpses at the scene, maybe he was poisoned or used other despicable methods!"

Everyone commented and expressed their opinions one after another, and their voices were very loud, and there was no intention of hiding it at all.

Shi Cang looked at Ye Xiao, and said in a deep voice: "Ye Xiao, you have already been arrogant enough in the North District, let's go and fight with me outside the city, I will let you understand that the North District is not Zhongzhou, you have no right to be arrogant! "

Ye Xiao stared at Shicang, then looked at the hotel waiter and said, "Warm the wine for me, I'll be right back!"

After speaking, he looked at Shicang and smiled faintly.

Without saying a word, he strode out.

Shi Cang snorted coldly and followed out.

Naturally, the others followed, and soon they came to the outside of Xiangcheng.

Within a short time period.

The surrounding area is already full of people, and many people are coming after hearing the news.

Ye Xiao and Shicang stood a hundred meters apart in the air.

Shi Cang stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Go ahead, otherwise you won't even have a chance to attack!"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao smiled, smiling so confidently and contemptuously.

The laughing Shicang burst into flames.

He naturally knew what this smile meant. He stepped forward, and his martial arts will soared into the sky, it was so fierce and terrifying.

Then he punched down with both fists.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed. It felt like two big mountains came directly from the sky.

The aura of heaven and earth became jubilant.

The strong wind swept across Ye Xiao's black hair, fluttering his robes and clattering, his eyes contained an indescribable look, Shicang's strength was not weak.

Three-star nine-level martial artist level.

If he hadn't finished refining the sword essence, it might take some effort.

But not now.

Within the same level, he doesn't need to make much effort, and the weaker than him is only the instant kill.

With a thought, the sword essence in the body started to rotate like a powerful gear, and it rose to the sky with the extremely fierce sword momentum.

Directly disrupt Shicang's martial arts will.

Ye Xiao's handsome face looked plump and handsome, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, he pointed out with a finger, and the sword energy shot out.

The sword energy directly pierced through the strength of the fist, and then left a blood hole in Shi Cang's fist.

The aching Shi Cang held his fists and grinned in pain.

His face was extremely horrified.

Looking at Ye Xiao in disbelief.

The spectators also gasped, oh my god, Shicang was injured in one move.

And the sword hasn't been drawn yet.

How strong is this strength?

The audience was extremely quiet, eerily quiet.

Ye Xiao looked at Shi Cang and said calmly: "Admit defeat, you don't even have the qualifications to let me draw my sword!"

"Stop being arrogant!"

How could Shicang tolerate Ye Xiao's words, he directly used his natural skills, and his strength increased by six layers in an instant.

The crushed will of martial arts became terrifying again.

Then roared and rushed towards Ye Xiao again.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered and he didn't dodge. When the fist was about to get close to him, the unrivaled sword power spread out, and he heard a "chi".

The sword cover appeared to surround Ye Xiao and protect it.

The strength of the fist hit the sword cover, and the sword cover was dented at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It looked like it was about to break.

Hearing Ye Xiao growl, the sword cover quickly returned to its original shape, and the stone warehouse was blown away, and his fingers moved.

Two sword qi fell on Shi Cang.

Shicang screamed and hit the ground heavily.

The spectators were terrified, oh my god, Shi Cang's ability to use his natural skills had been improved, but his defeat was even worse, Ye Xiao didn't even make a move.

Ye Xiao shook his head, he was a little overwhelmed just now, the refining of the sword essence has increased the power of the sword cover, and it is already able to resist the attacks of three-star nine-level warriors.

But it is still a little bit reluctant to deal with the three-star ninth-level warriors who use innate skills.

But it will become more and more powerful in the future.

Shaking his head, Ye Xiao walked towards Weihu Restaurant.

Many spectators murmured and followed behind, Shi Cang left slowly with the support of the members of the Xiang clan, his eyes full of unwillingness.

I thought that after picking up a big bargain, by solving Ye Xiao, I would be able to increase my popularity and become a hero in the North District.

But now it seems.

Instead, he also became a joke.

Lost the face of the elephant clan.

Back at the hotel, Ye Xiao picked up the wine, took a sip, and said softly: "Not bad, the wine is still warm!"

The others all showed anger when they heard the words.

Too arrogant, too arrogant.

Doesn't the meaning of these words mean that Shicang was too weak and lost too quickly, even a glass of wine was not cold.

They all gritted their teeth but were helpless. With their strength against Ye Xiao, they simply had no ability to resist, and could only humiliate themselves.

There is something at home, I will make up for it!

(End of this chapter)

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