Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1143 Too miserable, take warning

Chapter 1143 Too miserable, take warning

At this time, the sky was gloomy and foggy, and many people gathered around and couldn't see the situation clearly.

The people who were a little closer all covered their mouths and ran out.

Then there's the big spitting.

Ye Xiao squeezed in, and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

There was indeed an accident.

And it was a one-sided accident.

The Yiliang car hit the stone pier.

But the scene was really miserable.

There was a lot of car debris scattered at the scene, as well as the badly dented body of the car.

A man's corpse flew tens of meters handsomely, his head was deformed, blood and brain were mixed together, lying everywhere.

But it's not the worst.

The worst thing was the pregnant co-pilot.

His head hit the instrument panel heavily, blood covered his face, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

Cover your stomach with your hands in a sitting protection action.

The child in the belly was squeezed out abruptly.

Yes, that's right, it was squeezed out.

The outline of the child can be vaguely seen.

The police and the nurses in the ambulance were also sighing, it was too miserable.

And the cause of the accident was also found out.

Man speeding and drunk driving.

Ye Xiao shook his head and walked back to the car, running the sword to dry the clothes in an instant.

"What's wrong?."

Seeing that Ye Xiao's complexion was not very good, Hu Xuerou couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Ye Xiao briefly explained the matter.

Hearing that the two girls were also silent, they immediately said softly: "Are you sure you are dead? Can you be saved?"

In other words, if you don't try it.

"My medical skills can revive people who are still alive, but they can't revive the dead." Ye Xiao shook his head and said, "It's just a pity for this child who hasn't seen the world yet. If he wants to resent, blame him His father, speeding and drinking, he killed his own child, my wife, if there is hell in this world, he should go!"

The two girls could only sigh, the driver was probably remorseful before he died.

But it was all too late.

The reason for inserting this paragraph is mainly to warn many book friends not to drink, drive, speed and do other dangerous things.

This is a real thing.

Happened just a while ago.

I hope everyone will take precautions and pay attention to safety.

Half an hour later, the scene was calmed down, and the blood was washed away by the rain.

People also dispersed.

The road became unobstructed again, Ye Xiao put aside his irritability, and immediately continued on the road.

After 10 minutes, I got off the highway. Hu Xuerou had already contacted her uncle Luo Jie before.

So as soon as I got off the highway, I saw someone waving on the side of the road.

Ye Xiao stopped the car and rolled down the window, only to see three Mercedes-Benz parked on the side of the road, and six or seven people standing there.

There are also a few bodyguards helping with umbrellas.

The one in the middle is a middle-aged man with a square face and a strong body, with the aura of being in a high position for a long time without anger and prestige.

It was Hu Xuerou's uncle, one of the big bosses in Suyang, Roger.

The bodyguards on this trip were all very puzzled, who was putting on such a big show and airs.

The chairman actually stood here to greet him in such a heavy rain.

Absolutely no one in Suyang City is qualified.

At first, I thought it was some big boss from other provinces, but when the car window opened, it turned out to be just a young man.

And still white hair.

But what was even more surprising was that Luo Jie broke free from their umbrellas, ran to the car window and said with a smile, "Young Master Ye, I'm Xuerou's uncle!"

"Don't be so alien, you are Xuerou's uncle and my uncle, you are an elder!"

Ye Xiao smiled slightly and said softly.

Luo Jie nodded, his eyes were full of admiration. Originally, in his opinion, such as Ye Xiao, the young master of the top family in China.

There are so many skills.

Should be very proud.

But now it seems that she is neither arrogant nor impetuous, gentle and elegant, and very generous.

"Uncle, let's talk about it when we go home. You are all wet. If you catch a cold, Auntie will feel bad!"

Hu Xueting showed a small head and smiled.

"Yeah, we're both going to starve to death, what if my aunt gets angry and doesn't cook for us!"

Hu Xuerou also smiled.

"You two girls are still so naughty, but you've grown up too, and the lecture went by so fast!" Luo Jie didn't go on too much, looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "In this way, I will lead the way, and you will follow behind." !"


Ye Xiao nodded.

Then Roger quickly returned to the Mercedes-Benz, started the car and left.

Ye Xiao followed behind without any pressure.

After half an hour like this, the car stopped in front of a huge manor.

Four security guards stood at the door.

It looks imposing.

Entering the manor unimpeded, Ye Xiao sized it up a little, not to mention that the manor is really big.

There are artificial lakes and rockeries inside.

It is simply a small scenic spot.

Immediately Ye Xiao was a little puzzled, the aura in this place is very strong, it is more than several times stronger than the outside world.

Although it can't keep up with the ancient martial arts families such as the Ye family and the Liu family.

But not much.

This makes some sense.

Neither Roger nor the Luo family are warriors, how could there be such a strong aura here.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered.

There are only two possibilities.

The first is that there is a spirit-gathering formation here, but he has observed it carefully and did not find it.

Second, there are treasures of heaven and earth here, which is why it attracts such a strong aura of heaven and earth.

However, no aura of heaven and earth was found.

Shake your head and ignore this matter for now, and study it slowly later.

Luo Jie brought Ye Xiao and Hu Xuerou to the living room, and ordered the kitchen to prepare and deliver the meal.

Greeting Ye Xiao to sit down, he took out another pack of exquisitely packaged boxes.

Hu Xueting smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, the Dahongpao you drink at our house is given by my uncle. One of his businesses is tea, but the best tea is drunk by our own people!"

"Good tea welcomes distinguished guests!"

Roger smiled, skillfully opened the package, and started making tea.

He is very particular about making tea, whether it is utensils or proficiency, he has a master's demeanor all over his body.

"When making tea, both temperature and water quality are very important. The former should not be too high or too low. The temperature of different types of tea is also different. As for the water, the most common is boiled water. In fact, the dew on the petals and the sap of the lotus flower are the most important. it's the best!"

Roger said while making tea: "And the best tea is the second time, the first time is to remove aerosol, the taste is slightly worse!"

While speaking, Roger had already made the tea.

After making a gesture of invitation, Ye Xiao was not polite, picked up a cup and sipped it carefully, nodded and praised: "Not bad, very fragrant, refreshing. But."

"Just what!"

Roger asked with a smile.

"It's just that this tea is not pure!" Ye Xiao looked at Luo Jie and said with a pun-filled smile: "Tea is born from the heart, if a person does not concentrate on making tea, the taste will naturally be much worse. And I can drink it too!

(End of this chapter)

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